

“People say that you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone…but the truth is you knew what you had you just thought you’d never lose it.” “What’s wrong with her?” He asked, his voice murderous making him gulp in fear. “I-I don’t know much sir, but no one is allowed to go inside this room.” His voice trembled and he took a step back sensing the dangerous vibes coming off him. “That’s not the answer to my question.” He sneered, his nostrils flaring. “All I know is that her mind is stuck…and no one is allowed to go in this room especially males.” “What do you mean by her mind is stuck?” He asked. “We don’t know about her past, but doctors assumed that something terrible must’ve happened which made her lose her sanity. Her mind is stuck in her past, in those moments when she used to be happy but little things trigger her and she tries to hurt herself when that happens. That’s why only selected people are allowed to go in.” The ward boy answered. Noah felt unsettled after listening to his answer, has she really gone mad or is it just another drama? _-_-_- Noah Kaine, was supposed to be her knight, he was supposed to save her, at least that’s what she thought, but she was wrong. He turned out to be her worst nightmare. He gave her everything, love, care, affection, support, only to snatch it away in the most ruthless way. What was her fault? Read to find out… TRIGGER WARNING: IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS BOOK AS IT CONTAINS VIOLENCE, MATURE CONTENT, AND STRONG LANGUAGE.

Rebelqueen · Urban
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23 Chs




I swayed gently side to side in my room, alone with a piece of paper on my chest, my eyes closed, humming a tune that reminded me of her.

Her gentle voice and her soft touch.

I was in constant denial. I was lying to myself since the day I left her, thinking that just because she shares the same filthy blood with Serrano's then she is just like them but the truth was far from it.

She was the only genuine person in that house, the person who made that house a home and I took it away from them.

God! I am the worst person.

I am her murderer.

How can she leave this letter for me after what I did with her?


"Why are you doing this? Please…. don't leave me with them. You promised me you will take me away from them." She held my collar tightly, refusing to let go. She was sobbing and my heart couldn't take it.

I slapped her hands away and pushed her back.

"Promises are meant to be broken, and I would never accept a filth like you!" I said and smirked when she looked at me with horror in her eyes.

"Why? Why….are you doing this?" She cried and covered her face with her tiny hands sobbing into them.

"It's simple little mouse, you were just a pawn in this game. You people have destroyed so many lives, it's about time your family get a taste of their own medicine." I replied and walked away from her without looking back.

Yet, every step I took got heavier as I walked away from her.

I am not the kind of person who hurt others unnecessarily, but this…was a necessary evil. I had to do it, she deserves everything she is suffering from and will continue to suffer until her last breath. I will end her entire family.


"Noah?" I wiped my tears and turned to look my gramps at the door with a sweet smile on her face.

"Yes," I asked and wiped the remains from my face. I am not afraid of crying, nor I am afraid of being caught.

Just because I am a man doesn't mean I don't have feelings.

"Your lunch is ready, you asked me to remind you about that fundraiser thing you have today," Gramps answered.

She has been taking care of me since childhood, she is more of a grandmother to me than just a maid.

"Yeah, thank you. I am coming in a few minutes." I answered and gently remove her letter from my chest and placed it in my drawer, I knew gramps was still here, standing and waiting for me. Her eyes were following my every move.

I turned towards her with a smile that matched hers and followed her downstairs.

I sat at the table and she joined me, mainly because I don't like eating alone. And gramps loves to feed me.

We both started eating in silence, but I knew she wanted to say something and was holding back.

"What's wrong gramps?" I asked.

"Nothing." She mumbled and continued eating her salad.

"It is definitely something, tell me what's on your mind?" I asked.

"Noah, how long are you going to do this to yourself? How long are you going to dance with that piece of paper on your chest instead of a woman in your arms, who can take proper care of you." She seemed tired and I felt bad for her.

"Are you saying that you are tired of accompanying me?" I teased her and she glared at me.

"You know exactly why I am saying that. What you did was wrong and I know you are guilty but you need to move on. Take it from someone who has been alone for her entire life. When you are old and have no one to turn to all you feel is loneliness, and dread anything can happen at any moment and no one will ever care." She said and put her wrinkly and rough hands on mine. "I am only saying this because I want you to be happy and I don't want you to make the same mistake that I made in life."

She was right, but whenever I meet someone new, my mind and my heart always take me to HER. The girl I was supposed to hate.

And it's unfair.

Unfair to the woman I will date or marry.

Before her, there was no one and after her, I don't think I can ever start feeling again. My heart died with her.

I should have accepted my feeling while I could.

"I am sorry gramps; trust me I have been trying. But I don't think this dating or marrying is made for me. But…I have been thinking of adopting." I told her the main reason for attending today's fundraiser.

"Adopting? Like a pet?" She asked with wide eyes and I chuckled at her expression.

"No, gramps. A kid. I have been thinking of adopting a kid. You are right about one thing, I do want to have someone in my life, this house eats me at night. Nothing feels the same, after thinking about it for a while I thought I should maybe adopt someone. You know I love kids and because dating is a big 'NO' for me, I came to this conclusion." I explained and she was still looking at me with a horror-stricken expression.

"Noah, are you sure? Will you be able to manage? I totally support you, but I also don't want you to wake up the next day and regret it. Adopting a kid is a huge responsibility." She asked and I could understand why she was worried, I have zero experience with kids but so do first-time mothers.

After quite a long time, an idea has made me feel excited.

Adopting a child and raising him or her stirs a strange feeling inside me.

"I know I can manage; I will reduce my work hours and if necessary will hire someone else for my company and will manage work from home. I am not ready for marriage but I am definitely ready for a kid." I answered with a huge smile on my face.

"Fine then, but I am not going to change his or her diapers. That will be on you only." She teased and I chuckled.

Diaper duty?

Now the owner of Kaine enterprises will have to learn how to change kids' diapers?

My life is about to get crazy.