

HER GOLDEN VOICE (Melting his cold heart) Elena Christian is a seventeen year old girl who came from a very poor family , actually a small family. She lives with her mom and aunty. Elena's biggest dream is to become a great singer. But it became a struggle and impossible to achieve due to her poor background. . .. Eden Yang is a twenty years old boy from a wealthy family. He is handsome, rich, a superstar and every girls dream. Eden was once a good hearted guy, caring and loving. But not until he lost his only lover which makes him to change completely out of human. He became cold and arrogant. Not only that, he give up on his own career. He is now a shadow of himself as he became less popular and his brother who is also a singer becomes more popular than him. Eden has lost all hope but not until Elena came into his life. Read the exciting drama as the two people meet each other. Will Elena be able to achieve her dream? Will Eden ever love again?

Star_Kyle · Teen
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31 Chs


Episode 26 

As Elena approached Eden's face, his eyes suddenly opened.

"What are you doing?" he asked, making Elena flinch back. 

Eden looked at her, and she blushed, caught by her crush.

Eden stood up but quickly sat back down, wincing from pain in his side.

"Stay down, you're wounded," Elena said, attempting to calm him. 

"Stop! don't touch me" Eden yelled at her, insisting she shouldn't touch him.

Eden's mind raced as he recalled the events that led to his current predicament.

 It all began when he was driving home and noticed three boys trilling Elena.

 Despite a fleeting urge to mind his own business, the teachings of his grandpa Yang echoed in his mind, urging him to protect those in need.

He decided to follow the boys to see if they have any evil intentions towards Elena.

As he followed the boys, he noticed that the were now walking fast towards Elena.

 Before he could know what's happening,The boys, fueled by malicious intentions, were now chasing Elena. 

Shocked by the sudden turn of events, Eden couldn't stand idly by.

 Before he could fully comprehend the situation, they caught up to her, and their intentions escalated to the point of attempting to harm her.

Driven by a surge of protective instinct, Eden confronted the assailants, engaging in a physical altercation.

 Despite the odds, he managed to defeat them. The details of the confrontation were etched in his memory—the adrenaline, the urgency, and the determination to keep Elena safe.

Now, back in the present, Eden winced from the pain in his side, a stark reminder of the recent struggle.

 Elena, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and admiration as she looked at Eden.

. "Thanks for saving me" she said.

 Eden, still recovering, nodded, the weight of the recent events evident in his eyes.

"It was nothing," Eden replied, his voice strained. 

"I couldn't just stand by and let them hurt you."

Elena's eyes softened as she reached out to touch Eden's shoulder gently. 

"You risked your own safety for me. I can't thank you enough."

Eden winced at her touch, the pain intensifying.

 "Please, don't touch me. I'm still hurt."

Elena quickly withdrew her hand, concern evident on her face. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause you more pain."

Eden took a deep breath, trying to push away the discomfort.

 "It's not your fault. I just need some time to recover."

Elena nodded, understanding his need for space. 

"Take all the time you need. Just know that I'm grateful for what you did."

Despite his pain, a small smile tugged at the corner of Eden's lips but it disappeared almost immediately it came out. 

"I couldn't let anything happen to you. You have a voice that needs to be heard."

Elena's eyes widened, surprised by his statement. 

"My voice? What do you mean?"

Eden looked at her.

 "When I first heard you sing, it was like magic. Your voice has the power to touch people's hearts, to make them feel things they didn't know they could feel."

Elena blushed at his words, feeling a warmth spreading through her.

 "You really think so?"

Eden nodded, his gaze unwavering.

 "Absolutely. I believe in you, Elena. Your talent is extraordinary" 

Elena's heart fluttered at his words, a newfound confidence bubbling within her.

Although many people had say that to her but coming from Eden was something she never imagined, not even dreaming of it.

There were an awkward silence that filled the room.

Eden looked around the room uncertainly, feeling a mix of gratitude and discomfort. 

"Where am I?" Eden finally asked, breaking the silence that hung between them.

Elena smiled gently.

 "You're in my house, Eden. I brought you here after the incident."

Eden's eyes widened in surprise. 

"Your house? You didn't have to go through all this trouble for me."

Elena shook her head, her voice filled with concern

 "It's not trouble at all. I couldn't just leave you injured and alone. Besides, it's the least I can do after you saved me." Elena said

Eden's lips twitched into a small smile but it disappeared almost immediately it came out.

 "I couldn't let anything happen to you, Elena. But I don't want to impose. I should go home."

Elena's eyes filled with concern as she gently placed a hand on his arm.

 "It's late at night, Eden. It might not be safe for you to go out, especially if those boys are still lurking around. I insist, please stay here until you're fully recovered." She said.

Eden hesitated, his pride warring with his desire to keep Elena safe. Eventually, he nodded, accepting her offer. 

"Alright, I'll stay. But only until I'm well enough to leave."

Elena smiled, relieved by his decision. "Thank you, Eden. I promise I'll do everything I can to make you feel comfortable here."

As Eden settled into the room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. It was unfamiliar territory, being in someone else's home, especially someone he had developed feelings for.

He tried to push those thoughts aside, reminding himself of the importance of focusing on his recovery.

However, his discomfort lingered, and he couldn't ignore the fact that he didn't even have his phone with him. 

Eden turned to Elena, his voice hesitant.

 "Elena, do you know where my phone is? I need to contact my family and let them know I'm okay."

Elena's expression turned apologetic.

 "I'm sorry, Eden. You lost your phone during the fight. I couldn't find it afterward."

Eden sighed, feeling a pang of frustration. "I understand. It's just... I feel so disconnected without it."

Elena nodded sympathetically.

 "I would have lend you my phone if I had any" Elena replied.

"You don't have any phone?" Eden asked in surprise.

"Yeah" Elena chuckled being embarrassed.

"Okay "

"I will be back"

Elena left the room briefly and returned with a cup of coffee in her hand.

 She handed it to Eden, a small smile on her face. 

"I thought you might need this. It's just a small gesture to brighten your day."

Eden hesitated for a moment, his gaze meeting Elena's.

 He could see the genuine care and concern in her eyes, and it warmed his heart.

 "Thank you, Elena. That's very kind of you."

Taking a sip of the coffee, Eden felt a sense of comfort wash over him.

 It was a simple act, but it made him feel a little less alone in this unfamiliar setting.

 He found himself appreciating Elena's presence more and more,

realizing that she was not just a talented singer but also a genuinely caring person.

As they both sat in silence, sipping their drinks, the tension in the room began to ease.