
Hentai Collection

Some random smut stories I found. You might like some and not like others. Additional tags: NTR, Raceplay, S&M, Cuck [I DO NOT own/claim any of these stories] *I do not own this cover

Che3na · Anime & Comics
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248 Chs

Wild, Wild Midnight [MHA]

Summary: Pixie-Bob from the Wild, Wild Pussycats is searching for a mate, and her strengthening instincts are causing her to start becoming inappropriate. Midnight jokingly offers herself to help Pixie-Bob blow off some sexual steam. She never expected Pixie-Bob to accept.

Credit: Risrupio


Strolling through the hallways of U.A. with her usual sway in her step, Nemuri Kayama - otherwise known as the R-Rated Hero, Midnight - smiled fondly as she watched several students in their gym clothes running across the grounds down below. General Studies students from the look of them, and it was good to see that there were young men and women here who took the time to keep themselves in shape besides those in the Hero Course.

U.A. was overflowing with the energy and spirit of youth from all its corners. No matter which course they were in, they put their all into everything they did. The proof of that had been the School Festival that had wrapped up a few days prior. A roaring success from every angle; the students had clearly poured their hearts, souls and minds into each event, stall and experience across the day.

The Beauty Contest in particular had gotten Midnight's motor running. She remembered her own days as a student here well. During her three years studying, the School Festival had only ever had a Beauty Contest once, but naturally she had taken it by storm.

Aaah, to be young again… watching those girls up there strutting their stuff had nearly given Midnight a fit, and she'd narrowly avoided reaching down between her legs right there in the audience… it was true that Midnight usually preferred men… but she would take on all comers.

Not that there had been any comers for a while. What with the increased security at U.A. demanding more of her time on campus, she'd had very little opportunity for a social life lately. And as much as she enjoyed flirting with the other teachers, she knew that trying anything with them would be a bad idea. She needed to maintain at least a small semblance of professionalism with the people she worked with at U.A. And naturally the students were out of the question.

So… were there any other options?

"Ow, ow, ow!" A loud voice from up ahead snapped Midnight out of her reverie. "I'm sorry, Vlad King! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I got carried away!"

"Carried away?" The distinctive voice of Vlad sighed deeply. "More like you completely lost control. This is really getting out of hand."

"You're telling us?" Said another voice, one which Midnight recognised as belonging to Mandalay from the Wild Wild Pussycats. "We told her to be on her best behaviour, and she was able to keep herself in check around the 1-A kids… but I guess she just couldn't contain herself anymore by the time she reached your students."

Midnight rounded the corner and walked out into the courtyard, where she found all four members of the Pussycats standing with an exasperated looking Vlad. Tiger was holding Pixie-Bob by one ear, the blond member of the team gripping her much larger teammate's wrist and complaining as she tried to pull him loose. Mandalay looked embarrassed, Ragdoll looked like she was going to burst out laughing at any second. Their young charge, Kota, was nowhere to be seen. Probably left in the care of some of the first year students.

"I'm sorry, okay…" Pixie-Bob squeaked, gritting her teeth at the pressure in her ear.

"Oh my…" Midnight snickered as she sauntered over to the group. "Sounds like I've stumbled upon something saucy. What happened?"

"Oh man, you should have seen it, Midnight," Ragdoll snickered behind one hand. "Almost immediately once we reached the 1-B dorms…"

"Oh, I heard all about what a extraordinarily brave little kitten you were back at the Training Camp," Pixie-Bob had one arm slung around Tetsutetsu's shoulder, pressing her bosom right into the startled young man's arm and running one finger down his chest seductively. "Taking out one of those nasty villains with that manly fist of yours. I wish I could have seen it… such a shame I was unconscious at the time…"

"Uh… I… er…" Tetsutetsu blustered, not entirely sure what to do considering his entire class was watching at the moment.

"Um… Miss Pixie-Bob… I think that you're…" Yosetsu Awase had approached, about to suggest that maybe she wasn't being very appropriate at that moment.

"AND YOU!" Pixie-Bob had suddenly pulled away from Tetsutetsu and literally pounced on Awase, bearing him to the ground and actually straddling his waist with her own. "Yaoyorozu told us all about how you fused her tracker to that Nomu. You're the whole reason we were able to get our Ragdoll back so quickly… I should come up with a way to thank you… show my appreciaSHHAA!"

