
Chpt 2 Eden’s POV

"What!" I slammed my hand on the table,I lost my temper which I know isn't very princess like but they wouldn't tell me where my brother was. Why wouldn't they tell me. My head was racing with thoughts 'did he die? No he couldn't of they don't look upset' what the hell happened. I could feel the fire inside me grow. "Calm yourself Eden" Arlo growled as he stood up, "I wil calm down when you tell me what's going on" I hissed back at him. "That's enough!" Dear old Dad interrupted us, Arlo and I both glared at him. "Fine tell her, it's your funeral" Arlo stared Father down, with fury in his eyes Father sat back down and told that Cathen had went on MY mission that I had been preparing for for weeks. The mission was for me to go to a neighbouring kingdom called Gerock, it was a bigger kingdom than ours and we wanted to get permission to transport goods through their kingdom to the docks and it was me who was meant to go. "Why on earth did Cathen go", "when did he leave" I turned and stormed out the room as I was leaving I yelled for someone to bring me my sword and prepare my horse. Cathen's name means 'little battler' which was exactly what he was if something was to go wrong then there would be no chance he could fight his way out and still be alive. He needed me. I got changed into my armour and got onto my horse and rode away desperately trying to catch up to him.

After riding for hours I finally see a man on a horse up ahead. I chase him down and as I got closer I realised it wasn't him, I asked the man anyway if he had seen Prince Cathen and he shook his head. I was coming to the edge our kingdom and could see the wall that the kingdom of Gerock had put up. I got off my horse when I saw the gate keeping my knight helmet on to keep the fact that I'm a girl out her house unaccompanied a secret, a knight guarding the gate came up to me asking who I was and what my business was in this kingdom I showed Arlos badge that I had swiped earlier and told them I was here to help my brother ask for resources from their kind king. He reluctantly let me through and had someone guide me to where the king was having his meeting.

A knight entered the room they were sitting in and announced my presence "Crown Prince Arlo of Glasedale" I slightly snickered. I walked in behind him with my head held high and was about to bow when I saw Cathen tied down with a blackened eye and a bruised lip. Andrew the king of Gerock was shocked at my presence and signalled to his knights to do the same to me but I drew my sword and one of the knights left to get more of them. Dozens more entered the room and I fought them one after the other until there was one left, he looked different to the others, more important looking. He stuck his sword with more strength than any of the other men. We fought beautifully, it was smooth and powerful we glided through as if we were dancing, I must of got distracted because he swiped at my leg and I fell to my knees, we were both shattered we exhausted each other out. He softly chuckled and took off his helmet. Thick dark brown curly hair poured out. It fell perfectly across his forehead. He had matching dark eyes and slightly tanned skin and his jawline was defined. I was shocked I had countless people show interest in courting me but I refused all of them, I never thought nor wanted to give my heart away. What was this I was feeling? He cut my thoughts short "who are you" I never answered he grew irritated and asked me again "WHO ARE YOU" I dropped my sword and took my helmet off.