

HER GOLDEN VOICE (Melting his cold heart) Elena Christian is a seventeen year old girl who came from a very poor family , actually a small family. She lives with her mom and aunty. Elena's biggest dream is to become a great singer. But it became a struggle and impossible to achieve due to her poor background. . .. Eden Yang is a twenty years old boy from a wealthy family. He is handsome, rich, a superstar and every girls dream. Eden was once a good hearted guy, caring and loving. But not until he lost his only lover which makes him to change completely out of human. He became cold and arrogant. Not only that, he give up on his own career. He is now a shadow of himself as he became less popular and his brother who is also a singer becomes more popular than him. Eden has lost all hope but not until Elena came into his life. Read the exciting drama as the two people meet each other. Will Elena be able to achieve her dream? Will Eden ever love again?

Star_Kyle · Teen
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31 Chs


Episode 24

"What's happening here?" Elena asked again.

 her voice a mix of confusion and concern, but her question lingered unanswered in the charged atmosphere.

Eden remained fixated on something on his desk, avoiding eye contact with Elena.

 Meanwhile, Axel walked over Elena, his phone screen displaying the viral content.

"Do you know any thing about this?" Axel asked seriously.

 Immediately Elena saw this , her heart sank as she recognized her culpability in the situation, realizing it wasn't Eden's fault.

"It's was my fault...." 

Axel's face contorted with a blend of anger and disappointment as he wordlessly pushed past Elena, striding out of the classroom.

 Misinterpreting Elena's action as a defense of Eden, he left without a second thought.

Driven by a surge of urgency and a pressing need to clarify, Elena hurried after Axel, calling out desperately, 

"Axel, wait!"

Elena, lost in her thoughts, hurriedly made her way through the school corridors, her eyes still moist from the encounter with Axel. In her haste, she accidentally collided with Emily, her close friend.

"Whoa, Elena, are you okay?" Emily asked, concern etched on her face as she steadied her friend.

"I'm sorry, Em, I didn't see you," Elena replied, wiping away a few tears that escaped her eyes.

Emily studied Elena's expression. 

"What's wrong? You look upset."

"Did you read the news?" Elena asked.

"Yeah, you and Eden" Emily said.

"See Emily, everything happened was a mistake, I did...."

"Don't worry about it Elena , am here for something else "

Surprisingly, Emily's demeanor quickly shifted, and her eyes sparkled with excitement

. "Hey, you won't believe what's happening! There's this school competition about to take place. It's a chance for us to show our skills, and I've been preparing for it!"

Elena's heart lightened a bit at Emily's enthusiasm. 

Even do she knew about it, she still pretend to figure it out more.

She isn't ready to tell Emily about her sighing into the Lexus city record label yet, it will come like a shock to her and might spoil the fun.

"That sounds amazing! What kind of competition is it?" Elena asked.

"It's a creative arts contest—painting, poetry, music, drama,you name it. I think it's the perfect distraction for you," Emily suggested, her eyes glinting with anticipation.

Elena smiled gratefully.

 "That does sound like a great way to take my mind off things for now." Elena said.

Even her mom condition too.

As they walked together, Emily continued to detail the competition, her enthusiasm infectious. Elena found herself drawn into the excitement, momentarily forgetting the weight of the situation with Axel.


In the heart of a bustling town lay Elena's school, a place that buzzed with the energy of learning and friendship.

 But that day, after the final bell rang and the building emptied, the usual cheer was replaced by an eerie silence

. Elena, a spirited and determined young girl, strolled along the familiar path home.

 Her footsteps echoed in the quiet streets, but her ease was shattered when she discerned three shadowy figures trailing her.

Initially dismissing it as mere coincidence, Elena quickened her pace. 

Yet, as the minutes passed, the presence of the three boys behind her remained steady, growing more insistent and closer.

 The street, usually alive with the rhythm of the neighborhood, now seemed devoid of life.

Fear coiled in Elena's stomach, urging her to glance behind, and what she saw sent shivers down her spine.

 The trio, their faces masked in shadows, mirrored her quickening steps. 

Without second thought, she broke into a sprint, her heart pounding in her chest, each breath a desperate plea for safety. 

But the boys, their footsteps thundering in pursuit, matched her every move, there were chasing her red hot.

Her mind raced with questions: 

Who were they?, and why were they after her?

 Panic and adrenaline fueled her flight, the world blurring in her peripheral vision. 

The winding streets became a labyrinth, her only goal to escape the ominous pursuit.

With every stride, the darkness seemed to envelop her, but a glimmer of determination pierced through. 

Despite her fear, Elena's resilience surged. She darted down alleys and side streets, her lungs burning, every corner turned an uncertain gamble.

As the chase continued, a resolve grew within her - she had to find a way to confront these unknown assailants and unveil the mystery behind their pursuit.

The night was closing in, casting long, foreboding shadows across the deserted streets.

The adrenaline that had propelled Elena's flight began to wane as her legs grew heavy. Her chest heaved, each breath a gasp for air.

 Despite her efforts, the boys closed the distance, their footsteps hammering against the silent pavement.

Within moments, they cornered her, their imposing figures casting menacing silhouettes in the dim light. 

Fear gripped Elena's throat as she struggled to find her voice, her eyes darting between the three darkened faces.

One of them, with a chilling calmness, stepped forward.

 "You shouldn't have run, Elena," his voice was a whisper, laced with a threatening edge that sent chills down her spine.

 "You know too much now. You've seen things you weren't supposed to see."

Elena's mind raced, trying to comprehend their cryptic words, searching for any semblance of understanding. 

Her pulse quickened as the gravity of the situation became starkly apparent.

"We can't let you leave here alive," another of the boys said, his tone devoid of emotion, almost mechanical in its delivery.

Panic surged within Elena, but she fought to maintain a semblance of composure.

 "I don't know anything, I swear! Please, just let me go," she pleaded, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and desperation.

The third boy, who had been silent until now, stepped closer, his face still veiled by the shadows. 

"We can't take that risk," he stated firmly.

 "You've seen our faces, you've witnessed what we're capable of."

Their words resonated with a chilling finality. Elena's mind raced, grappling with the harsh reality of her predicament. It was clear to her now that these individuals were entrenched in something dangerous, something far beyond her understanding.

With nowhere to run and her back against a cold, unforgiving wall, the chilling words echoed in the desolate street. 

The weight of their threat hung heavy in the air as the terrifying reality of her fate loomed ominously before her.

As tension reached its peak and the threat against Elena seemed insurmountable, a sudden interruption pierced the tense air.

 Eden, a figure appearing from the shadows, stepped forward.

 His voice held a firmness that brooked no argument, 

"Leave her be, or face the consequences." 

The sudden appreance of Eden, surprised Elena to the core as she stared at Eden with hope.