
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

The battle for Konoha


The Stone-nin did some hand seals and yelled out, "Earth Style: Mud Dragon Bomb!" the teen slammed his hands down on the ground and seemed to grasp at the earth. The shape of a dragon's head rose out of the ground, and spat alot of mudballs at Naruto. Only to be blocked by Sanosuke.

"Sora you finally grace us with your presence." Sanosuke said sarcastically.

Instead of answering Sora became more feral, he dropped on all fours and became the size of a bus. His clothes shredded, his ears be came pointed, fur grew everywhere, he now supported claws, and sprouted three tails!

"Oh shit."


"Mother wants your blood Uzamaki!" Gaara shouted.

"Shukaku can go blow himself!" Naruto shouted knowing who his 'mother' was.

"Hehehe, just so you know Uzumaki, the sand around that girl Sakura will slowly squeezed the life out of her, until she is completely crushed. So, if you want to save your precious friend then your better kill me quickly, hahaha." the partially formed demon said with a sadistic laugh.

Naruto immediately went into action "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"

He then shoots a big fireball forward toward the psycho, the psycho himself jumps away from it only to clash with Naruto's katana.

They meet in the middle of the air and impact, the two attacks struggle to overpower each other, but Kyuubi prevails and goes right through the sand like claw.

When they land on opposite branches, the claw falls off, but it quickly gets replaced with more sand and is reformed. But he didn't stop there, the gourd on his back then turned to sand and went over the rest of his body, except the legs, leaving him to look more like the demon sealed in him.

'Shit, come on Naruto, think of a better plan. Damn looks like I'll have to use my Shadow Clones.' but before he could do anything, the almost perfectly formed demon crossed his arms for an attack.

"SAND SHURIKEN!" the demonic Gaara yelled.

The spike on his newly formed arms then shot out shurikens toward the boy, he then quickly jumps away to avoid the attack. But he didn't evade fast enough and was hit by the attack partially, sending flying towards another tree.

Once he gets the stars out of his eyes from the attack, he then see the psycho with a demonic grin on his face, with a look in his eyes that only Naruto understood.

'Such sad eyes, such sad lonely eyes. Like me he has a demon sealed within him, I bet everyone hated him and that must have been hard for him, he's had only his sister to care for him and probably his brother. But, from I can see, he doesn't let them into his heart because of the beliefs he goes by. The reason I have been able to get through the fact that I had Kyuubi, until I found out who he was, and the villager's cold stares were because of the people who came to be my friends and with them, I'm not alone anymore. I felt I excited, and relieved of my worries because of them.' he then looked back to the sand user once he got out of his thoughts.

'Gaara is still in that hell of being alone and I understand how he feels, and that's why…' he then hardened his eyes at the psycho and got back to his feet, with determination in the way he is standing,

"That's why I'm going to beat you, and save you and save you from yourself."

"Multi SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" Naruto then forms four more shadow clones.

"Well, here goes nothing." he and the clones he made, jumped off toward the sand user with the clones in front. Gaara shoots out his left claw towards three of the clones and catches them, the remaining clone throw the original over them. Quickly making another clone to take the next incoming claw, he goes over the sand users and goes behind him. Not wanting to waste anymore chakra, he released five-hundred pounds of weight.

He got enough speed, and then rams the kunai into his intended target as he speeds toward it.

"Konoha's Secret Finger Jutsu: 1000 years of Pain!" he then rams the kunai into his ass.

Everyone who saw this sweat-dropped at the scene.

Gaara had enough of the Naruto's antics. He then used his tail to whip him, making him fly, but the Naruto had a smirk on his face as he fell and said one word.


Right when he said that, the kunai he used exploded with the tag he put on it.

When the smoke clears, the sand that was protecting Gaara was barely hanging off his right side. Before the blond could hit the tree he was going to hit, Sasuke came in and took the force of the flying boy and blocked his impact.

"Sasuke?" the blond was surprised what his rival did.

"You did that, but still only managed one hit?" the brooding boy said while still in pain.

"Shut it." he got pissed how he can still judge his skill like that.

"Hey Naruto."

The blond then turned his gaze from Gaara to Sasuke.

"You better save Sakura no mater what and once you do, take her and run. You can do it."