It had been at that point that Tiger had stepped in and bodily hauled Pixie-Bob off the boy, whose face was dyed red in a thunderous blush.

"Oh goodness gracious," Midnight gasped, torn between amazement and amusement. "That was hardly behaviour befitting of a Pro Hero you know, Pixie-Bob."

"I don't want to hear that from you, of all people!" Pixie-Bob pouted.

Midnight smirked. "I take it this means that you still haven't found a mate yet then."

"Sadly no," Mandalay shook her head. "We mostly kept to ourselves during our hiatus. There wasn't any real opportunity to look for one."

Kinda like me, Midnight thought. Neither she nor Pixie-Bob had been able to find an outlet for their desires for some time. She felt a slight kinship with the blond Pussycat at that moment.

"Regardless, something needs to be done," Vlad said firmly. "You weren't nearly that handsy at the Training Camp, but even back then some of the boys from both classes felt a little harassed by your exuberant behaviour back then. If it's reached the stage where you're literally jumping on them then you must find a way of reigning yourself in."

"I can't help it, alright," Pixie-Bob grimaced, rubbing at her ear as Tiger finally let go of it. "It's hard… having no mate to share my bed with."

"Sounds to me like you just need to blow off a little steam," Midnight placed a hand on Pixie-Bob's shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "Get a little frisky in the sheets with someone to tide you over until you find a more permanent solution. I wouldn't mind volunteering my services for that."

"Midnight, please don't speak about such subjects out in the open where the students could hear," Vlad admonished her.

Midnight smirked unashamedly… but then she caught the look in Pixie-Bob's eye. The Pussycat was staring at her intently, sizing her up with a slightly predatory gaze, like a cat that was analysing a mouse it had cornered and calculating how quickly it would run when it pounced. Midnight was slightly taken aback by this look. She'd only been joking when she had said that, never expecting Pixie-Bob to even consider the option since it was clear she had a preference for young men.

But it looked like Pixie-Bob was putting some serious thought into it.

"I have always admired your beauty, Kayama," she said, a slight thrum in the back of her voice, a purr building there as her eyes wandered freely over Midnight's body. "Ever since our U.A. days… of course, I was in the year below you… but you were my favourite senpai. So much confidence, and I often tried to emulate you."

"Is that so…? I didn't know."

"Mm-hm…" Pixie-Bob licked her lips, a gleam appearing in the back of her eyes as she turned to face Midnight, her hands slipping around Midnight's neck until they were standing tit-to-tit, right there in the middle of the courtyard. "I voted for you in that Beauty Pageant, you know."

"I'm surprised you didn't take part in it," Midnight said, her surprise ebbing and her hands settling on Pixie-Bob's hips. "You're quite the beauty you know."

"The Pussycats were already a team by then, even in our second year. We didn't want to compete against each other so none of us entered. Besides, you were already basically the Queen of U.A… you were destined to win."

"I see…" Midnight whispered huskily. "And does my loyal subject want some time alone with her Queen then?"

"Yes, your Majesty, I do!"

Pixie-Bob's legs were suddenly around Midnight's waist, her arms slipping around her shoulders as their lips pushed together. Midnight's hands gripped Pixie-Bob's ass underneath her skirt, holding her up as her tongue pushed into the Pussycat's mouth. She countered in kind, tilting her head as their tongues wrestled with each other for supremacy, their faces merged and suckling on each other's lips with such ferocity that it took both of them by surprise… but not enough surprise to make them stop!

The other three Pussycats and Vlad were all staring with open mouths and wide eyes, watching the lurid display with utter shock. Mandalay was the first to recover though, and she cleared her throat loudly.


This was enough to jolt Midnight and Pixie-Bob back to reality and they pulled apart. "Right, right…" Midnight nodded. "I suppose we should take this somewhere more private."

"Yes… and right now…" Pixie-Bob seized Midnight's hand and marched off in the direction of the teacher's dorms, all but pulling Midnight's arm out of its socket as she hurried away. Midnight chuckled at her eagerness and allowed the slightly younger hero drag her off into the proverbial sunset.

