
Hentai Rebirth in DC: Begin with Young Justice and Pervert Powers

(The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.)—Quote by a certain William Arthur Ward. …… The new Keyne was funnily proud as he looked at one of his students and a quote. == Sugar Cain, an elderly, married, seasoned actor with dazzling looks, is reincarnated in the world of DC Young justice following his impromptu death in his bed at night after a respectable read. He is not entirely fazed by reincarnation because of the many books he has read, but he is rather happy and shocked because this new world is more than a little different from what he might have expected for himself. Rebirth in one of DC's many universes… He's found himself in the world of acting and show business, most notably after a sex scandal in which the former owner of his still gorgeous new body left his mark. And a few schoolgirlish annoyances for him… How will Sugar, now Keyne Wylder, get out of his troubled mess and chart his way to newfound quietude in what is only the beginning of a long, big, strapping jaunt through the DC Multiverse? He does not start out empty-handed, as he has a Rule34-affiliated forecaster and investigator system that allows him to stay permanently connected to our world's internet. This grants him, among other insidious abilities, the skill to summon cheerfully plotting people as well as equally magnificent and luxurious stimuli. ================= I do not own the cover(s) used for my front page. The first world is an alternate DC Earth that I created and that hasn't been mentioned in any of the current DC Comics alternate Earths because it doesn't exist except in my head. There is no multiverse (no travel outside the DC multiverse).

BeastElfie · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Knights: White Knight, Black Knight, Yin meets his Yang

Keyne sat as comfortably and stylishly as he could, but he was still nervous as he waited for Batman to come into the living room.

He was suddenly glad he had decided to get dressed up today...

The body's previous owner was the type of person who would dress up every day of the year if he could, and he had apparently picked up on that habit.

Keyne was never a huge Batman fan, but he thought he was a decent guy.

In this world, Batman could buy him and the Wylders ten times over, just like the normal Batman version in another world.

Well, except for his ardent fans like Julia surely, he was simply Mr. Bruce Wayne whenever he wasn't playing the role he was best known for on screen...

Despite the fact that Mr. Bruce Wayne chose to be an actor in a world where entertainment was highly paid, praised, and worshiped, he did not come from a lower-income family.

Acting, which he had become well-known for and took seriously, was more of a hobby and calling to him.

In this world, his family was in the shipping business through Wayne Enterprises, and with all the intergalactic stuff going on, he was probably richer than his usual self…

Wayne Enterprises' operations were not limited to Earth.


Keyne would be lying if he didn't admit that during this brief period of waiting, he became increasingly nervous. Thinking about a lot of things, he took a gulp and his hands shook slightly.

Keyne was about to leave his parents' house and was looking for some financial backing for a few things.

Whatever the reason for Batman's visit, Keyne saw it as an excellent opportunity to make a valuable connection with a wealthier, truly successful individual.

Batman could be regarded as the top of the food chain.

He was telling the staff walking by the sofas what to do to make sure the guests were well taken care of when he heard footsteps in the nearby hall and Julia say, "They're here, boss."

Just as she finished speaking, Keyne's long-awaited visitor entered through the large living room door, accompanied by three unexpected visitors.

Well, given the dynamics of this world, there was only one, a man he had not expected to see here.

Dick Grayson was the man in question.

Keyne, on the other hand, knew it wasn't the time to be his usual silly self, so he ignored the thought and stood with a friendly smile to meet and greet the rare guests.

They were all dressed fittingly for the unfriendly Jersey fall-weather, and Selina Kyle, whom he was surprised to see here, was wearing some fancy and high-end sunglasses.

She was the first to strike up a genuine and casual conversation with him as he greeted them, shook their hands, and invited them to take a seat in the large living room.

She spoke up unexpectedly as they all took their seats, stealing quick glances at the artwork on the walls, the crackling fireplace, and the luxurious furnishings and windows in the living room.

"It's been a minute since the last press conference," She pointed out with a strange grin, crossing her legs and removing her sunglasses. "You're the hot little mess who was seeing my coworker Kate, who's going to co-star with me in my upcoming film, right? You seem to be doing well for yourself, ain't you?"

