
Got the MC Killed!

I close my door after saying goodnight to my mom. Whew, another exhausting day at college. Final exams are coming up, and the teachers suddenly turned into overprotective moms, nitpicking over everything. "Akira, pay attention!" "Akira, read this paragraph!" "Akira, stop sleeping!"

Why Akira? Well, that's me, and I really didn't pay attention in school...

Hey it's not my fault. It's...my phone's fault! Yeah, that's right! It has this super addicting otome game called Conquering Villains that I've been playing for a while. I've been playing it all through the night when I should be studying, totally not like I am doing that now.


I groggily pull myself out of bed. I see my phone laying in my hand. 'Oh sh*t! If my mom sees this, I'm doomed!'

Yep, I played Conquering Villains all night. Again. Ugh, now it's time to study.

I hurriedly shove my charger in the phone's hole and open up my books. I was able to study math for approximately five minutes before my mom came barging into my room.

"Akira! You were studying all night again? I told you not to push yourself!"

I look at her tiredly, wearing a forced smile. I can't just tell her that I'm playing a game all night, so I just let her assume I was studying.

"Hehe, sorry about that." I say.

"Forget that, you need to wear makeup to cover your eye bags again. Follow me." She leads me to the bathroom.

My mom's name is Sarah Morrington. She is 170 cm, tall for a woman. She has light brown hair that is cut short and blue eyes.

I, on the other hand, have black hair like my dad. Like most girls at my school, I like to keep my hair long. I have a strange aqua pair of eyes that seem to be a mix of my dad's and mom's eyes.

Sadly, I'm only 130 cm. Hopefully I'll grow more, but it doesn't seem like it. Why am I so short compared to mom...

After I brush my teeth and dab some makeup under my eyes, I grab a toast from the kitchen and leave the house. I don't need to change clothes since I went to "sleep" (played Conquering Villains) with my uniform on. Yes, my college has uniforms. Good thing they look okay.

When I arrive at my college, only then do I realize I forgot my bag.

Yes, I forgot my bag.

'I'm dead. Goodbye world...'


"Akira Satou! Why didn't you bring your bag! The school lets you commute from home because you said you would be responsible! Do you want to move to a dorm?!" My mom rages at me. Usually, she's your typical doting mom, but in extreme cases like this, she becomes the "Angry Screaming Monster."

Angry Screaming Monster screams at Akira! Akira lost 50 HP!

Angry Screaming Monster restricts phone usage! Akira screams back! Angry Screaming Monster stops the attack!

Angry Screaming Monster uses "grounding!" Its super effective! Akira has fainted!

I flop down on my bed. 'But what about the movie I was going to see with Raina? I wanted to see it so badly...'

Apparently, the school called my mom saying that this was the fifth time this week that I forgot my bag. I only go to school five days a week.

I sigh in depression...then pull the covers over me and start up Conquering Villains. What? I'm almost done with the last route!

"So, it was you who betrayed me!" A handsome guy onscreen yells at my character. He has jet black hair and electric blue eyes. He's wearing all black. Wait, when did I betray him?

"You told my nemesis where I lived!"

"I didn't tell him anything!" My avatar onscreen said back in anguish. "I only brought you back when you were injured. I was so worried that I forgot to see if anyone was following me!"

"Liar! I know that you were talking to him behind my back!"

Oops, I made a mistake. Before this, I got lost during my first trip to the northern portion of the estate. It turns out that this route's nemesis snuck in through the roof and tried to steal medical secrets. The info was located in the northern half of the estate, where I happened to be. I saw the guy and decided to talk to him, thinking that he was a servant. It looks like a real servant saw me...

"For betraying me, you deserve death!"

He slashed at me with a sword that appeared out of nowhere and the screen faded black. I died again. I've been trying this route a hundred million times already!

I've cleared all the other routes already, I just can't clear this one. I tried this route first, but after a couple of failures, I decided to try the other routes first. I always came back to this one, but could never clear it. Finally, all the other routes were conquered and I only had this one left. I wanted to clear it before exams, but it looks like it's impossible...

A notification dinged. [Congratulations, you unlocked the achievement, "Failure After a Hundred Times."]

WTF?! I actually failed a hundred times and got a achievement for that?! That means most people aren't supposed to be stuck on this route...

I collect my achievement anyway. After all, it's an achievement. I could joke about it when I message Raina later.

Suddenly, lights shine out of my phone. I close my eyes instinctively to avoid being blinded. When I open them, I see...

A gigantic starship. Starship? Nani?

"Hey, move. You're blocking the line."

A teen with black hair and black clothing says to me. Hey, doesn't he look familiar?

"Oh, sorry." I move to the side before returning to ogle the starship. Why is there a starship here?! And how did I get here?! I'm even standing now! Wasn't I lying in bed playing an otome game?