"What… just happened…?" Vlad King asked, stupefied.

"Those two just decided to boink each other's brains out. That's what happened," Ragdoll said simply.


While Midnight hadn't been expecting Pixie-Bob to take up her offer, she expected what happened when they got to her bedroom even less!

Midnight's room was one befitting of an R-Rated Hero. There were several mannequins around the walls, each one displaying some kind of lurid, skimpy outfit. There were numerous whips and floggers hanging together on a display rack, and several other pieces of equipment that had clearly been bought from some type of sex store littered the worktops.

"Holy wow, you've been busy," Pixie-Bob said, opening a drawer and staring at several coils of rope and numerous types of gag that lay within. "A collection like this must have taken you ages to accumulate."

"I see them online and I just can't help myself sometimes," Midnight snickered. "I don't expect you'll be interested in experiencing most of this stuff but…"

"Oh no… these will do very nicely indeed!" Pixie-Bob grinned.

"Oh?" Midnight's eyes widened, her tongue tracing over her upper lip seductively. "You want things to get kinky? I warn you, when I have a submissive snugly bound and helpless before me, subjecting themselves to my will, becoming my playthings… I can't help but go all out."

Pixie-Bob picked up a couple of coils of rope and turned to smirk at Midnight. "I didn't say I would be the one submitting."

"Huh?" Midnight blinked, but Pixie-Bob was already in the air, leaping right onto Midnight and bearing the bombshell of a teacher to the floor. Moving with lightning speed, Pixie-Bob rolled Midnight over and yanked her arms behind her back, the cuffs that Midnight wore loosely about her wrists sliding up her arms as Pixie-Bob brought her hands together and began lashing them tightly around her back, showing a surprising amount of skill as she neatly but quickly looped the coils tight and tied off the slack between her wrists. Midnight gasped, lurching her wrists and realising that they were immovably stuck in place behind her very quickly.

"Hey… this is my room," Midnight looked over her shoulder in protest, tugging on her wrists. "You can't take control of me like this in my own bedroom."

"Why not?" Pixie-Bob purred, kneeling beside Midnight and reaching down to take a fierce handful of her breast in her hand, mauling it with her fingers and dragging a gasp from Midnight's mouth. "You offered to let me blow off some steam. Then best way for me to do that is if I'm the one in control."

"But I thought you said I was the Queen of U.A…" Midnight pouted.

"Then I guess this is a coup d'état!"

"But… mmmrrrnngghhhHFFFFF!!!!" Midnight was silenced as Pixie-Bob pulled a black ball gag around Midnight's head and forced the large ball into her mouth as she tried to reply. The straps were pulled tight beneath Midnight's long black hair and once it was in place, Pixie-Bob gripped Midnight's shoulders and hauled her up into a sitting position, looping rope around her torso and beginning to secure Midnight's breasts in a harness.

This was a very unusual position for Midnight… she was the dom… she was supposed to be the one on top… but, she reflected, it did no harm to give being on the bottom a try every so often. And since this was already happening… she might as well enjoy it.

"Mmmmrrnnngghhhhh…" she moaned into her gag, flexing her upper body luxuriously as Pixie-Bob rapidly constrained it, the ropes pulling tightly in above and below her tits, a large knot being formed between her shoulder blades as more rope was threaded over her shoulders and between her tits, while yet more brought her elbows tightly together behind her back. "Bbhh shhrr thhw shhw yhhr Qwwrn rrh ggrrd trrmmm…"

"You know I will," Pixie-Bob purred, pressing her chest up against Midnight's secured arms and her hands snaking round to her front to seize hold of her bust, lifting up the weighty tits and lightly tossing them up and down for a moment, bouncing them on her hands. Her lips found their way into the crook of Midnight's neck as well, peppering it with little kisses as she took a more firm hold of her captives chest and moulded them firmly in her fingers… before gripping the material and shredding it to let Midnight's boobs burst out into the open air!

"MMMRNNNGHHHHH!" Midnight mewled in mock protest.

"Oh, who are you trying to kid?" Pixie-Bob snickered. "I know full well you made that material ultra-thin for a reason."

