
Chapter 15: Jana the Cat Knight

"What is this place?"

Reaper took a look at his surroundings.

Darkness so thick, couldn't see an inch of the area surrounding him.

"If it was a Warp, it shouldn't be that far away…"

The distance you could move with a Warp was just 200 meters. Furthermore, it was a spell that couldn't designate a coordinate. It just randomly moved you anywhere in the vicinity. Nevertheless, the reason why it belonged under the category of Advanced Spells was that if a Magician used Warp, they would demonstrate enormous power.

There were many cases where a Magician with weak defense was attacked by an approaching fighter before he could utter a spell. He would then use Warp, which had a short cast time. The distance wasn't much, and the coordinates couldn't be designated either, but it was the most useful spell for getting behind a disconcerted fighter.

There was an immense difference in the survival rates of Magicians who didn't learn Warp and Magicians who did.

'Anyway, seems like I've survived thanks to it.'

As Reaper wandered around, he soon discovered Jackperr, who had collapsed in the area.

"Lord, please come to your senses!"

The weakly trembling Jackperr opened his eyes.

"It's Reaper… You survived. What a relief."

Jackperr mumbled with a dull voice.

"Please come to your senses. You can't become weak. Don't you have to carry out your father's revenge?"

"You're wrong. Even if I listen to your words… strength… doesn't come out… The soldiers have suffered too… Even my father's revenge… I couldn't even protect my son… Pathetic… Cough!"

Jackperr jerkily vomited blood. Soon afterward, he grabbed his silver necklace, ripped it away, and pulled it out for Reaper.

"Reaper, my son is strong… Without a doubt, he will grow up strong… Tell this to that child… 'I'm sorry I couldn't protect you… And be sure to protect your son…' Tell him… Can you promise me… that you will live and tell him…?"

"I understand."

[You have acquired Lord Jackperr Blood-stained Silver Necklace.]

"Thank you…"

The weakly trembling Haverstein's arm fell limply. Then his body slowly became transparent.

Reaper softly clenched his teeth. The body was disappearing. Though it was nothing new, with this scene, he was once again reminded of the fact that NPCs are not human. Nevertheless, his heart was sorrowful.

Although he was an NPC, he was someone Reaper had cared for in his own way. Reaper had sincerely nursed him. Seeing someone like that disappear before his eyes flooded him with an indescribable mixture of emotions.

Then the sound of rolling drums rang in his ear.

'Ah, that's right. Damn, if Jackperr dies then the quest is a failure, right?'

For it to end in failure after suffering so much… But exploding in anger would be futile.

A dead person doesn't disappear. The NPCs were also the same. The only point that differed from reality, was that when NPCs died a person who could perform their role in their place would soon appear. No, was reality like that too?

While Ark was having those thoughts, the quest window opened.

Reaper's eyes widened.

"Oh? What?"

[The quest has been updated.

The secret of the key III –> Deliver the Keepsake to Lord Jackperr Son

Lord Jackperr's death was predetermined; though it's regrettable, you can only accept it. However, he has left his will that you, who he trusted, deliver the keepsake to his son. As his will prescribed, you must escape the ruin and deliver it to his son in the castle.

Note, if you die starting from the time you receive this quest, the keepsake will disappear and you will automatically fail the quest as well. In the case of failure, you can suffer penalties from the item related to this quest, so be careful.

Difficulty: +E]

Surprisingly, the quest was still not over.

'Wait, after all the quest didn't say that I had to kill Debra.'

Desmond Online was a game with a high level of freedom.

The quest was the same as well.

It was the same as going into the ruin by badgering Jackperr. The objective of the quest could fluidly change following the user's choice. If Debra had been defeated, then Reaper would've received a reward and it would end like that. Even in the case that it couldn't be defeated, there was room left for another choice.

'That's right. Since the goal was to find the secret of the ruin, rooting through the entire ruin and meeting Debra was already enough to complete this quest. Then this quest is yet another branch.'

Because this was a quest that could only be received with a certain amount of accumulated intimacy with Jackperr.

"Anyway, it's a relief, but what do I do about this? Since they've hammered the nail on not letting me use tricks…"

Reaper muttered with an annoyed voice.

In any case, he had to kill Debra for his other quest, and it was difficult to leave the ruin again by himself. So as Reaper read the explanation, he had considered whether he should kill himself.

When a user dies, he would awaken at the registered supply base.

The last place he had registered was Jackperr Castle. Although his stats would be cut, he was now used to restoring stats.

If all he had to do was restore the stats and turn in the quest, he'd be able to complete in a +E rank quest.

Now he thought about just giving up on the quest. However, he shook his head.

