
Prologue: Senior Citizen Sugar

In a hospital room at the hospital.

Keyne was with his father and stepmother, both of whom had raised him since he was a child.

"Son, what do you plan to do in the near future to make things better? I know how upset you are about the scandal, but you need to start looking on the bright side and making plans for the future. You shouldn't worry about the damage you've done to our family because we're already rich and have good business connections and paths."

"On the other hand, you're not like your mother, aunt, sister, or me. As a junior Wylder, this mistake puts your position in danger. Getting back to that... Have you recently talked to your girlfriend?"

Keye told his father, Barney, who was suddenly trying very hard to bother him, "Don't even bring up the thought of that bitch with me. How can my career be in danger if it's already been destroyed? Unless you mean you're going to disown me right now to make things even worse?"

Keyne's last question to his father was both mean-spirited and self-deprecating. He was angry at his father and at himself for causing this mess.

Savannah, his stepmother, cut in with a frown and the words, "Watch your language, son! You shouldn't talk about her in this way until you've looked into the situation thoroughly. There are always two sides to a story.…"

"Also, Keyne, stop being a jerk and showing your father no respect. How could he turn his back on you so quickly for something so small? The only reason he and the rest of our family are questioning you is to make sure you are safe. I am just as worried as he is. Things are getting worse quickly, if you haven't noticed. We need to move fast."

"You need to give the media what they want before it's too late. If you don't, they'll keep burying you with their exaggerated and made-up stories..."

"Keyne, can you hear me? What's wrong with your eyes? Barney, what's going on? Why isn't our son acting right?"

"Oh, no! He's going to faint! Immediately call the doctors!"





After being in the emergency room for only a short time.

After machines failed to bring Keyne back to life, he was considered medically dead. When he woke up again, it surprised the doctors. When they found out he had come back, they were scared.

I had come back... It was me who had come back. If you can call it that, since my situation is different.

The doctors ran down the hallway to tell his worried parents the good news. This type of resurrection was unusual, and people always thought it was a miracle.

At this point, I, Sugar, or maybe Keyne, was going over the memories left to me. In the emergency room by myself, with a nurse keeping an eye on me to make sure I was okay and that the unidentified illness wouldn't start acting up again.

The doctors didn't know what was going on. Keyne was only taken to the hospital because he had minor injuries and had been drinking too much.

"How are you doing?" asked the beautiful nurse in her middle years. "Are you still okay?" When she asked me this, she wasn't just trying to start a conversation.

I nodded and said, "Yes, ma'am, thank you for caring, but there's no need to worry. If it's not too much to ask, all I want is peace and quiet."

"Of course," she said in a nice way.

By moving to a different part of the room, she was able to give a more clear and useful answer. She was cleaning some sharp, shiny, silver medical tools when I started to think about what had happened to me and what was happening now.

'Damn. I don't know how I got to this crazy world after I died, but this guy seems to be well-known... Keyne, Wylder. 19. Even though the spelling is different, my last name is now my name... He also dates a beautiful woman... Dated.'

'If I hadn't gotten his memories, who would have thought he was dating a batwoman with ginger hair?'

The woman was cast in a remake of Catwoman: Hunted before the scandal of Keyne cheating on her and saying bad things about her erupted in his face.

She was a carbon copy of the bat hero Kate Kane.

She was made for the part.

I was awestruck by this world and my new identity as I read through Keyne's memories.

I used to be a senior citizen, Sugar--a name I now had to abandon.

I believe I died of old age in my sleep while reading a fanfiction about one of my favorite comic books. I had no idea when I went to bed or whether I had dozed off while reading.

Whatever happened, I had no idea I had died until now because, as it turns out, I had transmigrated.

The miraculous transmigration had occurred to me as well. Nobody knew what happened after death, so it couldn't be that unusual, I reasoned.

Whatever it was, I thought it was brilliant.

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