
Hell Unearthed

Shane, a 20-year-old boy, awakened in a different body in another universe, where demons and monsters roam the lands. Humanity was on the verge of annihilation as the Servants, those born of human and demon, were on a quest to unseal the portals of hell and bring doom to the world. Shane, a weakling who had no powers, suddenly gains an ability that no one possessed _the power to steal others' mana. This seemed like a miracle but how would Shane have known that he had possessed the powers and body of a five-thousand-year-old demon whose soul had separated from its body as it passed through the portal. What will happen to Shane when the demon returns to reclaim its body? Will he be able to defeat it, or will he turn around and destroy the only people he had pledged to protect? .... ''I can’t let you take this body.'' Shane said to the demon who looked exactly like himself. The demon laughed sarcastically, shaking his head as though in mockery of Shane; ''Do you realize I have owned that body for five thousand years? How do you think, a mere mortal like you can win in a war against me?; Walking towards Shane with a sneer on his lips, he said; ''I must commend you however, for the powers you have gained during your brief stay in my body. It's quite impressive for a mortal soul like yours. But now it's time for me to take what's mine. '' **** Takeaways Slow burn action( proper fights starts from chapter 11.) Slow-burn romance: (nobody is plowing each other in the first chapters. (I take my time with the romance.) weak to strong MC. ***** This is my WSA entry! Please read and leave your reviews if you like the book. It’ll be very much appreciated. I’m counting on you all. Thanks This cover is not mine. If it’s yours, please dm for removal or credit. Thank you.

zhiruyi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Unexpected twist

Nyx was standing with her arms folded in front of her chest. Everyone knew what the outcome of this fight was going to be. She could overhear some people discussing how stubborn Shane must be to not plead to have the duel revoked.

Shane stood still as he waited for Kai to make the first move. He was staring at Kai with such intensity that for a split second, Kai felt threatened. He knew Shane was powerless and he could defeat him in one minute, but his gaze was fearless.

Getting provoked, he aimed a powerful blow at Shane's stomach, sending him flying across the grass.

''Argh; '' Shane groaned, he could feel his intestines ripping apart, his face turning blue.

Kai burst out laughing as he approached him on the ground; ''For a moment there, I thought you were going to do something,'' he remarked as he pulled Shane up by the head and gave him a striking punch to the face.

Shane saw tiny stars as a tingling sound rang in his ears. That was when he knew he was not dying anytime soon. Kai had no intention of killing him right away. He wanted to beat the living life out of him first.

''At the very least, make an effort to fight me. Make yourself a worthy partner. I need to show everyone my insane powers, but I can't even use them on you. I'll just waste my mana for no reason.''

Shane coughed as he struggled to pull himself up from the ground, panting heavily. Kai smirked, and before Shane could catch his breath, he gave him a front kick that sent him flying into the air.


Shane flew and landed on the grass, blood spluttering from his mouth. A descendant's punch packs a force that is ten times more than that of a typical human's.

Shane coughed out blood as he lay on the floor. His heartbeat had slowed immensely at this point. He tried to breathe faster, pushing air into his lungs, which were almost giving up from the injury to them.

Kai's supporters cheered for him while those who were rooting for Shane yelled for them to end the fight.

But there was nothing the council could do. Shane did not want help.

Kai laughed as he knelt over Shane and delivered several blows to his face. Picking him up from the ground, he kicked him in the chest, and while Shane was still in the air, he flew up and delivered a series of strikes to his gut before Shane finally collapsed to the ground.

Now, it seemed it was getting out of hand. More people were yelling for Kai to stop, but he just grinned wickedly. The sight was too gory for Tatiana to endure, so she ran away.

Nyx watched, half her body leaning on a pole casually.

Shane was almost out. He couldn't move, but he could still feel so much pain.

''Is this something that tickles Tatiana's fancy? A human, so feeble he can't even put up a fight to save his own life!''


Another kick came, throwing Shane across the ground. When Kai saw Shane was already drenched in his blood and was unresponsive, he stopped. The referee came to the field, counted to three, and motioned for Shane to stand up if he still wanted to fight. After counting to three, he declared Kai the victor.

''Kai! Kai! Kai! Kai… !!'' Kai's supporters cheered.

Kai waved at the crowd as his fans cheered and applauded him.

But he had not rejoiced for long when the crowd stopped shouting;

He furrowed his brows and followed their gaze; only to see Shane standing with his head bowed. His white hair was stained with dirt and blood and it covered part of his face as he stood still. A black aura pervaded the area surrounding him as the wind rustled the leaves below his feet. The descendants were stunned into complete quiet as they watched Shane.

Kai frowned and charged at him at ultra-speed to land a blow on his face, but before Kai could get to him, Shane caught him by the throat.

The crowd screamed as they watched the scene unfold. Wind gusted around Shane and an even darker aura enveloped him. Everyone was thrown into a frenzy. His eyes were still closed, but Kai could not move under his hold. Kai stomped his feet, pushing against Shane, but he could not move. Suddenly Shane opened his eyes and instead of his normal eyes, his pupils were pure black.

As his eyes locked on Kai's, Kai's mana flowed from his neck into Shane's hand, like a spiral of flame.

No one, not even a descendant, possessed the power to draw others' mana. This was the first time they had seen something like this happen!

Shane was drinking him in. He was losing his powers. The numbers on his wrist were dropping at a startlingly rapid rate,

5321 4342 3281 3013 2976 2348…

The entire crowd was in an uproar as they witnessed Kai's mana flow into Shane.

The council knew they had to step in unless Shane would render Kai useless.

Zuko sprang to his feet and ran to them at the speed of light. With one move, he twisted Shane's neck, and Shane fell to the ground, passing out. Kai fell down too and fainted. The paramedics, who were on standby, quickly came in with stretchers and rushed them to the infirmary.

Everyone was thrown into utter chaos at what had just happened.

The Academy was in disarray that night. How did a human with no powers suddenly gain a very rare power? How was he able to take from Kai's mana?

They had a thousand questions, but the most prominent was, who the hell was Shane?

He had appeared out of nowhere and now he possessed a rare ability. Who exactly was he?

The Academy was divided into two. Some said that Kai had started the fight. He had tossed his namestone to Shane in the first place and almost killed him. He got exactly what he deserved. They were glad that Shane had discovered his powers. It was rare for a white-haired to be with no powers. There was something different about Shane, and now they knew what it was.

He had a strange power that no one else had.

Then there were the others who thought Shane to be evil. No one possessed the ability to drain others' mana. They suggested he be killed before he drained everyone's mana.

The descendants were in small groups discussing how a rather determined fight ended in a complete twist. No one had expected that ending.

Tatiana sat with Sky in the dining hall as they ate dinner. She was laden with mixed feelings.

''You don't look happy?'' Sky asked, noticing how depressed she looked. She had run away mid-way into the fight, so she didn't see what happened, but he had explained everything to her.

Tatiana sighed;

''No. I don't know how to feel. I'm happy that Shane did not die, but I'm scared, scared that they might kill him now because of the rare powers he possesses. ''