
Her Bulter is a Demon Lord

Yuka was always bullied by Her family, Other schoolgirls,... Everyone. She was desperate. She wanted to die. But... Yuka summoned a Demon Lord, accidentally. She got 3 wish from Demon Lord. Would that made Yuka happy.... Or unfortunate for Her? P/S: My English sometimes isn't very well. I hope you all sympathy for me. Thank you very very much ^^. Progress: 3 chaper or more/week I will try!!!

IamBadGuy · Urban
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Dear Family

"It's amazing, our town Nanakami football team won the quarterfinals and officially entered the final round. Will , in this year, we win the championship that the whole town has been waiting for 25 years ... I am really eager to wait. "

The female announcer enthusiastically read the sports news. Her face was an expression of enthusiasm, hot, and healthy. She had long dark blue hair, a cold color, in stark contrast to her bubbly personality.

She was in the screen of the luxury TV, which was located in the dining room.

In the dining room, the faint smoke that carried the scent of breakfast of meat and eggs kept flying up and down, then disappeared into nothingness.

There are three servings of breakfast on the table.

Two servings had the owners.

Another's owner is still absent.

"Isn't she awake yet?"

The male owner, who was seated in the center of the dining table, spoke. His voice is somewhat harsh. His eyes were sharp. When others looked at him, they would be afraid. They feared his sternness. They would only see anger in his gaze, and they would ignore the wrinkles of old and frail appearing on the corners of his eyes and forehead.

"She still hasn't woken up ... Now it's 5:30 am, her class starts at 8am so, she's still asleep ..."

The female owner, who was sitting to the right of the man, answered. Her voice was a bit frightened. She creates the feeling that she is a housewife with no power in the family. Her eyes glanced at her husband, then back at the clock on the wall. Her pupils trembled and feared.

"So what?"

The man's tone was cold. He did not care about the reason at all. Whether the reason is right or wrong.


"I asked, so WHAT?" --- BAAM!

The man was angry. In the face of the woman's silence, he stood up, his hand slammed hard on the table. Three servings of breakfast food trembled, crackled a few times, then settled down.

The woman looked at him trembling.

"Wake her up! Shouldn't a child have breakfast with his father? "

The man ordered.

The woman was scared, quickly stood up. Run out of the kitchen. Then, the sound of feet making contact with the wooden surface of the stairs leading up to the second floor rang out.

When he heard the sound of wood, signaling the woman had entered his daughter's room, the man comfortably sat down.

He was satisfied.

In this family, he stands above all else.

He is the best.


Yuka was awakened by a pain.

The position is on the left cheek.

She was slapped. Strong and painful.

The culprit is no stranger, that is Yuka's mother. The the female owner of breakfast in the dining room.


Yuka was woke up suddenly so, she could not feel the pain in her left cheek. Now. Dreamily she could only say a single word.

Her mother glared. Looking at her with a hateful look.

"Go downstairs for breakfast. Your father is waiting. "

Yuka reached for her Smartphone. 5h35 am. It is still too early.

"It was only 5:35 am, Mom ... I slept a bit late because I did my homework ..." - Chaaat!

Before she could finish speaking, Yuka was slapped again. The position is still on the left cheek.

"I said go down. Have breakfast with your father and me, your mother. Do you understand?" Yuka's mother's eyes are now terrifying, like the witches in the original fairy tales. "Or do you want me to remind you again." She raised her right arm, a sign of her willingness to slap Yuka one more and possibly more than a slap.

"Yes. I'll come down for breakfast… "Yuka whispered back.

"Good." Yuka's mother nodded. Then she walked out Yuka's room. "Because of you, I was cursed by that damn old man early in the morning ..." She muttered cursing as she walked.


The room now sank into silence.

Cold. Yuka thought. Since it was early in the morning, when the sunlight still hadn't appeared, Yuka's bedroom was really cold.

For some reason, Yuka felt lonely.

Yuka stood up and walked over to the mirror, that was hanging on the corner of the wall.

Her left cheek was red. When she looked in the mirror, Yuka started to feel the pain. The pain of the body, and the soul.

For some reason, a tear fall from the corner of Yuka's right eye.


"Oh. So, you woke up."

Yuka's father spoke, his sharp eyes fixed on Yuka, the girl still sleepy as she sat at the table.

"Yes." Yuka weakly nodded.

"Then we start breakfast." He said, then looked at his wife. Both of them nodded.

"" Itadakimasu. " ""

All three spoke in unison.

"How's your school lately, my girl?"

While chewing on the fried egg, Yuka's father asked a question.

The target of the question was, of course, Yuka.

