

What do you think you are doing?' She abruptly stood to her feet, pushing the man away from her. 'And who are you? What are you doing in my house and kitchen?' The unknown man rose to his feet, wearing a puzzled look. "Your house? Your kitchen?" "Yes," Nino tried to sound confident even though mere looking at him sent cold blood down her spine. "A burglar won't be treating himself to dinner so who the heck are you?" "I should be asking you this," his cold impassive voice came again. "Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" After being cheated on by her boyfriend. Nino learnt her house has been sold to a complete stranger, the news of her parent's house being sold by the man her parents borrowed a loan from and couldn't pay back before their death. The news hit Nino Peterson to the core. She swore to take back her parent's house but when she realized the amount the man bought her house, she knew she couldn't pay him on time or send him packing either. So the two reached a compromise that she will still live in her parent's house until she was able to pay back the amount the man paid on her house. But will she be able to live under the same roof with a man knowing he's a complete stranger and the atmosphere will not be the same anymore? And when she also learns the truth about the man living under the same roof with her, would she be able to deal with it?

Jane_Chunli · Urban
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199 Chs



I turned to look at him and I saw him already staring at me. His eyes dazzled me and I couldn't look away. His lips were curled into a smile and it pulled me nearer, I found myself losing my sanity and getting imprisoned by his eyes. His hazel pupils lance through my skin and it made me forget where we are. His eyes made me forget everything that was troubling me just now. My instincts told me to look away, to pull away but I just can't, I lower my eyes to his lips and I felt like they were calling out to me to taste them. I don't know this man or his real identity but all I wanna do is place my lips on his. Feel the warmth of them.