

*I am in the middle of a burning forest but I don't feel any heat. Everything is on fire but I feel peaceful and happy. I feel something moving to my right. I turn around to find a huge cave and I can both see and feel something moving around inside the cave. I take a reluctant step towards the cave. Suddenly I stop when I see a glowing form moving towards the entrance of the cave. It comes closer and closer. Slowly the glowing form comes out of the cave to reveal itself. It has a humanoid form with a wolf like head and a fiery orange fur coat. It had glowing white eyes and claws made of pure white fire. I felt a pull towards the creature like it is a part of myself. I slowly moved towards the creature. Step by step I came closer and I could see the glow coming from the creature was getting brighter. As I got a few feet away from it the glow became so bright that I had to shut my eyes but I still kept moving closer. I extended my hand and tried to touch the creature and just as my hand came in contact with its head I felt pain like some had shot my arm with a shotgun......*

I sat up on my bed. My mom was sitting on a chair beside me holding my hand. She had curly red hair and green eyes.

"Had that dream again?" She asked.

"Yup" I replied."mom, can't u make some potion for this?"

Btw I am adopted and my mom is a witch. I don't know my real parents but mom says that my parents aren't human because I have these strange powers like I'm immune to fire just like in my dream and also I can create fire if I concentrate really hard.

"There is no potion for this Jacob". " Now get up or you'll be late for first day of school". She gets up from the chair and leaves the room to get breakfast ready.

I got out of my bed and head towards the bathroom where I brush my teeth and take a shower.

Now I am standing infront of the mirror wearing a red flannel shirt with a pair of black jeans and biker boots. I am 5'7 with straight jet black hair and light brown eyes. I am not scrawny but I don't have any huge muscles either.

Thirty minutes later I am heading to the kitchen where my mom has a plate ready with some pancakes and sausages.

I eat everything in a rush earning some lecturing from my mom and after I'm done with breakfast I head towards the front door after giving my mom a hug.

It's 8:30 and I only need 15 minutes to walk to school. As I walk I keep thinking about my school. This is my final year and I just want to get it over with. I am a nerd so bullies are like my constant companion. I only have one friend and her name is katy. She is also a witch so she knows all about my powers.

15 minutes later I am standing infront of my High school waiting for the bell when I hear someone shouting my name. I turn around to find a petite girl with light brown hair and green eyes running towards me.

"Kat" I yell as she jumps on me giving me a tight hug.

"Katy, I ca-can't br-breathe."

She released her arms from around me and gives me a big smile which I return.

"I missed u Jacob" katy whispers.

"I missed u to kat". And I really did. She is my best and only friend.

We met 2 years ago when she transferred here. She is also a nerd so a few of the popular girls and their boyfriends decided to mess with her during lunch. She was sitting alone in a corner eating lunch while I was standing in the line to get some food. I saw the popular girls and their boyfriends heading towards her with their lunch. While everyone was watching they started making fun of her. I looked around and everyone was just laughing at the cruelty happening right in front of them. Without thinking I speed walked towards them and just when I was a few feet away from them I saw one of the girls dumping her food on katy. I rushed forward and punched the girl in her face. She staggered back a little but was unharmed. I looked towards katy to see her looking at me with wide eyes. That is the last thing I remember because Just after that I felt a fist connect with my face and I blacked out. I woke up later on my couch back at my home. I slowly got up and staggered towards the kitchen where I found katy and mom talking to eachother. Later they told me that katy was a witch like my mom and the girls who picked on her were werewolves. (Just my luck)

Katy and I have been besties after that so I told her about my powers and she heals me whenever I get bullied.

Now back to present...

"Ready for today?" katy asks

"Nope" I reply.

Katy takes my hand in hers and we head inside together.