
Chapter 7: Rumors.

The prettiest smile hides the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears. And the kindest hearts have felt the most pain.

- Anonymous

Arsala's POV

My eyes couldn't find sleep last night, all I did was toss and turn the entire night. Sleeping was impossible not after everything that happened last night. I slept a bit after fajr prayer, by 12pm I was already up. I had my bath and got dressed.

I'm starving at the same time afraid to leave my room. I don't have it in me to face Haider yet. I really messed up last night. I still don't know why I always end up doing things with Maryam that would get me in trouble.

After sometime I tip toe my way to the kitchen. Silently praying Haider would have gone out to run some errands. I felt really happy when I saw an eat me note on the microwave. Haider is really a good cook, if he wasn't my brother I can swear I would have married him.

Men who are good cooks is my spec. Cooking isn't exactly one of my favorite hobbies. Not that I'm a bad cook, I just don't fancy the idea of cooking.

I took it out from the microwave and its boli! My favorite African dish. I pick up a fork and sat on a stool by the kitchen island. Being so hungry I wasted no time is devouring the food.

"You keep eating like that and you'd choke."

Hearing that voice, I found it hard to swallow down the food in my mouth.

I slowly raise my head and look towards the kitchen entrance.


"Stop eating like you have been starving for days." He lean on the kitchen door.

"Um.......okay." I turn my attention back to my food trying to finish it up.

I finish my food, wash my plate and put it back on the rack. All this while Haider is still standing by the doorway. Making my way towards the door, my heart throb fast than usual.

"Why were you at the club last night?" His voice echo again and again in my ear.

At this moment all I want is for the ground to open up and swallow me. I'm officially screwed.

"I know you're not deaf." His eyes stare blankly at me.

"Maryam invited me and......."

"And you left the house without informing me." He interrupt me because I could finish.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was? I don't want you hanging out with that Maryam......"


The glare he give shut me up and stop me from saying anything.

"She is bad company and you forbidden from hanging out with her." There isn't the tiniest hint in his voice that he is kidding about this.

"Am I making myself clear?"

"Yes." I reluctantly reply him.

He gave me a weird look before walking out of the kitchen.







Its Monday morning, I'm dressed in a pleated green skirt and a black bodysuit. I and Haider have exchanged only but a few words after scolding me about the pool party incident.

I wrap a nude color hijab around my head.

"All good.." Staring at my reflection on the mirror I mumble to myself, satisfied with what I have on.

I pick up my tote bag and transfer my notebooks and laptop into a black backpack.

I was searching for my headphones when I heard hooting sounds outside. It has to be the Useme cab I called. Haider is probably up in his room and things are a bit off between us. So I'm taking a useme cab to school.

I pick up my backpack, phone and my sneakers. I rush out of my room and down the staircase. I'm going to school on an empty stomach, which is nothing new. So I quickly grab an apple and a bottle of water from the kitchen.

When I got to the front door, I put on my sneaker and walk out the house to meet the useme. Within the next 15 minutes, the useme cab was already driving into the school gate.

I have 7 minutes to spare before my first class. I ask the useme to make a last minute stop at grab N go to get a cup of coffee. Once we got there, I settle his fee and walk into the cafe.

"Good morning." I greet a fair woman behind the counter.

"Good morning, what can I get you?" She ask, smiling at me in the process.

She seem to be in a good mood.

"A cup of coffee please." I took a seat on the white stool in front of the counter.

"Okay, milk or........."

"Just plain black coffee and three cubes of sugar." I interrupt her.

"POS or cash ?" She ask about method of payment.

"POS." I brought out my card and slide it towards her.

She input a thing or two into the machine, before passing it to me, so I could put in my pin.

"Thank you." I hand the machine back to her after inputting my pin and confirming the transaction.

"Please have a seat, your coffee will be ready in the next seven minutes." She gesture for me to sit at any of the tables around and hand my card my back to me.

"Thank you." I walk over to a table by the corner and took a seat.

I brought out my laptop to submit the international and cooperative politics (ICP) term paper I finished writing last night.

I hate that course, politics ain't my thing.

I look over my laptop when the door creak open and I spot Maryam walking into the cafe. She has a nervous smile playing on her face.

"Good morning." She take a seat across me at the table.

With my eyes glue to my laptop screen I decide to ignore her presence.

"The silent treatment." She let's out a tired sigh.

"I'm sorry I ditched you at the pool party, I lost track of time."

"Sorry isn't going to solve this." My eye are still glued to my laptop screen.

"I know that and I promise to make it up to........."

"Don't make a promise you can't keep." I interrupt her.

"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" She ask playing with the tip of her golden braids.

"I guess." I shrug. I feel guilt for going to that pool party, I want every chapter of that day closed.

"Thanks baby girl." She excitingly clap her hands together. She looks like child doing that.

"Don't........." Just then the door creaks open revealing Imran and the girl I walk in on him making out with.

"Stop staring so hard." Maryam use her leg to kick me under the table.

"Was it that obvious?" I ask feeling a bit guilt.

"Yes, it makes the rumors going around school true." She looks back at Imran.

"I can't stand.......wait, what rumors?" The word rumors just sink into my head.

"Aren't you two dating?" She ask look a bit confuse.

"Me, dating who?" I ask looking more confuse than she is.


"Wait what?!" I literally scream that out with a horrified look on my face.

"Stop screaming he is just a few steps away." She whisper in a low tone.

"Why would you think I'm dating him of all people?" I ask still horrified.

"Its not me its the rumors and please try to calm down your face looks red" She whisper to in a low tone.

"Why are you whispering?" I ask, trying my best to stay calm.

"I thought......" She look back. Imran and his girlfriend left, they left not too long ago.

"You know the news club gossip segment and how they write shitty papers every week filled with lies....."

"What does their paper have to do with me?" I'm slowly losing my patience.

I can't begin to wrap my head around what I'm being told. The news club, Imran, and me. The dots don't match, it all makes no sense.

"Well you're the headline of this week's paper." She nervously play with her fingers.

"What is that even supposed to mean?"

"You know he is the president of the honor society and the SGA president....."

She stops halfway when my coffee was brought to the table.

"Thank you." I force a smile.

"You're welcome." The fair lady smile before excusing herself.

"Start talking." I glare murderously at her.

"Everyone wants a piece of him and the gossip about his love life." Still talking, she brought out her phone.

"I'm still....." She slide her phone towards me before I could finish.

I pick it up and I'm horrified by what I see. Its a picture of I and Imran, looks like it was taken at the pool party.

"I'm so going to kill him." I slide her phone back to her. My temper just went from a 1 to a 101%.

"Its really not his fault....."

"Shut up, just shut up!" I snap at her.

I quickly gather my stuff and left the cafe.





