
The plot bunny: "I'm actually an avenger."


""(Thor: We getting food?

Maria Hill: Do you have company, Dr. Foster?

Jane: Uh... A friend.

[Thor chuckles]

Thor: Guys, guys, look. There's a cute little rabbit in the sink. Oh, look at this little rabbit. It's gorgeous.

Jane: He's... a zoologist. I'll call you, okay?)""


Keyne was looking at two things at the same time when he smiled and murmured, "Byzantine things are finally getting back to normal for some of us, it was about time."

Keyne was in his parents' living room with his sister and cousin when he quietly said to himself, his eyes surveying a two-chambered screen floating next to him, where he marveled at what was going on in his old world.

In his previous existence, his wife had finally inherited the life insurance policy he had left her. Sugar's friend, her brother, who was an attorney with a dictatorial grip, came to her aid.

He was a black belt in martial arts and a huge fan of video games, particularly ones with street fights and panzerkunst. He knew how to command respect--and make his customers command respect from the shady and confrontational.

Sugar kept a lot of strand and endorsements, especially from a former vengeful political party, long after he retired from the game. He used to be a true keyboard warrior who met his future wife at an arcade.

Sugar, now Keyne, was briefly distracted by potential better halves when Demi, a name with a lot of meaning in another language, spoke up, "What kind of messed up thoughts are you having now, Keyne? Are you feeding on your own twisted imagination again?"

Keyne's gaze was fixed on a location that exuded bullying vibes rather than a guileless one. He was checking out her thick and tasty thighs for a hot minute as she sat on the couch along with Nubia, legs crossed.

The 22-year-old abloom woman his new mother wanted him to marry had a subtly curvy figure, with hips, thighs, and legs that screamed, "baby-making machine."

She was crafted like a treasure and possessed the childbearing package that evil and meat-eating plot bunnies like him coveted.

Keyne wasn't a tree-hugger, and he did consider chowing down on some human flesh when urgently starved.

Keyne, Sugar at the time, wasn't popular, but that was precisely what drew him to all of them.

He wasn't a guy with complicated tastes when it came to chicks because he knew they could enjoy offbeat thrills that were insanely satisfying to charismatic alpha males who got a lot of attention.

It wasn't a science that all single men possessed, not because they couldn't, but because their bodies were either overly cautious or overly ambitious from birth. They were perplexed as to why salmagundi and other potpourri should interact with their meat taste buds.

Salads that were not necessarily spiced or limed with vinaigrette were the epitome of a healthy and enjoyable way of life, though.

You could only eat so much fish and filet mignon before you needed to shift gears and change things up.


"Keyne, are you listening to me? Am I air to you?" Demi inquired, her brow furrowed.

Nubia sighed and styledly touched her brow, "Keyne… You're really going to go after your own cousin now, huh? Stop thinking about deviant things, I know you and your mind, let's stay on topic, shall we?"

Continuing on, she told Demi, who was wearing a tight black dress that showed off her thighs, "It's on you as well for becoming such a curvy and gorgeous babe lately and showing up here in that hot dress... You know him well enough not to slip up like that..."

"Well… You know… I'm not that curvy for a tall black girl. Before you start talking, you should double-check yourself and your height." Demi fired back with a proud, contradicting expression. "You're more noticeable than me, with those fake-looking boobs and your big butt."

"What?" Nubia scowled and squabbled. Despite her beauty, she wasn't quite as tall as Demi."First of all girl, these are all real, nothing fake about them. Second of all, you got just as much dump truck as I do."

Keyne chuckled. Despite growing up in a wealthy family, Nubia, who had plenty of Afro-American friends, was sporting a gurl accent right now.

He was amused by his cousin's bickering with his sister about buttocks and breasts size. Even if only for a brief moment.

After finishing her argument with Demi about amazing things, Nubia turned to the silent Keyne and said,"So? What's your play with this trailer?"

Keyne finally expressed his amusement, saying,"What do you mean by play? These are all parts of my skills."

"I mean, how did you suddenly become a filmmaker? How and when did you make that trailer?" Nubia sighed angrily from her pretty nose and asked again, "Actually… Is it a trailer or a full-length film that's already been completed?"

"You didn't steal it anywhere shady, did you?" She made a sudden frown. "We don't want to deal with any more legal issues right now. We already have enough of our own problems with your slapping disturbance and other things at work."