It was a quest that had come linked several times. Who knew how large the reward would be? Also, his feelings weighed into his decision.

If possible, he wanted to fulfill Jackperr's last request.

'He was an NPC who wasn't fond of many people anyways, so I should try to do as much as possible. Getting the item penalties worries me too…'

Because he hadn't properly understood one simple message in Haruka Village, there had been a time when he had suffered horribly.

If something seemed suspicious, it was good to be on the cautious side.

'Then, where do I have to go now anyway? Seeing as he gave me the quest, there seems to be a way out… well, there's nothin' I can do but try moving for now.'

Reaper pressed his hand to the wall with one hand and walked in the dark.

It was the simplest way to escape from the labyrinth.

There was a small passage on one side of a round, circular space. When he followed that passage to the end, a wide space appeared yet again.

It was when he had encountered that kind of space three times. He suddenly heard the sound of something moving quickly in the dark. As Reaper stopped walking, a red light abruptly flashed in front of his eyes.

[You have been attacked. -5 Health.]

'It's an enemy!'

Reaper rapidly drew his Shovel. Simultaneously, he heard a slithering sound in the entire cave. It was not the sound of one or two people. In the next few moments, was suddenly pounced at. Although he didn't take any heavy damage, his Health was being steadily sucked.

If this enemy could cut his Health that fast with 5 damage, then there were probably about a hundred of them at the very least. With that many piled up, even if his opponents were mice, it was a dangerous situation. When his Health was about a half, Reaper jerked his head up.

"Jana, I need your help."

"Spirit of the Cat!"


The sharp cry swept through the cave. At that moment, the stream of mindless attacks just ended.

'Are they caught in paralysis?'

Reaper quickly raised his sword to finish them. Unexpectedly, hundreds of pairs of yellow eyes bobbed up in front of him. They were eyes glinting with bloodthirst. The cave became chilly.

'Damn, they weren't paralyzed. Did it fail?'

Jana said the Intermediate Spirit of the Cat paralyzed mice with a 100 percent chance. But when used against small monsters, there was a 50 percent chance of failure. In the end, that meant it was a 50/50 chance, but it had unfortunately gone and tripped on that chance.

On top of that, the mana consumption of the Intermediate Spirit of the Cat was 100. If she used it once, she couldn't use it for 10 minutes until her mana was completely restored.

While Reaper was writhing in distress, the eyes slowly came closer.

All of sudden, he heard a sharp voice.

"Stop. He's not an enemy."

At the same time, the danger disappeared as if he were dreaming. Even until then, he had only seen the yellow eyes of his opponents. Reaper had thought that was because of the dark. But the area where the eyes were became hazy, and a form he could distinguish, even in the dark appeared.


What was surrounding Reaper was a swarm of about a hundred cats. Cats of every variety that could be found in the encyclopedia of life, even cats he'd never heard of were mixed in.

"Hm, how is it that you used a skill of the Moggie?"

"It was not me it was Jana."

As the girl stared at him with round eyes, she abruptly opened her mouth.

"Who is Jana. I don't see them?"

"Uh? She a soul that asks for my help to save her people."

"I'm just askin' just in case, but you said she a soul and your human, right?"


"By the way I'm Heather. You?"

"Uh? I-I'm Reaper."

"I didn't know a human would really come… anyway, follow me."

Reaper didn't know how to respond and was vacantly apathetic.

'Well, since there doesn't seem to be any hostility."

In the end, Reaper put away his sword and followed that woman's pendulous tail.

Cats followed closely all around him. The sight of the cats holding their heads high and marching, as if they were escorting a prisoner, made the tension in his body crumble away all at once, and laughter bubbled out.

After walking for about 30 minutes, a space diffused with hazy light appeared.

About fifteen people who looked like Heather were gathered in the center of a space teeming with a hundred cats, and an elder of enormously large stature was sitting in the middle.

Her being large was one thing, though that didn't mean she was packed full of muscles. It meant she had a tight figure, like an ad balloon.

Of course, there were cat ears and a tail attached to her too.

'The hell, what is this? Cosplay land? Is that what this is?'

In Desmond Online, Beast was also a race that users could choose. However, normally a Beast was made based on a wolf. He had never heard of a cat race.

At that time, Heather approached the elder and whispered something.

The elder asked with a slightly surprised expression, "Come quickly, stranger. I am the elder of the Moggie; they call me Muhsin. Is it true that your friend used the skill of the Moggie?"

"Skill of the Moggie?"

"The heroic cat's strength that completely dominates mice."

'So she was talking about the Spirit of the Cat.'

"Yes, is there some kind of a problem?"

Reaper's voice was slightly unfriendly.

