
Receiving guests: Oh my gosh, Batman!


::NAme: Keyne Wylder

:: Body: Peak human

::Soul: Early Mutant level

::Blood: Human, Immortal, Zombie

::Summons: God of War, Record of Ragnarök, Resident Evil

::Skills and Traits: Acting, Teleportation, Immortal, Zombie, Mother Earth's Blessing, Broader Summoner's Spell, Lightspeed Learner, Bodybuilding, Soul and Reality Reshaper, Entertainer, Filmmaker

:: Students: Zatanna (DCAU), Arella (DCAU)

:: Consumable Props: None

::Lucky items: None



::Magical and Independent Summoning: Hela (MCU)


Keyne abruptly closed the floating system-windows he was contemplating...

After a lengthy discussion with his sister and cousin, which followed the one he had with his summons, he was finally able to go about his day.

Speaking of it, as the summons continued to pile up, he was forced to come clean and explain a little white lie to his sister…

He didn't come up with anything elaborate; he simply informed her that he had become the religious leader of a cult.

She gave him a mean look and appeared scared, but the explanation was cut short. They'll go over it further when he talks to her about cohabiting tonight.

There were cults, fraternities, and sororities in this world, so it wasn't anything out of the ordinary; it was just something he'd have to formally establish, promote online, and make appear impressive to put her mind at ease.

She'd stop worrying if it wasn't something strange or obscure. In any case, he was the cult's guru, so what could go wrong for him?

He wasn't concerned about her refusal to move in because it was only a proposal. To him, his explanation was more important.

Keyne was currently sitting on the grass in one of his parent's gardens, tinkering around and conducting some experiments, as his mind wandered to things he hadn't given much thought to recently.

His parents were well-off, but they weren't the wealthiest people in the city or even on the block.

Nonetheless, this world was far more prosperous than his previous one. There was no comparison when it came to wealth and class hierarchies here.

Keyne was pressed for time and had a lot to do and attend to--joyous or more serious matters.

Presently, he was merely relaxing, getting ready to go outside and meet with the person with whom he had struck a deal for the IDS. He was curious about how their little future arrangement, made in the shadows of public office, was progressing.

'So, how does that zombie thing work? Am I like the Hulk or something, or can I just transform my muscles and flesh like the infected undead in Resident Evil?' Keyne thought to himself about the Golgotha virus and the few things he could already do.

He was already dressed up, wearing a classy brown coat over his nice and expensive clothes, and he didn't want to rip any of them off.

He didn't feel like he knew much about his power right now, but he knew he could increase his raw strength, increase his own durability, bulk up his muscles all over his body, and even change his height.

Keyne had his firsthand experience with the violent Golgotha zombie powers that he was already somewhat proficient with during his fight with Hela early this morning.

She was naturally weakened at the peak of human DC power, but he was still able to resist her fast, strong, and sharp swords with the strength of his muscles and flesh alone.

Hela had to deal with his incredible endurance more than anything else, but she never gave up. She did have to kneel a few times, but she kept on fighting.

Eventually, she had to admit defeat when she realized that her best weapons and skills were no match for him and his teleportation.

[There is room for experimentation, host; you can combine all of your powers with your two types of summoning, but that's pretty accurate in terms of what you can do with your undead powers right now at low-level skill.] The system spoke up abruptly.

He wasn't listening in on Keyne's thoughts because Keyne let him respond if he wanted to, even though Keyne was more speaking to himself than him.

He wasn't an obtrusive or bothersome system, but they did share information and voice their concerns.

'Thank you, I had a feeling but wanted to double-check...' Keyne didn't mind being bothered, so he simply said thank you and went on with his thoughts.

He was still in the intrusive mode in his mind, but this time he was thinking about another aspect of his summoning abilities. Whether or not the summoning was directly linked to his system, there was an aspect involved - an aspect involving his strength.

He had already discussed it with his system the moment he mentioned the God of War world's Thor hammer Mjölnir. Keyne could now attempt to summon the Mjölnir hammer from Marvel, but nothing had changed in terms of a rule.

Human summons were nerfed to the DC human peak, but items, weapons, and souls, among other things, were not.