Her hands attached themselves firmly to Midnight's bosom and freely rolled them in circles, her thumbs gliding down to flick her nipples on repeat, teasing them further towards erectness… before the hands suddenly retreated and came back down rapidly to give each breast a quick slap at the same time! Midnight mewled, leaning back into Pixie-Bob with her face flushed and her boobs dancing as they tried to find their natural position again, but it wasn't long before Pixie-Bob had taken hold of a single nipple and was rolling it between thumb and forefinger.

"Looks like these don't need a lot of encouragement," Pixie-Bob purred. "If you were lactating right now then I might demand some milk… but since you're not…"

"MMMRRRGH!" Midnight mewled as an alligator-clamp settled into place around her nipple, Pixie-Bob having snipped it neatly into place atop the erect bud. It was attached to a chain, with a second clamp at the other end, and this too was soon squeezing down on Midnight's other nipple, conjoining her tits at their twin peaks! Pixie-Bob looped a finger into the chain and yanked on it briefly, causing Midnight to squeal at the sharp tug to both her nipples at once!

The Pussycat then set about removing the rest of Midnight's clothes, undoing the corset around her waist, as well as the garter belt, and letting them both fall to the floor. She stripped Midnight of her high-heeled boots and stockings… and the rest of the outfit was shredded under Pixie-Bob's nails - she literally tore it away from Midnight's body, leaving some of it trapped under the ropes she'd already tied but the rest of it came away in a flurry of bits of thin scrap!

Now that Midnight was in the nude, Pixie-Bob was quick to add to her helplessness. A new rope corset was tied in place to take the spot of her genuine one, a shibari style harness that travelled down Midnight's torso. It was followed by a crotch-rope, but Midnight noted that it was not the kind which would cleave her pussyl lips, but the kind that framed it! Two ropes that pulled in on either side of her labia and stretched across her buttocks to be tied off at separate points to the back of her waist rope.

"Come on then, slave," Pixie-Bob whispered into Midnight's ear. "On your feet!"

Gripping Midnight's arm, she hauled the helpless teacher up onto her toes and turned her around, pushing her towards the bed before bending her over, a pose that thrust her butt right out into Pixie-Bob's waiting hands. Midnight mewled and gurgled through the saliva building up at the bottom of her gag, which was beginning to seep out past her lower lip and down her chin, shivering in delight as Pixie-Bob gave each of her buttock's a squeeze for a moment.

But then…

"HHHRRMMNNFFF!!" Midnight's eyes bulged as she felt something pushing at her anus… something that felt distinctly like one of her many large buttplugs! She squirmed on the spot, almost stumbling forward, but Pixie-Bob held her firmly by her elbow bonds as she probed at Midnight's asshole with the rubber device. The blunt point pushed its way into the sphincter easily enough, and Pixie-Bob smirked as she began to ease the rest of it inside, pushing inexorably with the plug opening Midnight's ass wider… and wider…

Midnight growled carnally into her gag. She'd had one of these inside her before, but this was the first time someone else was stuffing up her rear. It was a delightful sensation, with Pixie-Bob pulling an inch or two out every so often just so that she could push it back in again. The plug buried itself deep, before it finally popped in completely, Midnight's anus closing around the widest point to hold it in place, firmly.

"Rrrrrghhhhhfff!" Midnight grunted, her eyes cloudy as she looked back at Pixie-Bob, waving her ass about. "Mmmmrrnngghhhf…"

"All in good time," Pixie-Bob patted the end of the plug, causing shudders to ripple through Midnight's body. Her captor then spun her around and pushed Midnight up onto the bed, until she was actually standing up on the soft covers. Leaping up beside her, Pixie-Bob made her kneel down, before wrapping yet more rope into her already extremely tight breast harness, before dragging excess rope up towards the roof of the four poster-bed, on either side of the frame, and anchoring Midnight in position at the foot of the bed.

"And now comes the piece de resistance," Pixie-Bob grinned widely.

Midnight watched with anticipation as Pixie-Bob tugged on her leg, pulling it out from under Midnight's kneeling body until she could reach her ankle. A rope was looped around the ankle and it was then dragged out forwards and sideways, where Pixie-Bob tied it off to one of the posts at the foot of the bed… and then she repeated it with the other ankle, tying it off to the other post!!

