

“People say that you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone…but the truth is you knew what you had you just thought you’d never lose it.” “What’s wrong with her?” He asked, his voice murderous making him gulp in fear. “I-I don’t know much sir, but no one is allowed to go inside this room.” His voice trembled and he took a step back sensing the dangerous vibes coming off him. “That’s not the answer to my question.” He sneered, his nostrils flaring. “All I know is that her mind is stuck…and no one is allowed to go in this room especially males.” “What do you mean by her mind is stuck?” He asked. “We don’t know about her past, but doctors assumed that something terrible must’ve happened which made her lose her sanity. Her mind is stuck in her past, in those moments when she used to be happy but little things trigger her and she tries to hurt herself when that happens. That’s why only selected people are allowed to go in.” The ward boy answered. Noah felt unsettled after listening to his answer, has she really gone mad or is it just another drama? _-_-_- Noah Kaine, was supposed to be her knight, he was supposed to save her, at least that’s what she thought, but she was wrong. He turned out to be her worst nightmare. He gave her everything, love, care, affection, support, only to snatch it away in the most ruthless way. What was her fault? Read to find out… TRIGGER WARNING: IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS BOOK AS IT CONTAINS VIOLENCE, MATURE CONTENT, AND STRONG LANGUAGE.

Rebelqueen · Urban
Not enough ratings
23 Chs



I stood at the edge of the grand ballroom, my heart pounding with anticipation. The room buzzed with excitement as guests mingled, the air thick with whispers of what was to come. Tonight was not just a regular auction that's held every year; as a tribute to my late parents, a celebration of their legacy.

And I had a plan.

It was obviously not to taint their memory, but to add more meaning to it.

As the lights dimmed, all eyes turned to the stage, where a large screen flickered to life. The room hushed as a montage of photographs and videos played, showcasing the life and accomplishments of the late Serrano couple, my parents.

They looked so happy together in each of those pictures and videos. None of those pictures had Aurora in them, when in fact my father was more close to Aurora and I was more close to my mother.

On the widescreen television that was mounted on the wall, its screen flickering with the soft blue light of a home video. The room is filled with the comforting scent of freshly brewed tea.

The video on the screen shows a younger version of Alex, no older than ten, playing in a sunny backyard with his parents.

In the video, young Alex is running through a sprinkler, his laughter a symphony of innocence. His parents, John and Lisa, are sitting on a picnic blanket nearby, watching their son with beaming smiles.

The camera pans to capture John and Lisa's adoring glances, and the camera holder playfully teases young Alex. As young Alex splashes through the sprinkler, a mist of water sparkles in the sunlight, creating a magical aura.


I watched the video, my gaze fixed on the screen. Emotions flicker across my face like shadows dancing in the gentle breeze. My lips quivered, and I blinked rapidly to hold back tears that threaten to spill over.

I take a sip of my drink, the coolness soothing against his lips. My fingers grip the glass tighter, as if seeking comfort from the delicate vessel. The sound of young Alex's laughter echoes in the room, mingling with the distant memories that still cling to the air.

A tear escapes from the corner of my eye and slowly rolls down my cheek. I wipe it away with the back of my hand, my touch feather-light. The video continues, now showing a close-up of young Alex's face, his expression a mix of pure joy and unburdened happiness.

With a soft sigh, I placed the glass on the table and reached for my wife's hand to draw more strength for what was about to happen.

I closed my eyes, allowing the memories to envelop me – the sound of my parents' voices, the feel of their arms around me, the safety of a love that was once my anchor.

As the video on the screen comes to an end, the entire ballroom is filled with a poignant silence. I opened my eyes, the tear-streaked smile on my face a reflection of the love and longing I feel. I took a deep breath, inhaling the essence of the past that lingers in the air.

The echoes of remembrance wrap around Alex's heart, a bittersweet reminder of a time when life was simpler, love was unconditional, and laughter was the soundtrack of his world.


Top of Form

Tears welled in the eyes of many, including my wife, as memories of my parents flooded everyone's mind.

But I know that no one expected was the sudden shift in the presentation. The images on the screen transformed, revealing a striking young woman with long, flowing hair and eyes as blue as the summer sky.

Gasps filled the room as a new face occupied the screen with her name at the bottom of the screen.


This is the part I have been waiting for.

Everyone is going to know now, my grandfather tried his best to hide her but not anymore.

Aurora, once a closely guarded secret, was now exposed for all to see. And it was all part of my plan. I had orchestrated this moment meticulously, knowing that the revelation would shock and unsettle those in attendance. I smirked in quiet victory, my eyes scanning the room to gauge the reactions of everyone, especially .

Whispers rippled through the crowd, a mix of astonishment, confusion, and curiosity.

"Who is this beautiful lady?"

"She resembles Lisa a lot."

"Are they related?"

Many questions rose during the auction.

The guests exchanged glances, their expressions ranging from disbelief to awe.

Andrius Serrano, my grandfather, stood among them, his face a mask of fury and frustration. He had worked tirelessly to keep Aurora's existence hidden, but now his efforts had been thwarted by his golden grandson.

As the presentation continued, showcasing Aurora's childhood to adulthood journey, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. I knew my sister deserved to be recognized, to have her place in the world acknowledged. And now, she had stepped into the spotlight, her identity no longer a secret.

I will slowly reveal everything about her. For now, this is enough.

The room erupted in a mixture of applause, whispers, and murmurs. Some guests approached me, asking questions about the person on screen and I proudly informed them that she was my sister who also died, while others cast uncertain glances toward Andrius, my grandfather, thinking that he might explode with embarassemnt at any moment. The atmosphere crackled with tension, a stark contrast to the previous somber mood.

My grandfather's face flushed with anger, made his way toward me, his steps heavy with purpose. Our eyes locked, and for a moment, the air around us seemed to thicken. Andrius's voice was low and filled with fury as he confronted me.

"You dare to expose her like this?" he hissed through gritted teeth. "You know what I went through to hide her."

I stood my ground, meeting my grandfather's gaze with unwavering determination. "She deserves to be known, to be seen," he replied, his voice steady. "I did this for her, for our family."

His anger flickered, momentarily replaced by a hint of resignation. He looked at me, his eyes searching for understanding. "You've always been headstrong, just like your parents," he said, his tone softer now. "But remember, with this revelation, comes responsibility. We'll have to answer a lot of questions, media, people, our business partners and we'll also have to explain the reason we hid her. Are you sure you want to go through all of that? Do you have any idea what it can cause you?" He asked in frustration.

I nodded, my resolve unyielding. "I understand, Grandfather. I am ready to face all of them, the main question here is that if you are ready to face all of them. And what do you want me to tell them? Because only I know what really happened with Aurora behind the walls of our mansion."

His eyes flashed with my question and I left him standing there alone with his mouth hung open.

This is just the start grandpa, wait and watch what I have planned for you.