
Hellish Evolution

What happens when you wake up in the middle of cave, as a monster you've only seen in fantasy stories? When you get told to grow stronger on the pain of permanent death? When the first being you see kills you... 20...40... 1000 times? What happens when you don't want to be a plaything for the gods anymore? Ash died not a happy death but one filled with suffering. His only wish to be free. For him however, the gods had other plans. (Abandoned, sorry)

Waffie · Fantasy
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7 Chs

A New World

Ash opened his eyes, staring at the now familiar ceiling. After his 40th death, he had stopped feeling afraid of the goblin. After his 100th, he began fighting back. After his 128th death, he injured it. And after his 151st death, he managed to kill it before succumbing to his injuries. He checked his status, noting the additions in it.


Name: Ash

Race: Goblin (10%)


- Agility: E+

- Vitality: F+

- Intelligence: B+

- Strength: F

Combat Power: F

Potential: ERROR!!


Absorption, World Language, Pain Resistance II, Combat Mastery I (30%)


He glanced up, seeing the same goblin in the middle of the cave. Yet this time there was something different. For the first time, the goblin looked at him, watching him before he had even made a move. Ash sighed, looking at the timer in edge of his vision.




He had already wasted so much time. It doesn't take a genius to figure out how badly he is going, only defeating the first monster after two entire days, something he realised immediately.

<I need a weapon>

With that thought, instead of charging towards the goblin, he looked for a sharp stone, finding one in the corner of the cave.

<Wait, why don't I just hit it in the head from behind!? If it can't attack me before I attack it, isn't this overpowered???>

He sighed, feeling like a fool. Ash carefully went behind it, aimed and struck at its head. As it fell down dead, he almost thought he could hear laughter in the distance, but he dismissed it as his imagination.

His stomach grumbled.

<Wait since I always died before I ate, I never got the chance to find foo- oh god>

The goblin's body stared back at him.


The sound of eating rolled through the cave as Ash tore bites from the goblin's body, trying not to think about the disgusting nature of his task.

<<Absorption activated>>

He felt a sudden burst of pain rushing throughout his body, as the remaining half of the goblin seemed to get concentrated into a miniscule ball before launching itself at his forehead, and merging with him.

<<[Vital Strike] has been learned>>

<<You have passed the preliminary phase of the Arena, and gained your first true skill. Everyday during training, you now have a choice to enter the real world for one hour. During that time, experience gain towards skills and yourself is multiplied by 5, however if you die, you will die permanently. Do you wish to exit the Arena for now?>>

<<Yes>> <<No>>

Ash swallowed nervously.

<If I go now I might find out what the hell is going on here...>

His fingers shakily reached for the <<Yes>> button. It stopped.

<How dangerous is it out there? The fact its warning me I might die means I'm probably too weak>

His eyes shone with a maniacal light.

<Screw it, I can't get stronger without taking risks. 5x experience is it?>


Somewhere in Tianshi Kingdom...

A group of men in shadow could be seen, sitting around a circular table, the leader on a chair adorned with gold.

"So, have the preparations been made on the Phoenix project?", said the shadow to the left of the golden chair. "We only have 5 days remaining to get started."

"Heh, don't worry. It's almost ready, I just need single test subject", said the singular unseated man.

"I've received reports of a strange energy signal from Jingshen Mountain. Might be what you're looking for, Zero."

Zero nodded, a creepy smile on his face causing the long scar covering his eye to stretch.

Suddenly, everyone's face paled as a massive pressure seemed to fill the room. A new figure appeared, floating above the table.

"Failure is not accepted, Zero. Not after last time. Remember that."

Relief was audible as the figure disappeared. The only difference between before and after the figure left was the river of sweat flowing down Zero's back.



Ash's eyes opened as he rolled to the side, instinctively dodging the dagger thrown at him.

<<You have gained [Enhanced Senses]>>


Ash spun around in panic, looking for any sign of a monster. There was only darkness.

Another dagger flew out from his right, slicing his cheek. Ash sprinted towards the shadows towards where the dagger landed, realising he needed a weapon.

<Come on where did it land... AH>

His hand grasped the dagger, as he raised it in time to block the third one. He threw the dagger in the direction he was attacked from, hearing a squelching noise as it hit its target.

<<You have gained [Enhanced Accuracy]>>

<<[Enhanced Senses] has levelled up>>

<So this is the 5x experience the voice was talking about. Seems like this was a good idea>

Ash carefully walked towards the body on the floor, seeing his dagger stuck deep inside the now dead goblin's throat. In its hand it held another 5 daggers.

<If I hadn't thrown that...>

It was only now that Ash realised how weak he truly was.

If it isn't clear already, whenever the MC thinks, it will be surrounded by <>, if theres a godly being or the 'voice' (oo i wonder what that really is spooooooooky) inside his head it'll be surrounded by <<>>, and if someones actually talking its the normal " ". I'm putting this here to avoid confusion, might make it part of a later Aux chapter idk. Anyway, please share any advice you may have, especially about dialogue cause im kinda bad at that. I do realise 844 < 1500 sorry.

Waffiecreators' thoughts