
Her dead mate

Alice opened the coffin and trailed kisses on his bony finger. Alice was an innocent naive teenager, until after the death of her boyfriend. In the quest to revenge his death, Alice realizes some truth that would change her life forever. She decides to bring her boyfriend back to life, and is made to pass through hell in order to achieve her aim. How far can she go to achieve her aim.

Stephanie_Asanya_7390 · Teen
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12 Chs

Eaten wolf

I tried brainstorming for any scientific explanation to the glowing color in his eyes.

''I would have allowed him to kill you, but for the sake if my Alpha'' the man said and released his hand from my neck, allowing me to pant slowly for my breath.

''I really believed that you humans had sense to know when to end a love story, but it seemed like you are an exception to that…''

''what do you mean by that?'' I thundered at the man, causing to him to let out a mocking exclamation sound.

''I'm scared'' he mockingly said while covering his mouth with his hand.

''I am surprised that your acclaimed lover boy who you believe is truthful to you has kept this part of him from you for years''

''Henry never hid anything from me'' I protested with so much confident.

''oh really! He did not hide anything from you, but you are in this situation'' he laughed then paced a bit forward and back to where I was chained.

''look around you, what are these creatures?''

''stop asking me foolish questions, and tell me why I am here and why you want the body of my boyfriend''

''I am getting there, bear with me'' he chuckled.

''I cant believe that I would need to tell you this story from the beginning'' he sigh.

''but oh well, how else can I gift you some hours to your death''

I refused to show the fear that crept into my mind, to show on my face. Hey actually intended on killing me.

''as I was saying'' he paused and gave a sign with his hand which caused the animals who where hung beside me to stop their whimpers.

''your boyfriend was and is still a threat to our pack…''

I had once heard the word ''pack'' before. I believed that it was when I was reading a children story book as a small girl about a wolf.

Pack had to do with wolves…

A group of wolves.

''your loving darling, was an offspring of a witch and a wolf. A combination that is a taboo in our pack. The worse part about this is that he is from a royal linage which caused him to be titled an Alpha in their useless pack. His title has been a curse in disguise to his life…''

''are you trying to say that my boyfriend is a wolf? please, stop the jokes'' I interrupted with a concluding mocking chuckle.

''young lady, it is your choice to believe me, either ways you will be dead before sun goes down today.'' replied me in a nonchalant tone as he shrugged his shoulders.

''as I was saying, before you interrupted, the full wolf breed pack, has been on a hunt on how to kill the alpha of that mixed breed pack, because of how much of a treat they can be to us…''

''what do you mean by that?'' I tried understanding what he was saying, but nothing was forth came. How could my innocent Henry be a threat to a pack of wolves.

''what is the use of giving you all the information, if you will be dead by this night'' the man laughed, while shaking his head in compliance to his laughter and making me to wonder what hilarious joke I had uttered.

''Jack, come here the secretary is in search of you.'' a female voice from the other end of the door yelled.

''so sad, it seems like I am needed by the secretary and I need to head out of here'' the man said while turning back wards.

''no! Don't go yet'' I yelled at the man, causing him to stop his movement.

He really could not just leave me with a half backed story, weather it was the truth or not, it was the only explanation I had gotten.

''I thought you did not believe me, why are you calling me back?'' he gave an slight frown.

''complete your story''

''I need to go, my secretary is my senior, but all I can tell you, that you need to know, even if it would not be of use to you, is that we need to burn Henry's body, in-order to prevent his reincarnation and to end his pack for good''

''why do I also need to die?'' I hurriedly asked, as the man was already holding the metallic door knob.

''you have seen who we are, you know us and our home, you were related to Henry, not just related, but you are his mate, which has also made you a threat to us. See…'' the man paused and faced me.

''we are not bad men, we are not even the villains in this story, Henry and his pack are the villains, we are only doing our job as the security agents, which is to protect our pack and eradicate every obstacle that may stand in the way of our growth, and as you know, Henry and every of his relatives have been and are threats to us.''

''what do you…'' I was about asking, but the man had already slammed the door and walked out of the room.

I tried gulping down all that the man had said, but it did not seem to make any sense to me.





What the freaking hell did he mean by all of that.

