
Hellish Evolution

What happens when you wake up in the middle of cave, as a monster you've only seen in fantasy stories? When you get told to grow stronger on the pain of permanent death? When the first being you see kills you... 20...40... 1000 times? What happens when you don't want to be a plaything for the gods anymore? Ash died not a happy death but one filled with suffering. His only wish to be free. For him however, the gods had other plans. (Abandoned, sorry)

Waffie · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Life is like a box of chocolates...

Ash rubbed his eyes with his scaly green knuckles, hoping he was seeing things.

<Nope, still there... Wait, why would I even bother going for the weaker evolutions like "Snail" or "Cockroach"...>

<<Note: The weaker the starting species, the greater the potential in most cases - The Champion has 6 chances to check a monster type's overall potential before selecting species>>


As, he glanced towards the centre of the cave, he noticed something odd, or rather the lack of anything at all. There was no monster staring at him. He was alone, no references for his future evolutions except his past abysmally low of understanding about monster types.

<I do like wolves, so might as well stick to that...>

"System? Actually what should I call you, Mr or Mrs Floating-Thing?"

<<The Champion can call me Yui.>>

"Bit on the nose there, huh..."

<<Champion has 23 hours left to make a choice>>

"Wait no... fine. Can you call me something other than 'Champion' at least?"

<<Understood, Ketchum>>


"Don't do this."

<<Understood, Champion>>

An almost smug tone could be heard in Yui's voice.

<<Note: The Champion does not need to verbally speak to communicate with the System>>

<Oh, that makes things easier... Anyways, what information is available about each evolution that won't use my information chances?>

<<There isn't. Champion must use their own knowledge and instincts to decide>>

<So... this can be considered a type of test?>


<Can you sort out any monsters without abilities or evolution pathways that involve speed-type and darkness... abilities?>

<<Sorting... complete>>


Evolutions Unlocked: (Sorted by preferences)

1. Hellhound.

2. Hell Bunny.

3. Wolf.

4. Fox.

5. Blood Demon.

6. Goblin


40. Spider.

41. Ancient Wolf

42. Slime

Champion may choose specific species of monster-type. Once choosing a monster path, before choosing a specific species, the type is locked. Choose carefully


<Hm? Yui, what is the difference between Wolf and Ancient Wolf?>

<<5/6 chances remaining. Ancient wolves are the overall ancestor of all canine monsters, including the wolf>>

<Damn, should've guess that would use a chance... Yui, show me the rest of the info on the Ancient Wolf>


Due to insufficient information provided by the previous use, the following will be given without a used chance.

Ancient Wolf Type:

Potential: D --> ???

Elemental affinities: Assorted

Starting strength: F--- --> B

Chance of survival till evolution: Near Impossible --> Highly Likely


<Damn thats pretty good... Might as well check my current evolution... Yui show my information on Goblins>


Goblin Type:

Potential: E

Elemental affinities: N/A

Starting strength: F-

Chance of survival till evolution: Unlikely


<Oh, that's really weak. Wait, I wonder if that novel was right about slimes... Yui, show information about Slimes>


Slime Type:

Potential S

Elemental affinities: As per species

Starting strength: F

Chance of survival till evolution: Possible



<Yui is there a possibility of the Ancient Wolf path learning space or time abilities?>

<<2/6 Chances left. This is only possible from outside sources. The only evolution lines which learn space or time magic through evolution are humans and evolutions which are have been locked to the Champion>>

<Locked?? Didn't you say I've fully reached my potential limit in the Arena?>

<<Due to time taken, certain evolutions were locked. For more information, Champion must ?????>>

<...Very useful>

<<Thank you>>


Ash sighed, walking towards the makeshift bed he broke from the surrounding cold, hard stone.

<I'll make my decision when I wake up>

<<Champion cannot sleep unless they are willing to forgo evolution as fatigue is required to complete evolutionary process>>



<<On second thought, feel free to rest. It may be the last rest you will ever take since goblins have a low survival rate>>

<Yui... check information on the System>

<<1/6 chances remaining>>



Potential: Infinite

Elemental affinities: Incalculable

Starting strength: Enough to wipe out your pea-sized brain

Chances to survive till next evolution: Undefined, because the System is already perfect and needs not to evolve>>

Note: Cannot evolve to due to stupidity


<...Yui why are you like this>

<<Question too broad>>


The blue screen in front of Ash seemed to flash with a smiling emoji as his eye seemed to go through a small seizure.

<Show information on the monster with greatest potential>

<<0/6 chances remaining>>


??? ??? ?????????? type:

Potential: ??

Elemental affinities: All

Starting strength: S -> #$%$??$#

Chance to survive till next evolution: Certain

Note: Champion cannot evolve to this. There are also no lifeforms to ever reach this state however this is simply the theoretical strongest potential and lifeform.


<... I see nothing of use here>

<<Of course you don't. Please make your selection>>

<Yui... evolve me too...>

Ash smiled, as if remembering a fond memory.

<Evolve me to an Ancient Wolf Type>


<<Beginning preliminary evolution before further choices can begin. Champion, don't scream too much>>

"wAIT NO-", Ash screamed as his green balls fell off and his senses turned to fire.

Scratch my thing earlier about long chapters. Expect chapters this sized instead since effect, impact, yada yada, excuses to excuse my laziness. Add to your collection if you want, I'd appreciate it. I can't be bothered to proofread this chapter right now, so feel free to shame me in the comments about grammer or whatnot. I'll edit it again later or something.

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