
Secrets and Surprises

As Yael remained unaware of the couple's identity, Zayden's memory raced to recognize their familiar faces. The piercing gaze of the man's steel-blue eyes locked with his own, causing a surge of realization. Ah, yes! It was Ziana's ex-boyfriend, and standing beside him was his fiancée, Karina. The spiteful woman's name finally came to him as she smiled at him.

Ziana's once radiant smile had long faded, replaced by a swirling mix of emotions that stirred within her at their unexpected arrival. Her eyes fixated on the couple, specifically noticing the way Karina tightly clung to Jackson's hand. Their intimacy, though she loathed to admit it, fueled a fiery storm within her heart.

"Oh, we meet again!" Karina's voice echoed around the empty house, excitement evident in her voice. However, her soon-to-be husband wore a different expression, a frown tugging at his lips at the presence of this imposing man in Ziana's home. What was he doing here?

"Yes, indeed," Zayden replied, his voice lacking empathy. He had lost interest in Ziana's past affairs, especially ones that put him at a disadvantage. With their impending release from the contractual obligations, he deemed it wiser to avoid any complications and spare himself from the wrath of that old hag.

Turning to Yael, who appeared concerned about their encounter, Zayden declared, "If you're finished, let's leave." With that, he rose to his feet, walking past Jackson, who maintained a silent gaze.

Yael blinked, turning to Ziana, who seemed lost in her thoughts. He spoke reassuringly, "I don't think they saw what we did earlier, so relax." When Ziana met his gaze, he added, "Make sure to properly bandage yourself. I'll try to visit you again soon."

Ziana nodded, offering a faint smile, and Yael smiled back at her. He exited the house, pondering the identity of these individuals who had left Ziana unsettled.

Karina's smile faded as Zayden departed, replaced by a frown when she noticed the bandages on the table in front of the couch. "Has someone been injured?" she inquired, looking up at Ziana.

Ziana shook her head, taking the bandages in her hands and welcoming them, saying, "Come, have a seat." Her heart raced uncontrollably, and she hoped their presence would provide the support she needed to face them.

Meanwhile, Yael rushed to the car and hopped in. "Who are they?" he asked, curiosity evident as they fastened their seatbelts.

"Her ex and his fiancée," Zayden replied, causing Yael's expression to contort into a scowl.

"Then we should stay until her family arrives," Yael grumbled, displeased by his brother's nonchalant attitude.

"She can handle her own personal matters," Zayden remarked, deepening Yael's sigh.

Shaking his head, Yael declared, "I'll stay with her." Humans often sought companionship during times of distress, and he was certain Ziana would appreciate their presence until her ex could depart.

"I won't pick you up later," Zayden warned him sternly, aware of Yael's occasional tantrums, but to his surprise, Yael agreed without protest.

"It's fine. I'll ask someone else to do it," Yael replied with a hint of frustration, causing Zayden to furrow his brow. Unbuckling his seatbelt, Yael glared at his brother one last time and stepped down the car.

Shaking his head, Zayden started the car and drove off to his villa. The task of finding the butterflies and uncovering the true mastermind behind the attack still lay before him. He knew that once their contract was dissolved, this reckless and unpredictable woman would likely find herself in trouble again, becoming an easy target for the lurking predators. It was his responsibility to bring an end to it before he vanished completely from her life.

"What do you think they were doing earlier?" Karina wondered aloud as Ziana took her time preparing beverages for them. They had arrived just moments before Yael completed his mysterious healing procedure, catching a glimpse of the enchanting magic that filled the house.

Jackson, maintaining his calm demeanor, replied, "It's none of our business." Although curiosity tugged at him, he understood that whatever had happened was concerning to Ziana, and that bothered him slightly.

"But what are these creatures really? Did your father provide any answers?" Karina persisted, her fascination with the enigmatic beings evident in her eyes.

"Grim Reapers," Jackson answered, his response lacking any further details. Even he hadn't received a clear explanation about Ziana's connection to them. Karina gasped in shock, her face displaying surprise, unlike Jackson's calm demeanor. Were grim reapers guarding this special human's life? That was the only conclusion she could draw, aware of Ziana's unique identity and the very reason why Jackson was forbidden from having feelings for her.

