
Hellish Nightmare

Hellish Nightmare was a vrmmorpg game released in 2030. It boasted a high player rate and had an immersive story. But no one ever beat it. Many players stopped playing after that and it slowly lost its player base. In 2031, Hellish Nightmare launched its last update labeled REAL. Many players joined the game to see what the new update was about. When the update launched not much was changed but not one player could log out. Orion was new to the game and one of the many people trapped in the game. All tasked with the same objective everyone rushed to finish the game because if they didn't they knew the consequences. Death in the game which meant death in real life.

JazzyJJJ · Games
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Last Update

"It's Here!" I shouted. The game that I've been wanting to try for years was finally here. Hellish Nightmare was pretty popular when it came out back in 2030 that it was difficult to get one. I had to wait one year just to get this game.

The game was having its last update tonight and that made me sad because I had just got it but I still tried it anyway. I had played many vrmmorpg games before so I knew what to expect. I sat in the pod and waited for the game to load.

"Welcome to Hellish Nightmare" a tall man with pitch-black hair, red eyes, a strong physique, and sporting a white jumpsuit appeared. He looked at me with a cold gaze that sent shivers down my spine. He snapped his fingers and three things appeared behind him. Race and Class are the starting essentials for every game.

I looked at the seven available classes. Mage, Warrior, and Ranger. Inside each class was a subclass. "I choose Elementalist." Elementalist was a subclass in mage. Most people said it was a bad class and some said it was overpowered. For my race, I chose elf because why not.

"Welcome to the world of Hellish Nightmare." I was falling. Like actually falling from the sky. I was screaming but nothing was coming out. I finally landed in a town full of people. It was hard to maneuver around. In the middle of the town was a giant clock with five seconds left. When the timer hit zero the town was surrounded by a red barrier.

Two people appeared above us and were wearing black robes the hoods. "The update REAL for Hellish Nightmare has concluded. Please enjoy and remember it's not just a game anymore." The people disappeared and everyone groaned. "THIS UPDATE IS STUPID!" someone shouted. I could see many people looking at their systems and then a loud scream could be heard throughout the town.

"WE CANT LOG OUT!" Many people kept repeating the same thing. "System"

Name: Orion

Level: 1

Class: Mage (Elemetalist)

Title: None

Exp: 0/100%

Mana: 0/0

Health: 100/100

Shield: 10/10

Str: 0

Int: 0

Def: 0

Vit: 0

Available Points: 100

Logging out is unavailable.

"Close system." A lot of people were screaming some were even crying. While everyone was overreacting a message popped up in everyone's systems.

<Although you are stuck you can be freed. Beat the story and be freed or not. Also please remember this inst a game anymore. If you die in the game you die in real life. Quest: Beat the story

Reward: Escape the game and return

Limit: None>

It got quiet and most people moved out of the town. It was me and two people left. We all walked to the building where we collect our first quest.

<The darned wolves always killing are livestock. Brave soul please kill the goblins and ill reward you nicely. Please head towards the green forest.

Quest: Kill 10 frost goblins

Reward: 1000 EXP, 25 Coins, and A new weapon summon

Limit: 10 Mins>

I collected my quest and headed towards the green forest.