
Hello, Mr Li

"You're crazy. But I love you" He said to her. ** She swore to never have anything to do with Socialites again. They were all backstabbing bastards and womanizers. She also found it difficult to believe that anyone was actually going to love her for who she truly was... Well, until Muchen came into the picture. He got attracted to her the very first time he saw her two years ago. It was the first time he saw a girl looking like a gangster. She had even beat up his cousin's bodyguards in front of him. And for the first time also, he allowed someone bully his dear cousin. After cunningly have her work for him two years later, she pretended like it was their first meeting since she didn't want her employer to see her as troublesome. 'This is going to be fun' He thought. The more he knew her, the more he got curious about her. But Sara didn't want anyone to ever find out about her past. Especially Mr Li. ** "Mr Li. I think...I know you like me and I'm kind of flattered that you do. But I... I don't like you that way" Sara tried to convince Li Muchen and herself. She had to put a boundary between them now before things become more complicated. He looked at her with an unreadable expression and took a step closer to her. "Its either you don't know it yet, or you know it but you're pretending. You do like me that way" He said in a low voice. "Mister... Mister Li. You are my employer" She tried to focus as she couldn't stand his gaze. "So should I fire you?" He asked. "I didn't say that." She panicked. "What I am saying is.. is.." She stuttered "Heya is like a sister to me. Which makes you like a brother to me" Muchen moved even closer to her and smiled. "You are getting something wrong Sara Wang. I..only have...one sister" And with that said, he covered the remaining distance between them and locked his lips with hers. It was soft, it was gentle. Sara's breath stopped. So did Muchen's. He had not actually intended to do that. Sara's stomach tightened. Her heart raced. She really couldn't process what was going on right now. He pulled away slightly to gauge her reaction. Her eyes were wide open but her focus was on his face. He smiled at her and was gradually lifting his head when he felt her soft hands which had been by her side, around his neck. He was startled when he felt her pull him back towards her. This time, She initiated the kiss. Me: Probably a sisterly kiss..lol Sara Wang is never going to be Li Muchen's sister. *** NOTE: This is a light drama. No rape or too many unclear misunderstanding. It is simple and straight to the point EXTRA NOTE: THE NOVEL IS NOW COMPLETED AND WOULD BE RE-EDITED. PLEASE BEAR WITH THE MISTAKES YOU'LL FIND! The sequel is currently ongoing so add it to your library! Hello, Mr Li: The Christmas trip. https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/14776018406659805?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4303567347 THANKS :-) DISCLAIMER: Cover photo isn't mine. I am willing to take it down if the owner wants me to. ♡♡

ThatAmazingGirl · Urban
Not enough ratings
337 Chs

Gone nuts

Jianjun's face was buried in his hands as he sat on the couch in his living room. The ever cheerful Joreen was quietly sitting opposite him with a dull expression not bothering to say a word.

"I'm really sorry dad." Sara who was sitting beside him said for the umpteenth time.

Jianjun shook his head. "I already told you it wasn't your fault. Things like this are bound to happen" He said with his head still buried in his hands.

"You both can go to bed now. It's already late"

"Dad let me..."

"Sara! Do not do anything!"

Sara and Joreen were both startled when be raised his voice.

He was also startled. He had not intended to scare his girls but he could not help it. Some memories he did not want to remember were already stirring up due to this incident.

"Don't just do anything....please" He pleaded softly before heading to his room.

Joreen moved to Sara's side and wrapped her tiny arms around her neck.

"It's going to be okay Sis" Her tiny voice spoke out.

Sara had to restrain herself from crying even though it was already choking her. She hugged Joreen back.

"Can't you beg Mr Li to help us?" Joreen asked naively. To her, just knowing someone like Mr Li meant you no longer had any problem for the rest of your life.

With the mention of him, Sara finally remembered she had promised him dinner and couldn't help sighing. She had totally forgotten about him.

"It's good Jo. You should go freshen up now and go to bed"

Joreen reluctantly let go of Sara and went to their room. Sara just sat there staring blankly. She felt disgust, sadness, pain, but the greatest of them all was HATE. She would rather die than watch her father go kneel before the Liu family.

She wanted nothing more than to ruin that family. She knew how the rich worked but they had been taken totally unaware by her sudden strike. Now she understood what her father always warned her about. Only disrespecting Mrs Liu a bit had led to her not only buying the land with her Father's restaurant and thrashing the place, She even went as far as to buy their house. She wanted them to come grovel at her feet before she let's then remain in their house and if they do not, they would have to leave the apartment within the next 24 hours. That was purely insane. How was she supposed to not do anything and just wait till they throw them out? She was never going to let her father kneel to that woman even if it meant them living on the streets.


Muchen's mood turned sour when he got the report from Minde. "You are saying, Mrs Liu thrashed everything?"

"Yes. Even the dishes he prepared were all thrown out"

Muchen blew up "Someone as insignificant as her ruined my date? Is she crazy? It's even easier to buy a country than to get Sara to agree to your request. How was I supposed to cajole her into meeting me again? I even starved because I was waiting for her to bring dinner but that Liu woman dared to hurt her family?" He looked at Minde whose mouth was agape, looking at him intently. "You must be tired of staying in your apartment let's BUY HER HOUSE for you"

Minde shook his head at his brother. He has totally gone nuts, no doubt.

"Of course, you know we can't do that. Well, I know you can but not right now. But what did they do to that woman? It's not like Sara ruined Weiyoung's engagement. I always knew Mrs Liu was not a good person."

Since Minde dated Weiyoung, he had met with her mother a couple of times. Even after he returned, he had been updated on Weiyoung's engagement with Jinyong who happened to be Sara's boyfriend. Everything had come as a shock to him. He couldn't believe that friend's like Weiyoung still existed even after Sara threatened his life because of her.

Muchen took out his phone and placed a call across to Sara. He knew Sara was a strong girl. But what about her father? He didn't know Jianjun Wang very well. Besides, there was also Joreen. He would not let anyone bully them. He considered them his people. He remembered the day he visited the restaurant; the warm atmosphere, the nice meal. He couldn't believe everything was gone.

Sara just entered her room and found her phone vibrating. She had totally forgotten about her phone the entire time. She looked at the call log and saw several missed calls from Mr Li. It was a given- Besides she had promised him dinner. What if he had been waiting? What meal was she going to offer him when Mrs Liu's orderlies threw everything away?

The call came in again, and this time, she answered it.

"I'm sorry Mr Li something urgent came up. Did you eat?" She said after they finished exchanging pleasantries.

when are we ever going to stop saying sorry to each other? he wondered. "Yea, I'm good. How are you?"

How are you? How was she really? This was the first time he was earnestly asking her how she was. And it was the exact moment she was not okay.

She tried her best to suppress her tears but she couldn't as she began sobbing softly so he wouldn't hear her. "I have to hang up now, I'm sorry." She said in a very low voice that could pass for a whisper .

Muchen still left the phone on his ear even after the call was cut. 'That family has made her cry twice.' He muttered. First, it was their daughter, now the mother.

Even though her sob was very low, he could tell she was crying. She was a human after all. He couldn't believe that his Sara was crying somewhere

He looked at his brother who was looking at him intently

"Minde, I trust your connection. Everything should be in place before dawn."

Minde was tempted to ask 'What's in for me?' But he knew for sure that it was really a good thing for Muchen to be indebted to him.

If there was anything that made his family members proud of him, it was his connection. There was nothing under the sun that could be hidden from him and he always had things done effectively if he put his mind to it.

"Do you want to riun them right now?" Minde asked excitedly.


Hello lovely people.

*kiss kiss*

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