He'd suffered from Debra, Jackperr had died, and he had been beaten here after struggling in a cave in the middle of nowhere. Though this wasn't as bad as reality, he was beginning to feel slight pain even within the game. So even for Reaper, there was no reason for good words to come out.

However, Muhsin opened his mouth again as if that didn't matter.

"Where did she learn that skill?"

"she learned it when I received the title."


"It is a title called Mouse Master."

"Mouse Master!"

Muhsin's eyes widened. His ears and tail also sprang up. He was exactly the picture of a fat cat in shock.

That wasn't all. The people and cats that had gathered in their surroundings also stared at Reaper with wide eyes.

"Since ancient times, the title of Mouse Master was only bestowed onto a valiant one who killed a Black Bear Mouse. But the Black Bear Mouse is already a race that has become extinct.

"Debra's henchman? I'm not sure, but I indeed killed Black Reaper Crow."

"Are you telling the truth? Th-then didn't you see the key there, by any chance?"

"Are you talking about this?"

Reaper pulled out the key without much consideration.

It was an item that had already served its purpose of opening the door to Debra's chamber. But Muhsin ogled the key with deeply moved eyes, rushed to embrace Reaper, and rubbed him with his balloon-like body.

"You came, you finally came! I knew you would come! Truthseeker!"

"What are you saying? What's wrong? What's a Truthseeker again?"

There wasn't a man out there who would be happy with this elder attacking him with his whole body.

As Reaper grimaced and pushed him away, Muhsin scratched his head with a slightly sheepish expression.

"Ah, I was a little excited and made a fool of myself. Okay, that's right. You probably don't know the situation properly yet. Of course, you don't know. But don't worry. Because I'll slowly explain it to you."

Muhsin returned to sit in his chair again and began speaking.

"As you can see, we are Anuja, Beast. Even among them, we are the honorable Moggie who serve the Cat Sage. The ruin above us was originally our temple. However, Debra suddenly appeared dragging along monsters, and it was snatched away from us. Then, fearing our strength, the bastard imprisoned the rest of us in a place like this."

"Imprisoned? You were imprisoned here?" Reaper asked with a dumb expression. Then did that mean this place was a prison? The place he had flown to riding the opportune Warp to was a prison?

Then didn't that also mean there wasn't a way out?

In any case, Muhsin continued. "To be safe, Debra, fearing we might escape the prison, entrusted the key to her henchman and went and sealed it in a faraway wilderness."

At that moment, Reaper was shocked into attention.

"Key? Then this key…"

"Yes, that key is the one and only key that can open all the doors in the temple. And the Black Reaper crow you defeated was the henchman who ran away with the key."

Reaper's face brightened. If that was the case, now it wasn't even a problem to find the way out. He could afford to be relieved.

"I grasp the situation. However, I can't understand."

"What do you mean?"

"I have already fought with Debra once. It was close to invincible, an absurdly powerful bastard. But for that kind of guy to fear your strength and imprison you, and even seal the key far away is something that I can't understand?"

At Reaper's words, Muhsin's face filled with pride.

"That's because we are descendants of Hero Anuja."

"Hero Anuja?"

"Oh, you don't know?"

A disappointed look flashed over Muhsin's face.

"Hero Anuja was one among the 7 heroes who helped Monarch Trance save the continent in the past from crisis. In other words, shall we say he was one of the strongest warriors in the continent? And we are the tribe who has served that Hero Anuja since long ago. Well, that's not the only reason why Debra fears us…"

Muhsin, whose face darkened at the mere thought of Debra, bared his teeth slightly.

"Since long ago, warriors have revered that Hero Anuja and have followed his footsteps. The Moggie call those people Truth-Seekers and are entrusted with the role of guiding them to the right path. But in order to become a Truthseeker, there is a stage that one must pass first."

"A stage one must pass?"

"Yes, Hero Anuja is the hero the Meow worship. To see whether one is qualified to follow in his footsteps, one must first receive the Moggie test. Its first stage can be passed by killing at least ten thousand of what can be called the Moggie natural enemy, Mice. Only when that is possible can one be said to have begun the first step as a Truthseeker."

'Ten thousand Mice!'

That was the task she had finished.

"But that's not all. To receive recognition as a true Truthseeker, one must topple what the Moggie can call their greatest enemy, the Black Bear Mouse. With that, as friends of the Moggie whose hearts are filled with hatred and anger towards mice, you were able to receive the qualification to step into the path of the Truthseeker. That's why you were able to learn a skill of the Moggie."

Muhsin spoke out with a serious expression.

At first, the Moggie and the cats had shown interest in him with sparkling eyes. But they must have become bored quickly because they were stretched out and yawning as they pleased. Seeing this, it seemed that cats understood the phrase "however they pleased." Anyways, Reaper roughly understood the situation up until now.


