
Chapter 40: Wedding Anniversary

“All that you are is all that I’ll ever need.”

-Ed Sheeran

Arsala's POV

Whenever I cook, I can't eat anything made by my hands. I made Imran breakfast, we are both seated at the dinning table. He has been playing with his food and hasn't taken a bit from it. I keep looking over my coffee mug, trying to figure out why he hasn't attempt eating the pancakes I made him.

"Are you going to tell me why you haven't touch your food?" I ask putting down my coffee mug.

"I will....."

"If you don't like this I can scramble up something else."

"No!" He nods his head. "I do love pancakes but....." His stops midway and puts down his eating utensil.

"I know you don't like cooking and I know you had good intentions when you made this."

What's he getting at?

"It looks delicious but I can't eat this..." I could see the apologetic look on his face.

"You don't like pancakes?" I ask still confuse as to why he won't eat.

"I do, its just I'm allergic to strawberries." He confess.