
Her Beasts

Iris Hart wakes up one day to discover she is in the dense forests of the beastworld! While Iris was cute and curvy at home, she is quickly revered as having the beauty of a goddess in the beastworld. Many strong and handsome beastmen can't wait to fight for Iris's affections and the chance to become one of her mates! However, Iris is quite ambitious and, with the addition of her very own system, she is able to accomplish many of her goals. However, with knowledge, power, and plentiful resources, there is bound to be trouble! *Warning 18+ Content* Tags: Rated 18+, Mature, Transmigration, System, Magic, Beastmen, Survival, Historical Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Slice of Life, Detailed, Serious, Female Lead, Agriculture, Food, Cooking This work is currently posted on Wattpad, WebNovel, and RoyalRoad. All accounts should have the same username, profile picture, etc so you can easily identify that it is still my account that is publishing my stories. For the fastest updates, please check out my patreon: patreon.com/AutumnPlunkett

AutumnPlunkett · Fantasy
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103 Chs

Basil's Temptation

*18+ Content Below*

The next morning Iris was awoken by Basil softly trailing kisses along her skin. Iris still lay naked on the stone bed, wrapped in nothing but a beast skin blanket. When Iris opened her eyes the first thing she saw was Basil laying beside her with a seductive look in his eyes.

Caspian had already convinced Ember to go out to give Basil some alone time with Iris. They all were supposed to head home today, but Caspian felt it would be safer if Iris had the safety of the mate bond first. Even just stepping into their cave would be enough to give away how odd their female was.

Basil cared not why the rest had left. He was all to happy to have Iris to himself. Basil quite enjoyed making the little female turn crimson as he playfully teased her. He could only imagine making her moan his name and beg for her own release would be that much sweeter.

Basil removed the animal skins, leaving Iris vulnerable to his gaze. He began to lightly caress her skin with his tail and he ran kisses down her body. He wanted to kiss every inch of her gentle skin.

Iris found that the light touch of Basil's tail tickled. This, of course, made her nerves that much more sensitive as Basil kissed and caressed her. Iris felt strangely aroused by the mixture of sensations as if her sense of pleasure was heightened.

Light danced in Basil's eyes as he took in Iris's form. He quite enjoyed how delicate and sweet she was. Basil caressed his warm hands over Iris's thighs, taking his time before pushing them open.

Iris's breath caught in anticipation, but Basil would not be giving her what she wanted so easily. He continued to massage her inner thighs until she began to relax before moving even higher. Basil gently spread Iris open and ever so gently began to trail his fingertips over her inner folds.

Iris felt confused by Basil's behavior. He seemed as if he had all the time in the world as he continued to rub small circles over her clit and kissed her inner thigh. When Basil began to lightly lick her pussy, Iris moaned her satisfaction. Maybe she would finally get to feel good?

Basil had a wicked look in his eyes as he continued to tease her. He ran his tail over Iris's breasts causing her nipples to grow into stuff peaks. As Basil began to suck on Iris's clitoris, he continued to gently massage her legs.

When Iris began to tense up as she grew closer to orgasming, Basil stopped and pulled away. Iris groaned in complaint, but Basil just ignored her as he began to feather kisses along her inner thighs.

After a moment he returned to her clitoris and licked it painfully slowly. He rubbed his fingers along her entrance as he began to build up a slow rhythm. Soon Basil's fingers slipped inside and he began to gently stroke Iris's insides causing her to moan once again.

Basil began to suck on Iris's clitoris as his finger began to speed up. However, when Iris was close, he once again pulled away. Iris was beginning to feel too sensitive and she felt like crying due to the built up pressure in her clitoris. She felt like she just might lose her mind if she didn't cum soon.

When Basil began to lick Iris's clitoris again, she tensed up afraid he would once more stop. Seeing this, Basil looked up at her face with a seductive smirk as he said

"Do you want something from me little female?"

Iris nodded her head as she felt her throat dry. Somehow Basil looked like a refreshingly cool drink of water on a hot Summer's day. Iris wanted him to fuck her and fuck her good. It wouldn't be until they both found their release that she would feel satisfied. However, this wasn't enough for Basil. He shook his head looking disappointed as he explained

"If you want something from me, you'll have to use your words."

Iris blushed embarrassedly, but refused to answer. Thus, Basil continued his torture as he once more brought her to the edge of climax before once again pulling away. This time he looked to Iris with an eyebrow raised. Iris felt like punching him, but she also wanted her release. Thus she quietly murmured

"I want to cum."

Basil tsskkd as he teasingly reprimanded

"You'll have to do better than that if you want me to help you....."

Iris pouted as she begged

"Please, Basil. Please let me cum."

Basil gave a sexy grin as heard this. He lowered his head and began to lick Iris once more, slowly easing his fingers into her pussy. He quickly built up a good rhythm and soon Iris was throbbing around his fingers. Basil contentedly smiled as he imagined Iris begging beneath him for him to cum in her sweet little pussy.

When the waves of bliss subside, Iris still feels oh so sensitive. When Basil climbs on top of Iris and thrusts inside her, she can feel as his pelvis presses into her still swollen clit and she moans. Basil smiled feeling quite pleased by Iris's reaction.

Basil slowly builds up a rhythm, continuing to gyrate his hips just well enough to build up the pressure for another orgasm for Iris. She continues to moan and as she gets close, she throws caution to the wind as she begs

"Please fill me with your seed Basil! I want us to cum together."

Hearing his gorgeous mate moaning his name makes Basil groan as he begins to pick up the pace. When Iris's pussy begins to contract around him, he stills as he spills his seed inside of her.

When Basil finished, he lays down and pulls Iris to lay on top of him. Basil sweetly tucks her hair behind her head as she begins to drift back to sleep.

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