I had never seen Henry with a crown or a royal attair to show that he was from a royal family, talk-less of being a leader, he had never shown any sign that he was a wolf

Henry was not a wolf.

He could not be

He could have told me

But then.. Why did he ask me to find his body and protect it, what did he mean by that.My mind immediately raced back to some weeks before Henry had gotten missing.

Henry was naturally an introverted guy who loved staying indoors all day with his laptop completing one coding job or another.when we started dating, our first date was in his room, and then in the forest, then under the stars at the discovery park.

I had learnt that Henry loved the serene environment and as a result he took up strolling as a hobby.we would stroll under the stars through long distance.

I recalled asking him to leave his room after day of being locked up in it, and he told me that he was busy. When he had gone to use the toilet, I sat with his laptop and checked what project had kept him busy for days.

I searched for a recently saved coded document on his computer, but found none. I was shocked that there was really nothing serious that he was up to. His screen was opened up on an old project which he had taken me to the cinema on the completion of the project.

''what project are you up to bunny?'' I asked while massaging his shoulder that evening, I had not taken the topic seriously, but I had just asked out of curiosity to what could keep a man locked in for days.

''uhmm… its just a client that gave me a website to design, with a nearing deadline''

I immediately forgot about his reply as I had not taken it seriously, because why should ?

Henry could not lie to me.

Days later, Henry had still been locked in his room, I tried getting him to come on a stroll to my house or even step out of his room, but he had always had a way of lovingly declining my plea.

It was a week after I had succeeded in getting him out of his house with the plea to follow me down the street to get a pad for myself.

After I was done paying for the product, I did not see Henry behind me again .

I recalled asking if anyone had seen his whereabout, but no one gave a reasonable reply.

I had felt guilty for his kidnap for days but while thinking back at it on the chained wall, I deeply begun to wonder why he refused to eave his house.

Was their a solid reason behind his indoor act.

For weeks, I had tried to convince myself that I was not a fault for his kidnap, but at the moment, with what the man had just old me, I was assured that I was a fault.

I still could not believe he words of the man, but I still tried my best to pull the pieces together.

Henry refused going outdoor

The day he stepped out was the day he got kidnapped and was never found. It was strange, but then what if Henry had avoided leaving the house in-order to avoid getting caught by these men, and then I had forced him to follow me down the street, which caused him his life.

A tear dropped down from my eye.and then another.

And another.

In could feel my eyes growing hot with the tears that floated on my eye bag, waiting to be dropped.

I was Henry's real murdered.

I had caused his death.

If only I had only respected his decision of staying in his room, all of this would not have happened.

I heard the tilting sound of the door knob, which was followed by its creaking opening.

The first man that had tried to kill me, and the man that had saved me, stepped into the room and begun to walk briskly towards me.

The men seemed to be in a haste, as they did not glance at anybody but walked heads straight to the first wolf at the end of the wall.

The wolf had its hands and legs tied to the walk just like mine, but he seemed to be a plus sized creature, the space in which it occupied was large enough to fit in two wolves .

The men stood at each side of the wolf, and the wolf begun to struggled with the chains, in an attempt to run from the men on the wall. While still chained to the wall.

I wondered what they men where going to do with the wolf as they were both smiling at its miserable act.

In a cue to answer the question of my mind,the man that had almost strangled me, brought out a butcher knife from the side of his pocket.

I closed my eye, hoping that it was not my expectation that the men where about fulfilling

I heard the howling sound of the wolf, which was followed by the sound of a slice and the cold laughter of the men.

Slowly, I opened my eye and almost vomited from the visual I saw before me. the wolf that was once moving and chained to the wall, had his head chopped off and lying lifeless on the floor, with his body till chained to the wall.

The blood of the wolf was dripping from his neck, with the stains on the wall where his head was once placed.

The men who had murdered the wolf, where now squatted on the floor, licking the blood that seeped out from his dead body.the man that had tried to kill me, was now tearing off the ear of the wolf, and chewing it with so much intensity and vigor, the other man bent lower towards the head of the wolf, and chewed of a part that seemed to be the nose of the dead wolf. And into a half part of its face. At intervals, they licked the blood that leaked out from their mouth and gave themselves satisfactory smiles.