
Chapter 3

Annie hurriedly took Wendy to school and left to attend the elect meeting. The meeting was held in a big school, not too far from Wendy's school.

She looked at watch and sighed. She was late and wasn't sure how to enter the hall to avoid the gaze of some parents on her. Luckily, she saw two women who just arrived. She walked quickly amongst them into the hall.

Annie sat down at the far end of the hall alone. She didn't want any disturbance from any one.

Annie recognized someone from the front talking. It was Lady Vera, a wealthy yet arrogant woman. Lady Vera had gotten married to an old man who had two wives already. This made Annie feel disgusted anytime she was around her.

There were also three women sitted at the podium; Lady Monica, Mrs Wilfred and Lady Vera. They were the ones addressing the meeting today.

They were talking about fighting and bullying in schools. Annie felt her head spin the more people talked so she decided to rest her head a bit.

Twenty minutes later, Annie felt a hand touch her shoulder, she jolted up immediately which made a few parents look at her strangely. Annie turned and saw a young man smiling at her.

"My name is Daven, what is yours?" Daven asked smiling. Annie looked at him with a confused look on her face but she didn't bother to answer him.

She looked at the distance between them and saw it was too close, so she adjusted to the end of the seat. She didn't look at him again after that.

Thankfully, he stopped looking at her and also left the seat. Annie breathed a sigh of relief seeing him leave. The meeting continued till two in the afternoon and everyone was asked to leave.

Annie was about leaving when a young girl of about nineteen years came to her.

"Mrs. Wilfred asked for your presence." The young girl said and left. Annie felt she was possessed by a spirit.

She walked quickly to her so as not to be late. She knocked twice and when she heard the sound of a doorbell, she walked inside.

She met Mrs. Wilfred sitting on a chair while Lady Vera and Lady Monica stood beside her- One on each side.

"Please sit down." Mrs. Wilfred said.