
Helpless life

Life is full of sorrow, but you just have to get through it. I came from a very poor background and was blessed with a wonderful family, but the world has not yet provided me with the happiness I desired. I was abused and forced to live the life of a stranger; I was pure and kind, but most people didn't notice or appreciate it. I quickly discovered that in this life, you must put yourself through the ringer before anyone else. This is the story of how I came to be who I am today. ADAMA is the name of the character.

DORA · Urban
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39 Chs


Why should my brother have to go through the trouble of inviting someone he doesn't know seems unfair to me. Due to the fact that she is a lunatic, this is exacerbated even further. I know you all think I'm wrong, but don't you think she could be a spy or an evil witch, in addition to being a lunatic, to be considered? She has also come to believe that she is each and every one of the families she has been assigned to destroy, which has made the situation even worse. After thinking about it, I decided that my brother shouldn't go to the trouble of bringing someone he doesn't know. I asked him why he thought it was necessary. What makes matters worse is the question of whether she is, in this specific instance, a ghost or whether she is merely behaving in an atypical manner. If she turns out to be some type of malevolent spirit or animal, may God protect us from her evil ways. It is extremely dangerous for my family and me to be alive. Do you think she's a beast or an evil spirit, or something else entirely? But what if she's already contemplating it? I'm well aware that I shouldn't be thinking about such things at this time. It appears that the woman claims to be Adama, but I don't believe her for a second since I believe it is all part of a deception to trick me into believing she is the actual item.

This is something I'll look into further on the Internet; why hadn't I thought of it sooner? After all this time, it appears like I've finally figured out what I'm supposed to be doing. The results of a simple internet search for Adama will be returned, and if she is no longer alive, the Internet will alert me of her death or disappearance.

When I came across a recent news item about a girl who had gone missing and no one knew where she had gone, I recognized that it was Adama who I had been talking about all this time. It was at that point that I recognized it was Adama. Even if she appeared to be an illusion, what if what she stated was really true? It wasn't until then that I realized it was Adama who had approached me. It wasn't until I came across a recent news report about a girl who had gone missing and no one knew where she had ended up that I realized she was the one I'd been looking for all along.

Right now, I'm terrified beyond comprehension. For the time being, all of my thoughts and ideas have vanished completely from my conscious awareness and consciousness. If this ghost has expressed a desire to assassinate my family members, it is possible that they are in grave danger, and I am considering whether this is the case. Is it possible that the press reports about her whereabouts are accurate and that she is truly missing in action, as has been reported, and that she has not been seen since? When I try to think of something to say, I can't come up with anything at all.