Midnight was now suspended from her own bed… her legs spread out invitingly, putting her wet pussy on prime display, as well as her clamped boobs.

Pixie-Bob shivered, her conquest over her former senpai now completed.

And Midnight noted that she was now at a perfect waist height, her pussy lips framed by ropes and puffy with need!

"Mmmrrnnngghhhhhhhhhh… Rrhh Mrrshrrshh… Rrh nnrvhr wrrld hhrv thhrt yhhw whhr trrsh ggrrd…" she breathed huskily, flexing in her restraints in a manner that made her bounce and down a little in her suspension.

"I did a bit of research while I was still at school," Pixie-Bob whispered. "Mostly because I admired you so much… so in a way, your current predicament is your own fault for being so damn sexy."

Her hands lashed out to give both of Midnight's tits a firm slap, sending them jiggling once again! "MMMRRNNGGHH!" Midnight squealed, revelling in the pain and pleasure this caused, which encouraged Pixie-Bob to keep going! *SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP* She was like a cat batting at a pair of toys, and Midnight's tits danced under the weight of her impacts. Midnight bucked and writhed in abject delight, her eyes rolling up into her head as the clamps flew about, tugging her nipples what felt like every which way!

She was completely caught by surprise as Pixie-Bob's right hand suddenly changed tack and delivered a slap right atop her exposed pussy instead!

"MMMRRRNNNFHHHH!" Midnight screeched at the sudden sharp impact to her groin, followed by several more as Pixie-Bob slapped at her labia five times in rapid succession. But on the fifth time she left her hand in place, her fingers cupping Midnight's sex and beginning to rub it much more sensually. As she was doing this, Pixie-Bob leaned over Midnight's suspended form until they were face to face, her tongue coming out to start licking sensually atop Midnight's ball gag, lapping up her captive's drool and suckling upon the black rubber for a moment before switching her attention to the rest of Midnight's face, kissing and licking at her cheeks and chin, all while rubbing at her groin with one hand and moulding her breast with another.

Midnight was in a proverbial heaven. This was soooo much better than anything masturbation had to offer, and her arms trembled in their restraints as she fought to throw her arms around Pixie-Bob and return the favour, though obviously without success. Her moans sent delight coursing through Pixie-Bob, who started to give light but rapid slaps to Midnight's pussy, her finger slotting neatly into place between her outstretched legs and her fingers coming away covered in juices as she patted it like a drum.

This sensual play continued for at least a quarter of an hour. Pixie-Bob seemed to leave no stone unturned, her lips moving from Midnight's face to her breasts, her hands moving from her chest to her ass, her thumbs occasionally pushing upon the end of the butt plug to dig it in that much deeper.

But soon… it was time for the final act…

Pixie-Bob stepped away from the hanging Midnight for a few moments, leaving the R-Rated Hero to pant for breath and groan with desire. Her body was now thoroughly primed, a sexual high filling her brain and her loins both.

When she looked up and focused on what Pixie-Bob was doing, her heart jumped in her chest with excitement.

Not only had Pixie-Bob picked up Midnight's own favourite many-tonged flogger… but she had also secured a very large strap-on dildo around her waist!

"Thank you very much for this, Midnight," Pixie-Bob growled with ardour as she positioned herself between Midnight's legs and began trailing the ends of the flogger across Midnight's front. "This is exactly what I need until I can find a more permanent mate… I hope you don't mind if I come back every so often when I feel a certain itch."

"Rrfff crrsh, mmh dhhhr," Midnight said huskily, thrusting out her pussy in an open invitation for Pixie-Bob to invade it. "Jrrst drrhnt rrxprct trr bhh rrn chhrrg rrrll thh trrrm…"

"Of course not," Pixie-Bob snickered. "I wouldn't dream of it."

She teased the end of the dildo on Midnight's pussy, caressing the sopping lips with the very tip for about a minute before she started to apply the pressure. But when she did… she thrust forward in one single, fluid motion, burying not just the tip but the entire length of the dildo into Midnight's pussy all at once!