"Selina." With a scowl, Batman, or rather Bruce, who Keyne couldn't identify as anything other than his superhero persona, said.

"What?" As she told her husband with a sly, feline smile, Alfred and Dick gave her a strange, uneasy look.

She had already met Keyne, but for them, it was their first encounter. She wasn't exactly making things comfortable for them and wasn't trying to help them make a good first impression.

Keyne coughed awkwardly and chuckled to lighten the mood.

He wasn't sure what kind of friendly relationship Catwoman Selina was developing with his ex-girlfriend Kate these days, but being the gentleman that he is, he didn't take offense to her poorly phrased questions.

He could tell she wasn't trying to hurt him and that she was probably just having fun with a youngin'.

His attention was more drawn to the compliment about his looks that she slipped in between her slightly inappropriate question.

But a compliment was just that: a compliment.

He was more concerned with establishing a good relationship with the notorious and wealthy Batman than with exploring that dangerous romantic direction.

He had the ability to summon hotter people and was never a big Catwoman fan, let alone a Catwoman simp.

If he made a trailer, he could even summon another Catwoman.

Instead of being rash and stupid, he laughed quietly and said,"Yes, that would be me. I guess my reputation isn't the best it used to be... I apologize for the incident. I hope it didn't hurt the movie and that it's doing well."

"About the house, madame," Keyne replied again, "you're probably joking about me doing well considering who's your husband, but everything you see here isn't mine; it's all my parents'."

Keyne was polite once more. Batman's marital status was well known, so he quickly connected the dots regarding Catwoman's presence today.

No one in this world knew where the actress came from or who her parents were. She seemed to have an enigmatic, sketchy past, but there was this old online rumor that she was from Jersey.

Keyne wasn't interested in her enough to use his system internet to figure out who they could be; he knew a lot about DC, but Catwoman comics weren't his thing.

"You shouldn't be speaking like that to our host, Selina." Batman stated.

"I can't even ask what everyone wants to know these days?" Selina responded. "I was just curious. Bruce, take a deep breath. Do you think the kid is going to eat us?"

She finished her sentence with a polite but playful smile for Keyne.

"I sincerely apologize for my wife's remarks. She can be this way around people she finds amusing." As his wife leaned back on the couch's backrest, Batman sighed and said to Keyne.

"Don't worry." Keyne smiled, but did not inquire as to why Batman was present. "I have really thick skin."

"What can I offer you to drink and eat?" he instead asked his guests. "Are you thirsty or hungry? We have a little bit of everything here,"

They wanted to be polite and decline.

But when Keyne snapped his fingers, his staff - including the nosy, fangirl chauffeur Julia - scurried from every corner of the living room with plates of appetizers and an array of delicious drinks.

Keyne sat there elegantly for a long time, smiling at them as they were served food and drinks of their choice.

He didn't say anything.

He felt a strange satisfaction as he watched Batman eat his grub.

While munching on some delectable appetizers prepared by the chefs, Batman coughed and inquired, "This is excellent... However, don't you wish to know why we're here?"

He was finally at ease.

"I have an educated guess, but I'm not in a rush." Keyne replied. "Please, take all the time you need. I wasn't sure what you'd like when I heard you were coming in, but luckily, we had those stored. There's plenty more where those came from."

"I think I like the kid." Selina abruptly said to her husband.

Keyne didn't know anything about her personality, but she seemed to be a foodie despite her slim stature.

Batman smiled and wiped his mouth with a nearby towel before saying, "Thank you; we skipped breakfast but will be fine. If you don't mind, let's get to the point of our visit."

"I'm listening." Keyne said, with a brighter smile.

He was all ears.

Julia, who was hiding somewhere behind him, seemed to be listening too…

Batman cast a weird and long glance at Dick, who nodded solemnly before saying, "Multiple factors account for our presence, Mr Keyne. I'm sorry to ask this out of the blue, but I feel the urgency to... The question is not directed at you specifically, but based on your response, I may need to reconsider why I'm here."

Keyne suddenly felt strange.

He gave a frown and said, "Ask away. I promise not to misread this as long as it's not too insulting."

