

The sight as I awoke from unconsciousness was disgusting. I was stuck in a fiery pit, and yet all I felt was cold. But my pain wasn't the bad part. All around me, people were being tortured; Being burned at the stake to the sound of laughter, some prodded with fork-like objects which caused boiling hot blood to pour out of their wounds. others were being skinned alive, or dead I suppose, and as soon as they passed out from the pain, they were healed and electrocuted awake, only to repeat this cycle. Many people were just being straight up brutalised, stabbed and dismembered. however, that wasn't the only kind of assault that these 'Demons' were perpetrating on these people, with wild smiles. That's when it all clicked, I was... in Hell.

They were all crimson coloured on their top half, yet, their bottom half was more blood red, due to the hair on their goat legs... The wings reminded me of that of the gargoyles on old buildings form bad horror movies, and the eyes... They looked like they were peering right into my soul, as they licked their lips and between their sharp canine teeth with their disgusting blue forked tongues. The smallest ones I could see stood at least seven foot tall, some reaching around fifteen feet. They were both dwarfed by the 'guards' at the gate, whom I couldn't even measure with my eyes. The screeches they made were deafening, especially along side the cries of the tortured souls... I had to find a way out, before they found me...

As I began to turn around a thick smog encompassed my being, as I tried my best not to panic. It slowly changed into a more humanoid, but equally terrifying form. Mysterious Figure: "Hehehe... hello... young one... Would you... like to make a deal?"

How did it come to this...

(Several Hours Earlier)

07:00 A.M

*Beep Beep Beep Beep* The alarm clock was going off, signalling me to get up for school as usual. I had assumed that today was going to be like any other Monday, slow and boring, but I was completely wrong.

The day had started off as any school day usually would, waking up, going downstairs and having either two pieces of overly-buttered toast, or cereal that becomes extremely soggy very fast. After a half decent, half bad breakfast, I stuck to my usual repetitive routine and watched videos until it was time for me to get ready to leave. I grabbed my school uniform, consisting of leather shoes, basic grey trousers, an itchy polyester button up shirt and a oversized, black cotton jumper, with the school's logo stitched on over the heart, and last but not least, the tacky clip on Tie. There was a school blazer, but hardly anyone wore the thing anymore. I received a lift to school thanks to my Nan at 08:30, to get there on time for a twenty minute 'group tutorial.' If you ask me they're a bit waste of time, especially since I didn't have a lesson in first period, so I was sat in our groups room alone, until the bell sounded, and the first fifty minutes were up.


I was starting to feel that something was definitely off today, the sky just seemed... wrong...

I couldn't exactly tell what was wrong with it... but... the clouds just seemed more... dense? The ground also felt hotter than usual, which was strange since it was about 13 degrees C outside.

As I arrived at my physics lesson to learn about lasers, which was actually interesting, I started to feel a little suffocated, almost as if something was being burned in front of me. I pretended that I was fine, but the others in the class seemed to be experiencing this also. The teacher, noticing this, and feeling it himself decided to let us go early, in case some chemicals or radiation had been spilled or something. Since I had nothing better to do at that time, I went to check up on the group. Everyone was in our room, which was weird since I was sure that we never all have a free together. It was a rather small room, but it was enough for the lot of us.

First of all we had Noah and David, they were both the funny ones, and the leaders. Although their humour lies in different areas so it was hard to say who was funnier. Then we had Jason, basically the Alpha male, at least in the eyes of basically every female to associate with us. Next on the list would be Lucas, the 'gay' friend whom seems to enjoy physical contact with girls a little too much... my bet is that he is hiding it. Now we have the girls, first would be Sophie, the girlfriend of Noah. They get along... decently at times, better at others. It wouldn't be so hard if Noah wasn't such a flirt... with other men. Ava is the 'funny' one in the group who likes cats, and bad jokes, and lastly we have Karren and Jasmine, the newest to our group of rejects... neither of them shut up, but at least one of them is loyal to our group.

They were talking about an upcoming animated Amaze film, called Arachni-Boy. They were all planning to go and see it on the weekend. As I approached the crowded table, the ground trembled slightly.

David: "The fuck was that?" He asked stunned.

Kai: "I think it was a tremor?" I replied to him calmly.

David: "I think it was a tremor. No shit Sherlock." he said condescendingly. David tends to become irritable when worried or when he's being competitive.

It happened again, but this time he seemed to not want to say anything about it, since it kind of split the floor a little. As I tried to help them get across to the other side, an orange geyser of hear shot from the hole, only to collide with a bright beam of white light, similar to lighting, but definitely different. We were too slow, the collision caused a gap, wider than any average human like us could hope to jump. We were trapped in a corner, confused and scared, waiting for another beam of light, or geyser of lava to strike us, and not to our surprise it did...

The last thing I saw was orange and red followed by white, then complete nothingness.


I awoke alongside my companions on... clouds? They too were beginning to wake up. I was stunned as to what I was seeing. An escalator to the right going up, and the same on the left, but going down, and in the middle I'd what seemed like a court house. It would seem that God really was the judge and jury in this world. I immediately thought that I was going to hell, due to my lack of Faith, but decided to remain calm until finding out which God this was. As I contemplated literally the most terrifying things I could experience, an angel interrupted my thoughts, and gathered my attention, then proceeding to wake my friends to listen. He started to explain our situation to us as he beckoned for us to follow him towards the court house.

Angel: "I am Angelo, I know it's not a very original name, but I'm proud nevertheless." They stated. "You got caught up in a little... feud between God and Satan..." he says solemnly

Jason: "Seems very 'little'" Jason says back to the angel, luckily, he isn't heard, as usual. Lucky bastard.

Angel: "You're probably wondering what's going to happen to you know, well, you're going to be sent down to another world, and live out your remaining lives there. It is the least God can do after, well, killing you all. He even decided to give you special privileges, to make up for what he did, you'll get to choose them, ahh within reason of course. Come now, follow me to the courthouse."

As we were arriving at the courthouse, a man came out yelling and screaming.

Criminal: "AHH!! I CAN'T GO TO HELL, I WON'T LET YOU TAKE ME!!" He screamed as he ran towards us, he was being chased by two angels in light armour with shields and spears. He seemed familiar, I think he was on national TV. I think he was called Alvin Brazil? He was a death row inmate, who was recently executed after committing murder and rape. He deserved this. I guess this happens often. I assumed he would get caught and sentenced to hell, however... He made a beeline towards our group, Noah in particular. We were very close to the edge of the platform, or whatever we were standing on. As he charged Noah, I managed to get him out of the way, and I shoved the criminal off the edge, but I didn't noticed that he had grabbed my leg, and was pulling me down with him. I tried to kick him off as Noah and David rushed to my aid, but the man was too heavy, especially since I was trying to hold onto a cloud. The part I was holding gave way and we plummeted. I passed out halfway down, thinking that I was done for...

Any kind of cirtique will be welcomed here. I would like to learn how to improve this as it goes allong.

kai_pricecreators' thoughts