
Payback Comes for Everyone

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Yun Xiangxiang had a large bedroom. A small living quarters lay after the door. A clothroom stood between that and the master bedroom.

Yun Xiangxiang stopped struggling. She just woke him up. Song Mian might be sober, but he still drunk a lot. She was worried that he was uncomfortable.

"Your father is an honest, knowledgeable, respectable gentleman," Song Mian spoke from behind Yun Xiangxiang.

Yun Xiangxiang was elated when her mother praised her boyfriend. She was over the moon when the latter praised her father. "What about my mother?"

"A woman with great wisdom who hides it well," Song Mian had great acclaims for Su Xiuling.

He didn't say much with Su Xiuling, but how someone spoke revealed where they stood.

"You're the first to say that about my mom," Yun Xiangxiang was amused. "Why? Is the great Song Mian scared of my mother?"