
Her Forbidden Traits Of Love

[MATURE CONTENT] After she gave up her lifelong dream of becoming a medical doctor and married a man whose heart belonged to another woman, Caily was devastated when her husband accused her of having an affair and threw a divorce agreement in her face. She was insulted, humiliated, and called a gold digger who cheated on her billionaire husband. But unknown to them, Caily was framed by Mirabel Sinclair, the cunning woman who held Alex's heart and wanted him all to herself for selfish reasons. Caily pleaded for her husband's trust but instead, he threw her out of his house and into the cold streets of Crystal City without knowing that she was pregnant with his twins. With a shattered heart and a shameful reputation, Caily left the country. Six years later when she returned, Caily had risen to become an elite medical doctor and a beautiful mom to her twins. Her stunning pictures even made it to the tabloids as one of the most stunning and successful medical doctors in the country. When Alex found out that she had returned and when his eyes rested on her twins who had a striking resemblance to him, He felt an audacious regret and vowed to win back her heart. But would Caily ever forgive him? Would she take him back? Or would she move on from the past broken love and find happiness in someone else?

BibiRah · Urban
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71 Chs

Chapter 10

Seated on the couch with his head relaxing on the headrest of the couch, Alex was lost in deep thought.

A few days had passed since Grandpa's death and since Maid Rose got arrested by the police officers.

News about Maid Rose concerning the accusations against her have not been confirmed yet and they have not been updated by the police since the day they took her away.

But updates on what caused his grandpa's death had reached them. And it shattered him greatly to think that his grandfather might have indeed lost his life due to Maid Rose's carelessness.

Every single soul in the Thornefield family knew of Grandpa Thomas' allergy to diclofenac and Maid Rose was the only one to settle his accusations on, as she was the one in charge of caring for Grandpa Thomas' health.

He sighed deeply and was about to shut his eyes when his thoughts wandered off to Caily.

Where did she go?

Like he had promised himself to clear things up with her, Alex had returned to Nathan's apartment the next day but no one was around.

And neighbors of the house had said that they saw Nathan leaving with a woman in the early hours of the day.

He obviously left with Caily to somewhere,

But where?

It was eating him so deeply thinking about it.

He had a lot in his mind, it was almost making him lose his sanity.


Alex sat up when he heard the glass door slide open, he abruptly jerked up to his feet when his eyes rested on Scarlett.

"Hello, little brother. Long time no see," Scarlett beamed at him, going in for a hug to which Alex quickly shifted away from,

"Uh_ harsh. It's our first meetup in years, can't you at least act a little excited to see me?" Scarlett let out,

Alex frowned at her, "What are you here for? Who even let you inside my house?"

"This is my house too. My father moved in here with me when I was just six years old to be with your cheating mother!" Scarlett brawled,

"Don't even dare to start with that. My Mother did not cheat!" Alex dustup with a stance,

Scarlett scoffed loudly, she footed towards him,

"What do you know when you weren't even born then, I was just six years old but I witnessed everything. She freaking cheated on my father. And it breaks my heart that my poor papa died without knowing,"

"Even though! _ You better leave because you don't belong here and you don't deserve to be a part of the Thornefield family," Alex reverberated,

"That's not for you to decide, little bro. My father and I have long been included in the family register, And I stand that I deserve to have a share of Grandpa's assets. Has his will been read yet?" She concluded with a query,

Alex gawked at her, his eyelashes fluttering with disbelief, Grandpa was dead but all she cared about was his will! It felt just like how Caily had reprimanded him for worrying about his name being dragged into the mud when he had more serious issues to tend to.

"What is going on here?" Amelia stepped out, her brows furrowed together when her eyes rested on Scarlett.

"Hello sweet Mom, I'm back," Scarlett giggled.

"What do you want, bitch?!" Amelia spat,

"Ahh_ like mother like son," Scarlett groaned, "Well, I'm moving back in. Grandpa is gone now, someone has to take care of the company and business around here,"

"My son and I will take care of my father's company and business. We don't need your help," Amelia uttered,

Scarlett scoffed,

"I'm also your daughter, Mom,"

"You are not! I only loved your father, I never wanted you in the picture," Amelia released,

Scarlett emitted a sly smirk,

"That's really harsh of you to say, considering after what you did to my father,"

Amelia froze in her position,

"Just like how your son did to that poor girl, you forced my father to abandon his dreams and move in with you, only for you to cheat on him and kill him off,"

"Will you shut up!!" Amelia charged angrily,

"Yes, but just for now," Scarlett uttered, walking past both of them to head to her room,

"Can you believe that witch!" Amelia gasped, boring a hole through Scarlett's back as she walked off,

"So horrendous_ just like her father," Amelia muttered,

Alex remained silent, staring into space.

Just then, Mirabel walked in, a smile that was almost reaching her eyes crowned her face.

She had gone to meet Scarlett at her hotel and they came to the house together, but she decided to come in later after Scarlett.

"Hi, Mother. Are you alright?" She asked with a feigned worry,

Amelia, on seeing her, stretched out to hold her hands, "Oh, Sweetheart. I'm alright, we just have a little nuisance around,"

"Well don't be troubled about something so insignificant, Mother. The nuisance needs to be dealt with and eliminated. And I will definitely help you with that," Mirabel grinned,

Amelia and Alex exchanged glances before they gazed hard at her.



As they made their way to Heritage Hotel, the hotel Emily had directed them to, in a designated taxi, Nathan could not stop glancing worriedly at Caily. Her face was overly pale and it looked like she could collapse at any moment.

"You look tired, are you okay?" He softly asked,

Caily slowly turned to him, she gulped as if struggling to say something but instead, she subconsciously leaned towards Nathan; She collapsed.

With his eyes widened in shock, He tried to lift her up, but when he noticed that her body was burning hot, he yelled for the driver to take them to a hospital.

An hour later, Nathan sat restlessly on a tool beside the hospital bed Caily was sleeping on,

He quickly got up on his feet, when he saw a nurse heading toward them,

"Nurse, is she okay?" He queried, worriedly,

The nurse nodded with a smile,

"Congratulations sir, your wife is pregnant."