
Hello, Mr Li

"You're crazy. But I love you" He said to her. ** She swore to never have anything to do with Socialites again. They were all backstabbing bastards and womanizers. She also found it difficult to believe that anyone was actually going to love her for who she truly was... Well, until Muchen came into the picture. He got attracted to her the very first time he saw her two years ago. It was the first time he saw a girl looking like a gangster. She had even beat up his cousin's bodyguards in front of him. And for the first time also, he allowed someone bully his dear cousin. After cunningly have her work for him two years later, she pretended like it was their first meeting since she didn't want her employer to see her as troublesome. 'This is going to be fun' He thought. The more he knew her, the more he got curious about her. But Sara didn't want anyone to ever find out about her past. Especially Mr Li. ** "Mr Li. I think...I know you like me and I'm kind of flattered that you do. But I... I don't like you that way" Sara tried to convince Li Muchen and herself. She had to put a boundary between them now before things become more complicated. He looked at her with an unreadable expression and took a step closer to her. "Its either you don't know it yet, or you know it but you're pretending. You do like me that way" He said in a low voice. "Mister... Mister Li. You are my employer" She tried to focus as she couldn't stand his gaze. "So should I fire you?" He asked. "I didn't say that." She panicked. "What I am saying is.. is.." She stuttered "Heya is like a sister to me. Which makes you like a brother to me" Muchen moved even closer to her and smiled. "You are getting something wrong Sara Wang. I..only have...one sister" And with that said, he covered the remaining distance between them and locked his lips with hers. It was soft, it was gentle. Sara's breath stopped. So did Muchen's. He had not actually intended to do that. Sara's stomach tightened. Her heart raced. She really couldn't process what was going on right now. He pulled away slightly to gauge her reaction. Her eyes were wide open but her focus was on his face. He smiled at her and was gradually lifting his head when he felt her soft hands which had been by her side, around his neck. He was startled when he felt her pull him back towards her. This time, She initiated the kiss. Me: Probably a sisterly kiss..lol Sara Wang is never going to be Li Muchen's sister. *** NOTE: This is a light drama. No rape or too many unclear misunderstanding. It is simple and straight to the point EXTRA NOTE: THE NOVEL IS NOW COMPLETED AND WOULD BE RE-EDITED. PLEASE BEAR WITH THE MISTAKES YOU'LL FIND! The sequel is currently ongoing so add it to your library! Hello, Mr Li: The Christmas trip. https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/14776018406659805?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4303567347 THANKS :-) DISCLAIMER: Cover photo isn't mine. I am willing to take it down if the owner wants me to. ♡♡

ThatAmazingGirl · Urban
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337 Chs


Sara's back was still facing Li Muchen, since she had turned to play the MP earlier. She just called her boss an asshole? Who calls their bosses assholes in their presence? How was she going to face him now? It wasn't even a question whether he heard her. He totally heard her!

Sara Wang! I have warned you severally to stop cussing. Now you are going to get fired. Congratulations! She scolded herself inwardly.

Then, a plan hatched in her mind.

She suddenly hit the top of the MP and spoke loudly.

"You are such an asshole! You always run out of battery!"

She turned to face Li Muchen and kept hitting it.

He managed to keep a straight face, trying very hard not to let loose with a guffaw. She just called him an asshole and was shifting it to her poor MP?

She actually cussed him, yet, he wasn't even bothered but was more worried about her poor MP? He must have gone crazy!

"So are you supposed to recharge it by hitting it?"

He asked sarcastically.

Sara was at a loss for words. How was she supposed to handle this Mr Li? He had always been a snob and all of a sudden he's chatting with her like they were friends?

The door opened followed by the appearance of Heya. Sara had never been so grateful to see Heya. she quickly walked past Muchen to where Heya was standing and gave her a bear hug.

"Heya, Thank God you are here. Let's get started"

She said as she freed Heya from the hug.

Heya just stood there and gave her a skeptical look. She also looked at Li Muchen who just stood there with his arms crossed. His face was expressionless as he just stared at Sara's back.

"Did he bully you?" Heya asked.

They were both not far from each other,Sara's sudden Hug and Muchen's expressionless face explained it all.

"No he didn't". Sara shook her head as she led Heya to the seat where Muchen had been sitting. It was a small square wooden desk with two chairs by each sides. Although is was wooden, Sara refused to imagine how much it actually costs.

" Are you sure?" Since she entered, Sara had been deliberately avoiding looking towards Li Muchen. So Heya couldn't help but ask.

"We're good" Sara answered.

"Oh Sara! what are you wearing? " Heya asked as she observed Heya's wear. "It's sexy" she giggled.

Heya on the other hand, was putting on a pink tee-shirt and loosely fitted pink sports pants with a white sports sneakers.

"Oh really? I don't find it that way though" Sara said as her head unconsciously swung to look at Li Muchen.


Their eyes met!

He maintained the eye contact and moved his steps to where she was sitting opposite Heya.

'Why is he coming here? What did I do this time?' She panicked.

She almost flinched when he stopped before her and squatted down. Their faces were only a few inches apart but her head was higher than his since she was sitting while he was squatting.

Heya was confused. What was Big Bro doing right now?

She looked at Sara and Li Muchen who were both opposite her, staring into each other's eyes.

" Mr...Mr.. Li..wh..at.. what are you doing?" Sara stammered as she looked at him.

He looked at her for a while and smiled.

"I am trying to open this drawer" He said softly as he pointed at a small lock on the side of the desk.

'Seriously? Open a drawer? Is it on my face then?'

How annoying!

Sara stood up from her chair and moved to where Heya was sitting. She tried her best not to say anything. She might really get into trouble this time.

Heya's gaze narrowed into a squint as she looked at Li Muchen who was trying in a password. She desperately needed to confirm whether what she was thinking was actually true.

Soon, they heard a 'Ding' followed by the opening of a drawer.

Sara seemed to forget about everything else as she wondered. This simple looking table uses a digital passcode? Awesome!

Li Muchen brought out an MP from the drawer and handed it over to Sara. "We can make use of this instead."

Sara nodded and took the MP from him. As she asked Heya. "Are you ready?"

"I am. I wonder when I'll be able to look Like this" She said, looking at Sara up and down.

"You will darling. And it starts now!...We're going to be weight training today" Sara said as she helped Heya stand up.

"Weight training? I'm supposed to be losing calories. why weight training?" Heya asked skeptically.

"To help raise your BMR" Sara answered.

"I still don't understand" Heya replied.

"Raising your BMR helps build your muscles. The more muscles you have, the more calories you can burn. You can even burn calories by just lying down" Sara said.

"Wow! really? That sounds nice!"

"You also have to follow the nutritional timetable that has been prepared for you. I've already asked the maids to clear the fridge. If there is any other thing we need to get, I and Sara would go get it for you....". Li Muchen said as he looked at Sara then gave her a wink as he finished his sentence


Guess what?

It's been exactly a month since I started this novel.

I am so happy to have been supported by all of you.

Once I'm done with my exams in two weeks. Expect a mass release. But until then, Please bear with my inconsistency.

And please...please... please... Write a review for this novel.

Thank you.

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