"Good." Batman exhaled a sigh of relief and asked Alfred, "Could you please remove my wife for a moment; Alfred? There are certain things that she does not require to hear."

"Yes, Master Bruce." Alfred responded quickly.

"Really?" Selina gave her husband a self-pitying look. "Can't I at least finish my bites?"

"This was discussed. Don't humiliate me right now." Batman responded with an intense glare.

"OK, fine. Okay, fine. I'm leaving, but I'll return for a bigger helping of these things." His wife grumbled as she stood and walked towards the garden with Alfred.

Moments later.

Only Dick and Batman remained in the living room after she strangely and quickly accepted his suggestion that she leave for a while.

Keyne was perplexed before Batman asked his ostensibly crucial question: "Mr. Keyne, have you had any strange, foreign memory experiences recently or in the past?"

After hearing the whole sentence, Keyne who was thinking about letting Batman be more casual with his name, was suddenly caught off guard.

Several things were running through his mind, some of which were mentioned by the system and others by Arella when he smiled and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

He was well aware that lies would not fool Batman. He could only fool him by telling half-truths.

Yup, Batman...

This time, Keyne finally realized that the person in front of him wasn't just another actor in this world...

He was a Batman who had his memories awakened.

Perhaps the one destined to defeat the other Batmans, excel, and reign as the supreme Batman in this world, which will soon devolve into chaos in a variety of ways.

With this new information in hand, Keyne, who had been polite just moments before, smirked maliciously. His financial sakes and diverse stakes were now in a better position for increased interest and growth.

'What kind of lie am I going to cook for this intelligence monster?' He felt complicated.

One slip of the tongue could end his peaceful life forever and turn Batman against him.

Keyne didn't want the Bat oppressor to label him a villain for the rest of his life.

He wished to be his pal.

'Wait a minute…' Realizing he was thinking about this whole thing the wrong way, Keyne thought of something as Batman prepared to say the next words.

Keyne didn't have to reveal anything, nor did he have to be overly cautious… After all, The Dark Knight was the most self-centered character in the DC universe... Hehehe…

He had to be in charge of, responsible for everything that could be risky.

Given that this was the case... Keyne was simply going to give him the ultimate sense of control and security.

He felt he had escaped an unfavorable outcome when he heard Batman say, "If you have time for a quick trip to the West Coast with me, there is a simpler way to probe your answers, but I'm here on friendly terms... I'll just ask you, Mr Keyne, if you're awake… Have you experienced flashbacks to a previous self or selves?"

Keyne smirked inside, thinking, 'I'm awakened to more things than you will ever know, dear Bruce. But those aren't things you need to ever know... Hehehe…'

Batman believed he was born just yesterday…

It was pointless to deny Batman an answer. It was better to stimulate his imagination. If he cooperated and helped his side, he would close all the gaps in the story for him.

He finally sighed and responded with a lie he had carefully considered, given his unusual situation as a reincarnator with no other self. "Yes, BATMAN, you saw right through me…"

Batman and Dick frowned, noticing Keyne grin apologetically and hearing his voice shift.

"I used to be an ancient wizard who could bestow powers on others with great and gentle ideals like you," Keyne explained. "I believe people perceived me as a gentle hermit rather than a big-shot superhero or super villain. I didn't like the way of life. Unfortunately, unlike the previously rebellious new student I just met, I can't recall my name or anything else about my life."

"Student?" Batman and Dick exchanged puzzled looks.

"One who mysteriously spiraled into my world when I awoke. She jolted my limousine." With a smile, Keyne said. "I sensed a sense of destiny between us, and we're back on good terms now."

He had said enough and ceased speaking. All of his potential problems were about to be resolved.

Presently, all he needed to do was be a good and work-shy host to his guests.

Laziness had always been the best part of his life. Lives.

That's how he always brought out the best in himself and those around him.

Batman was fantastically great at his best.

Keyne was only going to sit back and watch the comics thingie without interfering.

Being silly like Keynes had its advantages. Intelligent people solved big problems; silly people created new ones.

It was the ideal, flawless team configuration.