Yael reentered the room, his gaze briefly scanning the visitors before seeking out Ziana. He spotted her in the open kitchen, separated from the hall by the dining area, and walked over to her.

"Do you need any help?" Yael's voice startled Ziana, but she couldn't help but sigh in relief. Having someone by her side in this suddenly suffocating atmosphere was a welcomed presence.

"Zayden thought you might appreciate some company and asked me to stay until your family arrives," he lied with a smile, aiming to earn some points for Zayden. Their contractual obligations still stood valid, and Yael needed to continue testing their luck until it was officially terminated.

Ziana nodded with gratitude, genuinely appreciating that Zayden had left without causing a scene like their previous encounter at the mall. And Yael's presence brought a sense of peace to her racing heart. Although it had been nearly a year since their breakup, she still struggled to face her ex and his fiancée.

As Ziana absentmindedly prepared the drinks, Yael noticed her hands trembling. He couldn't help but wonder how deeply her heart had been wounded by them. Taking the tray from her, he smiled and said, "I will serve them."

Ziana felt a surge of relief having him beside her as they walked to the hall. Yael served the drinks with a warm smile, and Karina's eyes lit up, finding him equally alluring to the reaper that had left a few minutes earlier.

Karina's anxiety intensified as she noticed a rose-gold box resting on her lap. She hoped Jackson wouldn't be this cruel. Right? Yael served the drinks with a smile, and Karina's eyes sparkled, finding him equally attractive as the reaper who had departed moments ago.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Karina took a sip of her juice and asked, "Who are you? I don't think we've met before."

"I'm Yael. Zayden's brother," Yael replied, standing by Ziana's side. Ziana's eyes caught sight of the box on Karina's lap, causing her heart to race with anxiety. She understood now why they were really here.

"Beauty must run in your blood. You and your siblings are all so handsome," Karina commented, placing her glass on the table. Yael smiled in response, hoping they could leave soon so that Ziana could find some relief.

"Oh, yeah!" Karina exclaimed, her hands firmly holding a neatly wrapped box. She got up from her seat and smiled at Ziana. Ziana's chest tightened as she sensed the weight of the situation.

"We're here to invite you to our engagement party," Karina said, extending her hands with the box. Ziana managed a small smile as she moved forward to accept the heart-shaped box, gripping it tightly. Her hands turned cold, and a lump formed in her throat, which she desperately tried to swallow.

"Congratulations," Ziana managed to say, her gaze shifting to Jackson, who didn't even bother to meet her eyes. What had caused him to become so cold and heartless? The question haunted her every time they crossed paths.

A tear welled up in her stinging eyes, and she turned away, walking towards the dining area to place the box. Biting her lower lip, she tried to regain control and took a deep breath.

"Don't you dare miss it! I've already informed all our classmates that you'll be coming this time. They're all so eager to meet you," Karina's voice echoed in Ziana's mind, but all her heart could think of was crumbling under the weight of it all. The man she had once loved, the same man who couldn't bear to see her cry, was now making things even harder for her. He was so indifferent, to the point of hurting her with Karina's little acts. Ziana couldn't bear it any longer.

"Of course, she won't miss it," a voice suddenly chimed in from the entrance, startling both the couple and Ziana. She turned around in shock, silently pleading with her eyes for him not to rub salt in her wounds. But Zayden's smirk shattered all her hopes.

"Right, darling?" Zayden asked, briefly scanning the couple before locking eyes with Ziana, his gaze filled with sadness. He walked up to her and placed a paper bag on the dining table, standing beside her. One hand wrapped around her waist, gently pulling her closer, while his other hand remained in his pocket.

"It'll be the perfect opportunity to introduce me to all of them," Zayden said, a spark gleaming in his eyes as he spoke those words. Ziana looked up at him, her eyes questioning what he was doing.

"I'm sure they'll also be equally eager to meet your husband."


Zayden's words not only surprised Karina and Yael but also to Jackson, whose eyes widened in shock before he turned to Ziana, questioning her with a mix of surprise and disbelief.

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