

Mujidat_Shehu · Urban
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3 Chs


Sun rays reflect into a wretched abandoned building,cobwebs tangled around the nook and crannies of the room.On a wooden plank I lay looking feeble and drenched in dirty water.

I stood up feeling sick and tired, I didn't feel so sad tho because hunger is something I've gotten used to,I've gone days with an empty stomach,although it tells on me but there is nothing I can do about it,all I do is to walk around the neighborhood in search of any crumps I can munch on or better still beg any passer by.The merciful ones would consider my plight and give me money or food while the hard hearted or should I say the wicked ones would pursue me and say "you aren't looking for food,you are just an accomplice of kidnappers who came to spy".

Thoughts of how to get something to eat filled my head as I sat alone on the wooden plank,I reminisced on my life and wondered if this was how I was going to spend the rest of my life,I decided to wakeup to reality,I mean I see no reason why I should be wallowing in tears when I can use the little strength in me to find a solution,so I got up and opened the door.

The natural atmosphere was so cool,I stood still and stared, It was such a beautiful sight looking from a high mountain I saw people going about their business,the buzzing of bees,horning vehicles and noise of hawkers.I walked down gently from the mountain praying I get something to eat,as I treaded gently I hummed.

Y'all might be wondering how I got into such a situation or the whereabout of my parents.HMMMMMMMMMMMM......that's a story that would be heard probably in the next chapter.