
Chapter 6 - HER Realization

It was barely a week after Victor's act was revealed to the family when Victor ran away. The whole family was up and about, Osanna and Damian were set for school and Mrs Williams took them to school after which she went to work. Mr Williams went to work. The only people at home were Victor, Adrian and Michael (Osanna's second elder brother). The two brothers were in their room busy with their phones and Victor was believed to be doing his laundry in preparation for his going back to his hometown.

At some point Michael left the room to go get water from the kitchen, he noticed that everywhere was quiet though he told himself that maybe Victor had gone to dry his laundry outside. He went into his room and told Adrian. Adrian immediately ran out of his room calling for Victor.

"Victor! Victor!" Adrian shouted and shouted but he didn't see him. Adrian immediately picked up his phone and called his parents telling them it looked like Victor had run away, they told him not to look too far for him, that they would sort it out when they come back home.

In the evening, Mr and Mrs Williams called Victor's parents and told them of all that had happened and how Victor ran away. Victor's parents lamented and apologized promising to contact Mr and Mrs Williams if Victor should call them.

A week later, Osanna's sisters; Jomaima and Annabelle came back from their boarding school. After settling in, Annabelle noticed she hadn't seen any trace of Victor who she had been told was staying with them, she whispered this thought to Jomaima who asked Michael. "Did mommy send Victor on an errand?, we've not seen him since we came back" but Michael didn't answer, instead he stood up and went into his room to join Adrian. The girls followed him and asked Adrian the same question.

"He ran away!!" now can you please stop disturbing me? Adrian shouted as he was getting irritated by the girls' inquisitiveness. The girls were shocked and moped at themselves and then back at the boys, why did he do that?, "did something go wrong" they asked. Adrian looked at Michael so as to confirm if he should tell the what had happened, Michael signalled that he should just tell them and get it over with already.

Adrian started to tell them what had happened and explained in detail, non of them realized that Osanna was eavesdropping on their conversation. Osanna and Damian were just coming back from their Cathecism classes, Damian had rushed to the television but Osanna was eager to see her sisters it was as she was tiptoeing to startle them that she heard everything.

As Adrian completed his narration Osanna was already quietly sobbing in front of the door. Osanna's sisters were in complete awe, they couldn't believe what they had just heard. Osanna couldn't control her quiet sobbing anymore, she was getting more loud and soon her siblings heard her and came out to know what was the problem. They realized that judging from were she sat on the ground crying it meant she had heard everything. They tried their best to control her so she wouldn't cry anymore but instead she sobbed and sobbed. Osanna's parents heard the commotion from their room and came out, the children told them what had happened and before anyone knew it Osanna's mom also started crying, she couldn't help it. The children seeing their mother and sister cry were heartbroken and they also started crying, that was all they could do at that moment.

After the tears and commotion Osanna's parents called her alone into the sitting room to talk with her and know how she felt about what she heard.