Keyne was unable to summon anything more powerful than himself. So, let's not even bring up Thor's axe – Stormbreaker – because Mjölnir was one of those stronger things…

It wasn't really a problem, but Keyne had become a little excited since discovering that he could take things out of movies and other forms of entertainment he produced.

He didn't have to wait months for new people or skills--yes, skills--to arrive.

Keyne possessed the ability to summon skills…

He was really just broken like that and wasn't transmigrated to be a weak-to-strong person at all; this didn't seem to be the point of his transmigration.

Keyne had died and been reincarnated, but he could still read books from his previous life thanks to his internet connection to his previous world.

However, he couldn't seem to find his own book... It was most likely not made, or it would be made after his adventure was over. Probably with some sort of dream multiversal power...

Still, as a seasoned reader with his own preferences, he hoped that if anyone was reading his adventure somewhere, and if it was a book, there was an "overpowered tag" on it that they didn't miss before beginning to read.

People who missed this tag had a habit of leaving negative reviews and being extremely annoying to authors. Keyne didn't want whoever was moved by the power of dreams and telling his story to face unwanted attention.

Who would want or care to tell his ignominious or cool adventure all the way to the end if they were harassed?

The answer was simple. Nobody.

Because of such harassing people, Keyne had missed out on stories he wanted to read back then.

Keyne disliked being maliciously pestered and disliked hassling others; he preferred peace and other similar man-sized pursuits.

Keyne suddenly smiled strangely, shaking an old thought away.

He then went back inside the house after finishing the other experiments to change his jeans and go out.





Several minutes later. In real time.

Keyne was a man who appreciated the finer things in life and enjoyed the comfort of limousines.

He decided not to use his teleportation today again and instead went downstairs to look for his chauffeur, Julia, who was waiting outside.

He was standing in front of the stairs, near the main house's door, when it swung open with a bang, revealing the person he was looking for.

She was out of breath the moment she walked in, her face down towards the checkered marble floor and her hands resting on her knees.

"What's the matter, Julia? Is everything all right?" Keyne inquired, raising his brow.

He had a little love mishap upstairs with Jill, who was still being a little difficult and didn't even give him a goodbye kiss, so he wasn't feeling very patient.

Keyne would never be disrespectful to his chauffeur or anyone else because he was in a bad love mood, but he was thinking about playing Jill's game and going to Roy's to be a bad boy in the next few days.

She had "sisters" now and was neglecting him a little, so he had to inform her that he, too, had bros. He even had a second girlfriend... Hehehe…

When Keyne saw Julia abruptly lift her head and exclaim in a panicked stutter, "Oh my gosh, Batman!" his mind was all over the place, thinking about devilish romance, being antsy about dating, and hitting the bottle.

The guy's wild and drunken thoughts vanished as soon as he heard the name mentioned and saw the excitement in his pretty chauffeur's eyes, and he became sober.

"What do you mean, Batman?" Keyne squinted.

In this world, there were Batman movies, but they were played by actors…

He wasn't even Batman, so what was up with his chauffeur?

"Batman – I mean, billionaire Bruce Wayne's at the door!" Julia let out a little excited scream before settling down. "His chauffeur is asking to enter inside the house and asking if you're home." She said without shrieking this time.

"Bruce Wayne? As in Bruce Wayne the actor?" Keyne froze in surprise.

"Yeah…" Julia took a deep breath and nodded.

She looked less tired now when Keyne asked, "What's he doing here asking for me?" in a bewildered tone.

"Who knows, Keyne. But shouldn't we let him in? It could be about your new film-making gig." Julia responded.

"Oh, that'd make sense…" He suddenly felt like he understood thanks to Julia's foresight response. He then inquired, "But you saw that too, huh?"

"How could I have missed it, boss?" Julia replied with amusement and excitement in her eyes.

She'd only ever refer to Keyne as "boss" when she was playfully teasing him.

Despite all the stupid things the previous owner of the body had done, she had a strange respect for him. She had a good upbringing and understood the nature of her job.

At least, that's what Keyne deduced from the scant information he had on her.

The previous body owner was uninterested in her family or past.

"Let him in and have him come into the living room." Keyne gave a simple nod.

He had no precise idea why Bruce Wayne had shown up at his crib unannounced, but he would naturally and happily invite him in.

"All right." Julia nodded and dashed back out the door.

Next chapter