
Her Cursed Eyes

Irene_Foxy · Fantasy
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4 Chs

New Friends

Many years past and she was now 15 years old as she walked down the halls of her new school she heard whispering from all directions and all the footsteps around her stopped she heard some of them say "What's up with her eyes" "Why is she wearing a mask" "Maybe her eyes are ugly or something" "Is she blind and doesn't want to show it" "It's a see through mask so she isn't blind" "Attention seeker". She felt disturbed as she could see all the people pointing at her and she thought "Looks like I'm going it's going to be the same as ever other school" because she had the same comment at her last 2 school as she walked to a person which looked like they where wsiting for her " Hello you must be the new student" said the girl "Yes I am" replied Bella

"I'm suppost to be your guide because the teachers are at a meeting" said the girl "And this is you schedule the Principle assigned to you"

Bella smilled and said "Ok thanks are we doing the tour now or later becauce time is running out"

The girl which had just been staring at her was aroused as she was thinking the girl would have been tude to her " oh yeah sorry let's go then"

After the tour both of the agreed they should meet up at the cafeteria then they went to class as Bella entered the class room there wasn't a teacher there so the class was really noisy but when she walked in the class became quite but they immediately started talking again while some of their topic was on her while the others didn't care.

She walked to girl which looked like a tomboy and asked "Hello is this seat taken"

And the girls immediate reply was "maybe yes and maybe not, I don't care, pls leave as soon as possible" then Bella walked away noticing she wasn't wanted and she went to a group of girls and asked them the same thing and the girl who looked like their leader replied "yes now pls leave where busy here" then she left and went to the last seat which was free and asked boy which looked obvious he was faking to be sleeping and asked him "If she could seat there" the boy stayed in that position for a few seconds and as she was about to leave the boy looked up and said "your free to seat if you want to for a few days the owner isn't going to be back for some time" She replied "Thanks" in a happy voice and the boy blused but the girl didn't notice.

The teachers didn't come until third period that's when she introduced herself "My name is Bella I'm 15 years old i came from **** highschool, I hope we can be friends"

During lunch break Bella and the tour guide meet and chatted for a while then She realized they didn't properly when they meet eachother for the first time and she said "Ohh I fogot to introduce myself, my name is Crystal what about you"

"Bella but you can call me bell if you want" and it was really obvious in her tone she didn't want anyone too get too close to her

Bella obviously had trust issues and knew that of she got to close to someone who didn't intend to stay with her she would only feel hurt otherwise known as fake friends

Anout 10 minutes until lunch break would be over Bella excused herself to go to the bathroom when she had left the cafeteria Crystal saw the group of group of girls known as the queen group or they could be known as typical bullies which think they have the right to bully others hust because their pretty

And Crystal sensing what they were going to do followed them but after sometime lost sight of them she looked for about 5 minutes and decided to check on Bella

Crystal saw Diana about to hit Bella and pulled Diana off her. Diana was pissed off and attempted to slap Crystal but Bella caught Her hand and prevented the blow. And Diana seeing she couldn't win retreated with her friends.

Crystal turned around and asked her if she was hurt but she was surprised to see her smiling and crying and Bella hugged her

"Thank you for coming to help me,but you didn't need to I know martial arts so I would have been fine" which was a lie, She didn't know martial art she just knew how to control her power but she couldn't tell crystal that.

"As lomg as your fine" said Crystal happily because Bella was finally opening up to her

After 2 months thry had become Good friends and did every thing togerther but Diana still bothered them but they ignored her which made Diana angry. Bella also became friends with the boy from her first day of school (Aiden) but soon Aiden started to like her and Diana noticed this and hated Bella more and began tormenting Bella and Crystal even more

During the end of year exam (Sorry for the time skip)

Everyone wanted Bella to tutor them because she was execptionally smart and at the top of her class. But everytime she was asked by the other students to tutor her she would read their minds and determine whether or not to agree or not out of 15 students about 5 students were tutored and ther passed their exam excellently and of course Crystal and Aiden were tutored of her own free will, Not that Aiden realy needed that much tutoring but Crystal was another case =)




Authors Comment

I made this chapter Extra long Because I missed some days of posting because of personal issue and loose of inspiration pld comment what you taught of this chapter