
Hentai collection

All kinks, the more the merrier. Includes #NTR #INTERRACIAL

CatiaD · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Guard up

Grendel left the room. As he was heading towards the dining room, he saw Bianca getting out of her room.

" Morning your majesty, slept well?"

" Morning, yes I did"

" Have considered my proposal?"

" As a sign of good faith and to harbor fruitful negociations, yes, I do think it's a good idea for you to have a permanent stay here but since you an outsider I will have Mary or Anna keep a permanent eye on you"

" Please consider as token of my appreciation" Grendel offered a black ring with a heart shape diamond.

" Oh my it is absolutely gorgeous"

" Please my queen try it on"

Bianca put it on her finger.

" Thank you very much"

" It is said that whoever bears it shall be guided towards her true love, all the shackles shall in your life will be broken"

" That's sweet, but I fear that day is far away"

" You never know"

" Shall we go eat something"

" Please go ahead, I'll to get my carers Anna and Mary and we'll join you."

As soon as Bianca left the hallway Grendel entered her room.

" I got one more present for Bianca, a dress identical to Mary's, hope you'll enjoy your new attire."

Grendel went back to Mary's room.

" I see you finally drained that cunt"

" But having my pussy toyed by Anna was amazing but now I feel empty, and in need of refill."

" Later. We have to to attend the queen now for breakfast."

" I think I'll skip that, I am full" said Anna.

" For you I have other plans. Go around the palace and persuade the guards to loose a bit they deserve a bit of happiness don't they.". Grendel said while holding the cheeks of Anna allowing her to suck on his fingers.

" But don't forget this is off-limits" he slipped his hands in her panties fingering the pussy.

" Understood?"

" Understood."

" Now put your ass to work." slapping her ass. Anna quivered almost cumming from his slap.

Roaming the hallways Anna found the guard from last night.

" Good morning lady Anna"

" Good morning, listen about last night... "

" We have agreement"

" Yes, I want to make sure you know how far you can go"

" Let's pretend I'm a maid doing laundry, and I'm bent, I'll repell you are out of order"

The guard approached Anna palming her ass. Seeing she wouldn't move, he slapped her.

" That's more like it, go on"

The boldness of the guard grew. He slid his hand under her panties.

" How does your rugged hand feel on my silky skin"

" I must see it to apreciate it"

" What are you waiting then"

" Out here, in the middle of the hallway?"

" Is there a problem?"

" No ma'am"

From all the excitement he teared the panties exposing on full view her ass.

" So what do you think?"

" Its big and plumpy, round soft to the touch, it's unfair you kept it a secret from us"

" That's why we're here to teach you how to approach women. Now you know what I feel is missing, your other member unsheathe the sword will you?"

The guard dropped his pants. The belt dropped on the floor, the sound made Anna shake her butt.

The cock slammed on her ass stopping it's shaking. Squeezing his cock between her buttcheeks, she felt his balls on her pussylips.

He dared put his cock under her.

Knocking it on the pussy. Anna thought to herself " Lord Grendel why do you give me the thoughest battles". Although her body craved it, drenching it, Anna told the guard.

" That's a no go". His cock slided back not before smearing her pussy entrance in precum. " If I didn't stop him there I don't think I could have stopped him now"

" Then how about this" he moved his cock on her anus. " Grendel said nothing about my ass". She pushed back to him.

" Perfect" he grabbed firmly her hips, ramming his full cock in.

" yeeeeeeeek"

He started humping her like his life depended on it. Anna continued to moan.

Two guards heard Anna and came to see what is going on.

" What happening here?"

" Your moaning brought up guests."

" Don't worry I know how to handle this"

" Lady Anna what are you doing?"

" I'm teaching your brother in arms how he should treat maids in the castle."

" We should report this to queen Bianca"

" There's no need to bother her, do you think I would be here if I wasn't asked to do this myself?" then she thinking " well Grendel asked me, but they dont need to know that"

" If that is the case then you would take care of us too?"

" Bring those naughty cocks here"

The guards dropped their pants and stood by her side. Anna grabbed their cocks and started jerking.

"I can't believe Lady Anna is rubbing my cock, my dreams come true"

" You dream too low" she put the cock in her mouth.

" This day can't get better".

" Quite a bit of smegma you got there.But now it's clean. Next time come to me for more cleaning"

" Hey don't forget me."

" That cock is so small, don't worry I got this."

She started sucking both in the same time.

Their cocks started throbing hard.

" Guys everyone, come in front of me. I want to your semen on my face"

The three men stood in front of her aiming for her open mouth as they started spewing their cum. They made out of her face her entire face was covered in jizz. " Grendel could cum as much as 10 men in one round without trying "

" Thank you for your service" she started cleaning her face licking her fingers.

" But remember you can take any maid however you please, but for me, Mary and Bianca you need invitation or else..."she suddenly grabbed their cock and balls with her hand.

" Got that? "

" Yes ma'am"

" Good now go tell the other guards as well, but before you go"

She gave each of them a big smooch.

" I hope you like your own taste"

" You're nasty and fucked up"

" Until next time" she showed her tongue up and spread her pussy.

Anna returned back to Mary's room to wait for Grendel.

On her way she saw a guard fondling a maid.

" Keep it up, no need to hold back"

" My job is done"