"MMMMMRRRNNNNNNGHHHHHHHHHFFFFF!!!" Midnight howled at the top of her lungs, a fountain of pleasure spurting within her as her pussy lips admitted the thick dildo.

"I sure hope this place has good sound-proofing," Pixie-Bob laughed, but she was already pummelling her hips back and forth, immersing the dildo deeply into Midnight's pussy on loop. Thick slapping sounds filled the room as their hips connected again and again, pounding out a steady rhythm between them that was punctuated by Midnight's screams of delight. Pixie-Bob was gripping her thighs for the moment, pulling Midnight into her just as much as she was pushing herself into Midnight, and for that reason the flogger was lying idle.

But not for long…

Once Pixie-Bob was sure she held a good pace, she lifted up her hand and started to spin the flogger in circles, striking Midnight's torso with it over and over again. The strikes were not hard, just enough to sting a little bit and only for a few seconds, but the effect they had upon Midnight was stunning!

"YHHHRRRRSHHHH! RRRHH YHHHRRSSSSHHHHH!" She howled, delighting in the brief flashes of light pain that the flogger pulled up within her! It mingled with the pleasure roaring up through her pussy lips courtesy of Pixie-Bob's thrusting pelvis, making her entire body come to life as her nervous system jangled with stimulation from seemingly every angle at once. Her pinched nipples, her spread out asshole, her pussy being royally reamed by the dildo and every other part of her skin receiving light slaps… it all turned Midnight on no end.

And Pixie-Bob was relishing it just as much as Midnight, but for different reasons. She herself wasn't receiving much physical stimulation from this… but mentally… the sight of Midnight lurching in her restraints, the sound of her gagged squeals, the taste of her skin she could still feel upon her tongue… all of it was coming together into a glorious combo that was causing her to leak around the strap-on.

"Oooh yes… take it… take it, my slutty slave!" She yowled with delight as she hammered herself into Midnight even faster than before. "Come on, then… you want to cum, don't you? Well go ahead and do it then! Your Mistress gives your permission to cum!!"

"MMMRNNNNNNGGHHHHHH! RRRHHHH MMRRSHHHRSHHH YYHHHHHRRSSHHHH!!" Midnight hollered, her mouth open so wide that the ball gag was barely even touching her teeth at this point. And when she orgasmed it came out in a river, a massive flood that cascaded in a flash down from the mountain and out through the cave mouth to cascade in a waterfall down upon her sheets beneath her.

Pixie-Bob was relentless, slapping away with the flogger and continuing to pound Midnight through the climax, dragging more and more out of her with each rapid thrust of the strap-on until finally Midnight had nothing more to give. She went lax in her bonds, her brain buzzing with satisfaction.

Only then did the Pussycat finally relax, standing there with the dildo still buried in Midnight's pussy. She leaned forward over her captive and licked at her bosom once more, gripping one of Midnight's clamps with her teeth and using her mouth to open the grip and prize it away. Midnight gasped as the blood rushed back into her nipples, one after the other, gradually looking up with heavily lidded eyes that sparkled with delight, letting Pixie-Bob know without words just how amazing she'd been.

"Thank you for that, senpai," Pixie-Bob giggled a little, caressing Midnight's face with one hand and booping her nose with a finger before she finally pulled the strap-on out and set about untying Midnight. "And now… I assume that you want to return the favour, don't you?"

"Mmm-hhmmm…" Midnight purred, as she felt the ropes beginning to slacken and come loose, the pressure on her body gradually easing. The sensation of freedom was almost as good as the orgasm, and moans escaped through her gag once more as she flexed her muscles and rolled her shoulders, stretching delightedly in Pixie-Bob's arm as she held her close.

The gag was the last thing to go, and when Midnight was completely free, she turned and gave Pixie-Bob a deep kiss upon the lips, which the blonde hero immediately returned with gusto.

"You took me by surprise there," Midnight whispered sensually. "But now… it's your turn."

"I look forward to it, Mistress… please don't feel the need to hold back with me."

"Nothing could be further from my intentions," Midnight smirked as she got to her feet… but then she paused, cocking her head, a deep look of concentration appearing on her face. Pixie-Bob opened her mouth to ask what she was doing, but Midnight's hand lashed out to place a finger to her lips, silencing her before any noise could escape her voice box.