"Starlit Future." That's what's imprinted on the side of the ship. Hang on a second, isn't that what the ship in the beginning of Conquering Villains is called?

And isn't that teen the younger version of the man who just killed me?


Conquering Villains is an otome game where you have to literally "conquer villains." All the love interests are villains.

It starts out when they are all teenagers going to the number one interplanetary high school, Star Academy. The main character got in after studying hard (unlike me) and passing the exams. That's how everyone else got in.

There's no way a prestigious family can buy their way in. The school upholds a strict rule book. Students can only enter by passing the exams.

The main character then meets all the love interests and uses high school to further relationships with them. After graduation, the main character chooses who to stay with. Depending on how much the love interest likes her, she could choose from as many as all of them or just one.

After she moves in with the love interest of her choice, she has to survive just being next to the love interest. In their adult years, the main character watches as events from high school influences the love interest into becoming a villain. Some of them were already villains in high school.

The love interests the main character didn't choose still could be "conquered." She could choose to leave her current love interest for a different one if the second love interests likes her enough.

You could die in many different ways though. Sometimes, you die without knowing why. When that happened to me, I had to ask my friends to figure out what happened.


'So, I've entered the otome game? Is this a webnovel or an anime?' Wait, that means the other boy was the guy who killed me in the game! I should stay away from him. I never cleared his route after all.

But who am I here? I rummage through my pockets. I seem to be wearing the uniform for Star Academy. Don't tell me I'm going to the school the love interests are?

I find an ID. It says, "Akira Satou. Age 14. First year at Star Academy." I look exactly the same as in my world.

What? I'm 14 again? Normally that would be nice, but this is a sci-fi/fantasy world where the schools are harder. At least my name is the same.

Oh right, the answers for the tests are on the game forum. But it's not like I can view them in this world.

I feel a flat object in my other pocket. I pull out a iPhone 10. My iPhone 10.

I brought it to this world?! Wait, I should stop being shocked. After all, I transmigrated to another universe that just happened to be a game. Wait, can I access the forums?

I turn on my phone. It works normally. I can access the Internet, online games, everything. I look up my name.

It seems that my phone has regressed ten years. I'm ten at the time. I still exist in my world. No one has posted a missing poster.

Of course, only the phone's information has regressed ten years. If my phone regressed, then it would become dust. The iPhone 10 didn't exist ten years ago.

Only things like the information on the Internet regressed. For some reason, my games and other apps stayed the same. For example, my in-game items in an online game remained. However, the players went back ten years. If the game didn't exist ten years ago, the game would be empty.

This is great! I can play my old games and watch my favorite anime! The anime app stayed the same and even moves forward, so when an anime's release date arrives, I can still see it in this world! Plus, I can see the forums and cheat on all my exams!

Conquering Villains had existed for decades. However, all the updates and new forum information were screen-shotted be me. For things that never changed like the exam answers, I didn't bother to keep them in my phone.

However, I can now access the forums. All the answers are the same, so I have a free answer sheet! My carefree school life, here I come!

But hold on, who am I in the game setting? Like am I a side character or an extra? I don't remember a character with my name.

I look it up. There is no character with my name in Conquering Villains. Wait a minute, I just saw one of the love interests. If I wasn't so absorbed in my phone, I might have noticed more. Actually, I see two more waiting to board the starship like me. Am I...

Oh, never mind. I see the main character. She's sitting on a bench. She looks exactly the same as the game's cover. Dark brown, medium-length hair, hazel eyes. She has a white bag in her left shoulder...wait, why don't I have a bag?

My phone beeps. [Download started. Download complete.]

When did I download anything? And what's the point in telling me the download started if it completed in the next second?

Well, my phone brought me here anyway. It guess it's magical or whatever.

By the way, my phone is not out of place. Some people use similar looking phones, even in a sci-fi setting. I guess the game developers didn't want the game to be totally futuristic.

I check my phone. There's a new bag app that says, "Inventory." There's also an app that says, "MC Shop."

Is this a cheat? But I already have the "I-know-everything-that's-going-to-happen cheat. I get more?

This tells me I'm also a main character. But doesn't that mean everything that will happen to the main character will happen to me?

A man roughly shoves me to the side and charges forward. He was looking at a tall man, but knocking into me changes his trajectory. He barrels into...the main character?! And stabs her with the knife he's holding!

Wait, someone else was supposed to die! It was that tall extra! This was supposed to be an intro to show how harsh the world of Conquering Villains is, where villains are considered the norm and heroes are ostracized!

Did I just get the main chapter killed?

My phone dings. [MC position takeover successful. Former MC killed.]

No, my phone killed her.

Next chapter