Nubia was referring to the legal issues my father was working on with his lawyers at his office. Jason hadn't filed a police report about the slap, but his mother had, which didn't surprise Keyne after what he heard at his condo.

His mother didn't seem to like him much, but she didn't appear to be a pushover either.

As the mother and queen bee, she was surely squishing any rude bee who dared to rebel against the Lord house and Lord family name.

"I don't have all the abilities you all think I do, and yeah, this trailer is done but the other one I'm working on isn't. Well… I may actually be an Avenger… So, everything's gonna work out just fine in due time." Keyne responded abruptly.

"Avenger?" Demi asked, while the other person made a mean mug, "What's that? You taking some revenge on somebody?"

Nubia, who was silent and folded her arms, cringed skeptically.

She appeared to be smelling something shady.

She didn't seem to want to hear any more issues…





(POV Change: 1st person)


I wasn't Tony Stark; rather, I was Wanda Maximoff if she had been wealthy, hadn't lost her family, and was a man.

I was a bit of a chaos-creator and chaos-magician.

Of course, my new sibling - to whom I was not related by blood - was not quicksilver.

In fact, given my system and all of my skills and powers, I was probably more like Vision without the need for the mind stone.


He was a bad guy…

But if he'd been a nice guy and his abilities to possess bodies had been more spiritual and powerful than a transformed, human Jarvis, he could've been the kind of avenger like-minded people could like.

People like me?

There were probably plenty of them…

But who could that avenger be?


(POV Change: 3rd person again)


Keyne was in his room with Nubia and Demi, done watching his new DC movie trailer with them.

A Wonder Woman trailer.

He hadn't yet released the full Ragnarök film from Marvel, but he wasn't in a rush because it was free for everyone to watch.

With all the new attention from the trailer, his own movie house was already in the works, with a movie franchise full of trailers and other films.

It was brewing slowly but steadily in Keyne's mind.

It didn't matter if his works were ripped off by agitated and wary industry insiders because he could produce even better movies than the originals in his studios with his new abilities.

Because he was a prolific plot bunny, he could make an infinite number of them, some more obnoxious than others.

He had just finished downloading something from his old world on his real computer for fun that he had no intention of ever including in his own movie house, for reasons, when Demi asked, "Who's this Dato Kan? He has style, but he comes across as a wimp to me."

The name was pronounced wrongly…

But anyway.

Keyne regarded the person she mentioned as more of a simp than a wimp, but he responded with a fun grin,"Someone underutilized. Somewhere with stealthy students."

"Where?" Nubia asked immediately.

His sister, who jogged his memory about an old and poor schemer he was thinking about for the last time, inquired again, perplexed, "You're talking about these drawings as if they're historical. Who produced this? The people in it don't resemble those from our world at all, but rather sketches."

As he replied, he wasn't interested or stupid enough to tell her that she was utterly wrong on all counts, and that with him, even the funniest cartoons could become real and sourly beautiful for people, mostly other girls who cared about their own appearance.





Someplace else. A large and opulent mall store's exit.

Batman was finally meeting up with his wife, Selina Kyle.

Alfred had finished paying the bills for the clothes and jewelry she couldn't afford because of her credit card issues.

Call it a lucky coincidence or whatever, but when Bruce mentioned why he was in Jersey, and for whom, she became intrigued and said, "Keyne Wylder, you mean that scandalous kid who was dating Kate from my Hunted movie?"

"Yes, that's the same person, but why you ask?" Batman inquired, as Dick awkwardly walked ahead of him and his sunglass-wearing wife.

Although Batman felt the same way about her as he did in the other dimension, he was nervous on his way to meet her. He was relieved, but still awkward. For various reasons.

"My agent's been trying to call him, but he isn't answering," She explained. "I was considering canceling my plans to hang out with Talia and instead going with you."

Batman didn't refuse. "Talia, you say?" He just suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and stammered. "H-how is she?"

It was unusual for him to stammer, but having a child somewhere else was also unusual...

"Fine, I think. Why?" Selina replied.

On their way.

They talked about Talia and other things, but never mentioned a crucial name: Jack – which could have raised Batman's suspicions about something.

They were in front of the Wylder's house gate by the time they had finished talking about random things and had nothing else to say.

Next chapter