

I wished, i saw you told the world that you love me

I wished, i saw you fight the world for me

I'm proud that i have had loved you once

I remember my promise to you...that, i will for sure fly to the east to find you...that i will be yours to the end, and never living you

I wished that you will came and say that

"i'm dying when i remember what i did to you still i ask myself if i deserve your love, if i can fixe all the cracks inside your heart forgive me if i had hurted you".

I know that i'm a silly girl with a silly mind, but it's been a long since i meet you or i saw you...forgive me for letting go.

I tried hard to fight for our love, but when were you when i'm alone.

I have waited for you like a fool but where were you?

I was a fool when I trusted you.

Oh darling, you leted me down slowly

Now i'm free to leave you... now i'm free from your promise and love.

Don't look for me, and never try to get me live in peace my unforgotten love.