When Muhsin's words ended, the information window popped up.

[You have untangled all the complicated secrets of the ancient relic Mysterious key.

Intelligence has increased by 10, Fame has increased by 100.

You have acquired a new stat.

Knowledge of Ancient Relics (+10): New knowledge of researching ancient relics has come into your hands.

New World is a continent that guards many legends and secrets that haven't been uncovered yet. By collecting an ancient relic, it has become possible for you to discover this world's hidden secrets, one by one.

This kind of knowledge will provide yet another branching quest for requests that have been entrusted to you, and depending on the situation, it will help you receive a greater reward. Stat distribution is impossible, and if you acquire an ancient relic or discover a hidden truth, the stat will increase.]

'Oh, what's this? There's this kind of bonus too?'

But the messages didn't end there.

[You have obtained information about the ancestor of the Moggie, Hero Anuja.

With this, she has taken the first step as a Truthseeker to follow in the footsteps of the legendary warrior, Hero Anuja. It is possible to job change to Dark Walker, the unique profession of a Truthseeker.

If she changes her profession, it will become possible to learn the inherent skills of a Dark Walker. In addition, as a professional characteristic, there are also cases where you cannot learn some common skills.

Would you like to change profession?]

'This is an incredible opportunity for you, Jana!'

Will you change your profession?


Around her, Jana was embraced with an aura of splendid light.

"I wonder can I look at her states, because with other NPC and didn't work."

"Let's see."

[Character Name (Jana)



Profession(Dark Walker)

Title(Mouse Hunter)









"Hm, that's a good light in your eyes. It's a light that has received the strength of the Moggie and has resolved to live on as a Truth-Seeker. To you, the one who defeated the Black Bear Mouse and brought us the key, we dub thee an honorable knight and will call you 'Cat Knight.'"

Muhsin smiled contentedly as she wagged his tail.

[She has received the title of Cat Knight from Muhsin, the elder of the Moggie.

As a knight of the Moggie, she can harbor friendships with all the Moggie. When fighting Mice, 75% additional Attack Power is applied, the chance of successfully landing a fatal blow increased to 50%, damage taken is reduced by 50%. (50% applies to small monsters as well.)

*As a bonus from the title, all stats are increased by 2 each.

*Fame has increased by 150.

*You have gained the attribute of the Meow. (All abilities +30% when fighting small monsters.)

*It has become possible to communicate in the language with all the cats of the Continent.

*Damage from falling can be reduced by 50%.]

[The Cat Knight's specialized skill, Spirit of the Cat, has been increased to Advanced.

Spirit of the Cat (Advanced): The cat's roar and sharp eyes can make all small monsters tremble in terror.1-minute paralysis, Attack Power and Defense, Morale drop 30% (In the case of small monsters, even if they are boss monsters, 50% of the effect still applies.)

Mana consumption: 120]

[She has learned a new skill.

Eyes of the Cat(Beginner, Active): You can penetrate and see through the darkness with a cat's eyes. In addition, you can see an opponent's Health, Mana, and weakness.3-minute duration +Night vision. +Life detection. +Weakness perception.


Mana consumption: 50]

"Wait since when you could see her."

"Since you came in."

'No, no way!'

Muhsin spoke as if he had thought of it for the first time.

"Actually, this temple is guarding a treasure that Hero Anuja left for the Truth-Seekers. From that treasure, the Truthseekers gained the strength to find Hero Anuja's footsteps."

'So that heritage has to come into her hands to complete the job change?'

The new information made his ears perk up.

Reaper asked with an urgent tone, "Where is that heritage?"

"Debra was after that treasure since long ago. Even the reason why the bastard stole the temple…"

"That's fine, so where is it!"

"Since the bastard took the temple, of course, Debra has it.".


Reaper's face went pale.

He had already plentifully experienced how powerful Debra was. It was an opponent that the Sylphid Knights, which were that strong, couldn't win against even when they all charged at it. No, it was something invincible. How in the world was she to topple Debra and regain the heritage?

However, Muhsin replied with a confident expression.

"Don't worry. Since you found the key, Debra and the like aren't even a problem. As I said, the bastard locked us up because it feared us. That's not purely because we are descendants of Anuja. It's because there's a slightly more fundamental problem."

"Wha-what is that?"

"We are the bastard's natural enemy."

Muhsin bared his teeth and grinned wickedly.

[You have met the Moggie, who repulsed the Dream Weaver Debra and were locked up by it. You must defeat Debra with them and regain Hero Anuja's treasure. Difficulty: +E

Quest requirement: Only a user or a friend of the user with the Cat Knight title may receive it.]