

HER GOLDEN VOICE (Melting his cold heart) Elena Christian is a seventeen year old girl who came from a very poor family , actually a small family. She lives with her mom and aunty. Elena's biggest dream is to become a great singer. But it became a struggle and impossible to achieve due to her poor background. . .. Eden Yang is a twenty years old boy from a wealthy family. He is handsome, rich, a superstar and every girls dream. Eden was once a good hearted guy, caring and loving. But not until he lost his only lover which makes him to change completely out of human. He became cold and arrogant. Not only that, he give up on his own career. He is now a shadow of himself as he became less popular and his brother who is also a singer becomes more popular than him. Eden has lost all hope but not until Elena came into his life. Read the exciting drama as the two people meet each other. Will Elena be able to achieve her dream? Will Eden ever love again?

Star_Kyle · Teen
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31 Chs


Episode 12

"Go..od" Elena barely replied and pretend to continue reading her book when she is not even focus on what she is reading.

"Of course you are the only girl here, why wouldn't you be fine" Olivier smirked.

Elena tried hard to ignore him and focus on her book but it seems impossible for her.

"I see you got some big chest that is driving my two brothers crazy" Olivia laughed.

His laugh was supposed to be scary to Elena but somehow she find it cute.

And it was annoying.

"Hmm, I see you look so much like her, no wonder..."

"Back off Olivier and stop bulling her, you are no different than your brother" Axel chipped in, sitting beside Elena right hand side and stare at Olivier.

Elena didn't even try to breathe, seeing two stars sitting beside her. Although the other isn't popular anymore but he can make girls go crazy for him, just by looking at them.

"Oh! maybe because of chasing to much of girls had made you dumb that you can't differentiate between bully and having a conversation. 

Maybe you should check your dictionary for the word because me and Elena here was having a good talk before you bagged in here, right Elena?"

Elena almost curse Olivier for trying to involve her into their discussion.

"Stop trying to force her and leave her alone"

"Am not going anywhere Axel, am staying here"

"neither am I leaving"


It was break time .

Elena came out from the class, breathing very hard like someone who has done thousand jobs without getting a free period.

Elena noticed anyone who passes her, will look at her with mockery and envy.

"Hi Elena!" Emily appeared.

"Oh thank God you are here, I was about looking for you" Elena replied being happy.

"Elena I can't believe you sat beside Olivia today not only Olivier even Axel, that is unbelievable." Emily said, staring at Elena with disbelief in her eyes.

"Actually I didn't si..."

"Here! it is now trending!" Emily showed her phone at Elena face.

Hashtag dirtygirl.

dirtygirl sat with Olivier and Axel for the half school hours.

Not did she sat beside them, she was having a conversation with them.

Elena stop reading and look at Emily.

"Who is always posting this nonsense?"

"I don't know but Is now a trending hashtag."

Elena sighed.

"Am having a huge headache right now and I don't have time to talk about those things"

"Okay, will you like to join my team" Emily requested.

"Team? something like a group?"

"Yeah, there are lot of them in school, especially the popular and top ones like the Beauty queen, pinky style, sweet melody, drama queen and so on and so on...." Emily listed.

"What about them?" Elena asked.

"Beauty queen is kinda a makeup art or whatever which is Selina team"

"Selina's team?" Elena raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah, Selina is known as killer beauty, that's her nick name and her group is made of beautiful girls, that's one of the reasons the are popular"

"Okay, what about the others?"

"Pinky style are just rich girls that fashion in pink clothes and drives pink cars, especially the latest"

"Sweet melody are popular girls group that sing, just like a musical band the are unknown as the SWEET DREAMERS.

The are under the Wavers record which the popular superstar Olivier is in.

"Wavers record?" Elena asked.

"Yeah, before the separation of the HIGH FIVE, there was only one record label that was promoting them which is the Lexus city.

But now the are two, the Lexus city are now falling while the Wavers are raising" Emily signed.

"So Wavers are raising because the have Olivia while Lexus city record is falling because the still have the blue bird" Elena said.

"Yeah, exactly" Emily replied.

"Okay, so what the name of your group?" Elena asked.

"Falcon stars, we do both singing and drama"

"Okay "

"So you are in?" Emily asked staring at her.

"yeah " Elena replied.

"Thanks so much" Emily Thanked.

the were walking up the stairs when suddenly a group of girls blocked Emily and Elena way.

All the girls in the group was beautiful, especially the one in the middle who has the most Beautiful and stunning looks amongst all of them.

"Selina and her group are here" Emily whispered to Elena.

so this is Selina, indeed she is beautiful. Elena thought in her mind.

"So this is the bitch that is flying around Eden?" Selina asked staring at Elena.

"Yeah! a gold dagger!" one of the girls said.

"And also a thief" another girl added.

Selina looked at Elena with hatred.

"So after you got rejected by Eden, you decide to try your luck on Olivier and Axel with your stinky, dirty body.

You are really a shameless bitch."

"I don't know what you are talking about, maybe you should excuse me, I was going somewhere before appear out of nowhere to block my way " Elena replied

"You are not going anywhere "

suddenly Selina pushed Elena back.

Elena leg missed the staircase as her body began to fall.

Everything happened to fast that Emily couldn't react on time.

If Elena was to fall from the staircase, her body will seriously suffer an injury.

Just when Elena closed her eyes , she suddenly felt a hand wrapped around her waist.

She felt a cool breath caress h

er face.

She smelled a good sweet fragrance from the person body.

She opened her eyes and was shocked to see who saved her.



It was no other person than.....

