"It's still fine." Yuka lightly replied. Her voice was sweet.

Her breakfast still intact, since she haven't touched the meal yet.

"Is that so ..." The father nodded, he reached for the jar of chili sauce, then poured red soy sauce over the beef. "So, what is your ranking for this month?"

"..." Yuka paused. She did not know how to answer.

Looking at Yuka like that, the father was somewhat annoyed. His eyebrows twitched. He used a fork to take a portion of the beef still slightly alive, the red color of the blood still in the meat, and put it in his mouth. Chew and swallow.

"I asked, , what is your ranking for this month?"

The thing called the "ranking" that the father asked was the academic achievement ranking in Yuka's school, Ryuuseikou's school.

Each month, based on the test results of stundent's subjects, Ryuuseikou will rank all students in the school. Of course first, second and third year students will have three separate rankings.

"I'm 9th, father." In front of her father's harsh gaze, Yuka quickly replied.

After all, 9th is an extremely excellent ranking.

Second Year has a total of 400 students divided into 10 classes. Yuka ranked 9th out of 400 students. She lost only 8 people, but won 391 people. An respectable rank.


"Too bad." The father said contemptuously. He finished his breakfast. His hands held a tissue to wipe around his mouth. "Do you feel humiliated, Yuka?"

"..." Yuka kept quiet at first, but she knew what would happen to her if she continued to be silent, she nodded weakly. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry? It couldn't be helped you. You are so useless. " The father stood up. "Follow me." He walked out of the kitchen.

Yuka shivered. She had always been used to "what was going to happen", but still, she couldn't help but feel disgust with the "thing" that was about to happen.

But, Yuka was unable to resist.

Yuka was too weak, and small. Yuka was useless, had neither the strength nor the will to resist.

She stood up weakly and walked out of the kitchen.

The mother just gave Yuka a sharp, disdainful look, then resumed eating her breakfast. She was all too familiar with this scene. She didn't care. What should she care about her cursed daughter?

When Yula walked out into the hallway, she couldn't see her father's figure. But she knew his location. She always knew.

Yuka's legs didn't want to move, but still had to walk to "that cursed place". Yuka wanted to cry. Her tears were about to fall, but those glittering tears could not flow out of the corner of her eyes.

Maybe it was because she cried out of tears a while ago, or, her body and mind were so used to the impending disgust that tears could not fall.

Her destination is the toilet.

Her father was already standing in there.

"Come in." He spoke when he saw Yuka's figure through the frosted glass of the bathroom door.

Yuka timidly entered.

The two of them stood facing each other.

His sharp eyes were fixed on Yuka. That gaze seemed to want to devour her.

He approached her. His hands quickly grabbed the nipples of Yuka, which had just begun to mature.

"You have grown up, Yuka." He muttered, his hot and uncomfortable breath hitting Yuka's ear giving her goosebumps.

Yuka felt pain where her nipples were being squeezed. At the same time, she also felt extremely ashamed.

When he felt satisfied, he took a step back and spoke.

"Give me that."

Yuka weakly nodded. She didn't want to do anything. But she could not oppose this man.

Yuka leaned down, she took off her pajamas. She wanted herself to die with every her move. Yuka then took off her white pantie. Feeling extremely embarrassed, Yuka quickly brought back her pajamas. Yuka has returned to her original form, except that she is not wearing her pantie right now. And the pantie was in Yuka's right hand.

The father stood looking at the scene, showing a satisfied smile. He looked like a ferocious wolf staring lustfully at a lamb.

His right hand reached out.

Yuka weakly put her pantie on that hand.

Accepting his daughter's pantie, he brought it to his nose, sniffing a long breath.

"Very comfortable." He exclaimed. Then walked out of the bathroom, his eyes were now not on Yuka's miserable figure.

Yuka stood there for a while, then she collapsed. Her eyes were lifeless, miserable, depressed.

Yuka hated him. But most of all, she hated herself more.


Yuka knew that what her father did was wrong, was against morality.

She knew he was a scum, a pervert hidden behind a mask of integrity.

She knows. But.

Yuka was afraid of his painful slaps.

She was afraid of his scary eyes when she didn't listen to him.

Yuka can only give up.

She is a failed girl. A failed human.


Yuka didn't feel like staying at home any longer.

She changed clothes, deciding to go to school even though it was still too early.

"Mom, I'm going to school." Yuka said when she saw her mother's figure in the hallway.

"Get out of my sight." Her mother told her angrily. She is angry.

"..." Yuka quietly put on her shoes, then opened the door and walked out.

It was cold outside.