Midnight wasn't sure… but she thought she'd heard a very slight thumping noise.

Coming from the doorway.

Still naked, Midnight stalked her way to the entrance of her room, signalling Pixie-Bob to keep quiet until her hand was resting upon the door handle… whereupon she wrenched it and flung the door open! With dual squeaks, Mandalay and Ragdoll both fell into the room, landing sprawled on their bellies now that the door they'd been leaning against trying to listen to what was happening inside was no longer there to support their weight all of a sudden.

"Well, well, well," Midnight purred, towering over the other two female Pussycats. "It appears we have a couple of eavesdroppers."

"What the…? What are you two doing here?!"

"Ehe… really sorry, Ryuko," Mandalay said, looking thoroughly chastened from her position on the floor. "After you left, Tiger and Vlad said something about going to get a stiff drink and… well…"

"We didn't have anything to do," Ragdoll said, looking a little sheepish but still smiling widely. "And we really wanted to know what was going on. I mean… can you blame us? We were just curious."

"Oh, my dear sweet kouhais," Midnight smirked, picking up a length of rope and snapping it taut in her hands. "Didn't you ever learn that curiosity and cats don't mix?"


Two hours later, Midnight - now fully dressed once more a new outfit (she had many duplicates of her costume since she tore it regularly during Hero work) - strolled out of her bedroom and locked it tightly behind her, a deep sense of satisfaction filling her chest. She took a moment to inhale deeply, expanding that feeling as much as possible, before stepping off down the hallway. It was her intention to leave campus for a bit and go shopping for groceries…

…but she had no intention of hurrying. No… she was quite happy to let her three temporary pets fester and enjoy themselves on the bed where she had left them.

"Mmmmmrrrnnngghhhhhhffff," Ragdoll moaned into the ring gag stuffed into her mouth. She was lying on her back upon the bed, her arms pulled up above her head and tied at the wrist, lashed off at the headboard to keep them there, while her legs had been spread out and tied off to the lower posts of the bed - the same two posts that Midnight's own ankles had been tied to a couple of hours ago. Her tongue was poking out through her gag, hungrily licking the set of lower lips that were nestled snugly atop her mouth.

That particular crotch belonged to Mandalay, whose legs had been frog-tied and placed on either side of Ragdoll's head to that she was straddling her teammate's face, with a rope pulled from one knee, down under the bed and back up to tie off to the other knee, ensuring Mandalay stayed where she was. Her arms were reverse-prayer-tied behind her back. She also had a ring in her mouth and was also slurping her tongue into the love box right in front of her own face.

Pixie-Bob herself was the owner of that snatch. She, like Midnight, had been put in a suspension, but hers was different in that it was basically a hog-tie. Her ankles were crossed and bound, then tied off to her equally secured wrists, but her knees remained free so that her legs could spread on either side of Mandalay's head - each thigh secured to Mandalay's shoulders to keep them there. Her elbows were also bound behind her and she was secured to the top of the bed by her waist and her chest… but the chest ropes were longer than the waist ropes, meaning that Pixie-Bob was tilted forwards at a forty-five degree angle, leaving her face perfectly hovering above Ragdoll's own wet folds… which Pixie-Bob was licking hungrily through her own gag!

In this way, each Pussycats pussy was being eaten out by one of the others! A trio of Pro Heroes, bound into a beautiful bondage tableaux and slurping at each other through padded ring gags. Each of them also had a tight harness of rope around their bulging breasts, a vibrating dildo shoved up their buttholes and egg vibrators taped to their nipples!!

"Mmmmrrrnnngghhhhhhhhfhhffff," groaned Pixie-Bob.

"Hhhhhhhhhhrrrhhhnmmnnnfffhh," moaned Mandalay.

"Ffrrrrrrnnnnnmmmnnnnnfffffggg," squealed Ragdoll.

And out near the gates, Midnight was hailed by a passing Mina Ashido before she could leave the campus. "Hiya Miss Midnight! What have you been up to today?"

"Oh…" Midnight smiled, licking her lips at the thought of the three Pussycats writhing helplessly as they licked each other out back in her bedroom. "Nothing special…"