He was slightly surprised by what the avenger said, he then continued.

"I can buy you some time. If it ends here, it means that I was only capable of getting this far," he painfully got up and stood. "I have already lost everything once, and now I know I have another family member left. When I die it's up to you the revive the Uchiha Clan."

Naruto never really thought about it, but now he knew, Sasuke was his part of his family and he would sacrifice his life for him, just like in the Wave Country.

"Thanks for the offer, but you stand down. This is my fight and I want to deal with it my way. Like you said we are family, but its up to us to revive the Uchiha Clan." Naruto replied.

"Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!" he then made two-thousand Shadow Clones.

"Let's go!" he yelled. They all then do as the original say and jump forward towards the sand user, and they all yell out, "Shadow Shuriken Justu!" they all threw out their individual shuriken making two-thousand shuriken into two million!

Quickly thinking of something, Gaara uses the claw he had left and blocked all the shurikens he could.

Then the clones then went in close and personal, and kick him up then ax-kicked him.

"Uzumaki 2000 Barrage!" they all shouted.

The crazed sand user then hit the ground, hard, leaving a crater where he hit the ground.

'This guy, just who is he?' thought Gaara.

"There is just no way...no way I can...LOSE TO THIS GUY!" all of a sudden, the sand he used grew exponentially and formed a giant puff of smoke in the area. In the cloud of smoke, two glowing yellow eyes shined through.

"Ah crap, this just had to happen; that demon that was sealed inside of him has come out."

True to Naruto's thoughts, the raccoon demon known as Shukaku stood there with all his glory.

"Oh shit!" he said.


Sora rushed at Sanosuke, he blocked him with his kodachi. Sanosuke slashed at Sora, only for him to shoot rocks out of his mouth. Hitting him in the stomach, and face.

"Pup what the hell are you doing?" Gobi asked. ( pup is for a dog or wolf, kit is for fox, kitten is for cat, I have no idea for the rest. Please help )

'If I use any jutsu's Amanda-sensei said I'll die, don't you remember?'

"Listen I'll pump more chakra into you, I'll do my best to keep you from dying."

'Fine but if I die, I'll kill you for this!'

Sanosuke did one handed seals and shouted out, "Ice Style: Swallow Blizzard Jutsu!"

A cluster of ice needles in the shape of miniature swallows appeared, and flew at Sora who dodged. But they turned around and did a critical hit on Sora, making him scream out in pain.

Then they both heard "Konoha's Secret Finger Jutsu: 1000 years of Pain!" and turned to see Naruto shove a kunai up Gaara's ass. Which they both sweat-dropped at the sight, then it exploded making Gaara look disfigured.

Taking advantage of the distraction Sanosuke did some seals, and yelled out, "Ice Style: Tiger Pierces Dragon Jutsu!"

A huge ice tiger run towards Sora, biting and crushing him. Then when he was weak Sanosuke shouted, "Ice Style: Ice Prison Jutsu!" Then a huge piller of of ice trapped Sora.

Coughing and hacking up some blood, Sanosuke looked at the prison sighting, thinking the fight was over. But there was a huge roar coming from the prison, and it exploded with Sora reaching the height of Shukaku but was as long as three football fields, and now sprouted his other four tails, showing seven tails in all their glory.

"Oh shit." Sanosuke said.

At the same time Gaara used his Ninja Art: Feigning Sleep Jutsu to awaken Shukaku, and Sora grew his other three tails ready to destroy Konoha.

"Naruto use the Summoning Jutsu!" Sanosuke yelled.

"Alright!" Naruto yelled back.

"Summoning Jutsu!" they both yelled out.

In a huge puff of smoke Gamabunta appeared in all his glory, and a snow owl wearing a white yukata and had big yellow eyes appeared.

"Gamabunta its been a while."

"Yes it has Renji, okay kids why the hell did you summon us?"

They both pointed towards Shukaku and Shichibi.

"What the hell! Sanosuke how the hell did you get into this perdicument?" Renji asked.

"Yea Naruto what the hell?" Gamabunta asked.

They quickly explaned the situation, and reluctenly agreed to help them.

Shukaku fired a couple of Air Bullets at Renji, but he flew out of the way and fired a Blizzard at Shukaku.

While Shukaku was distracted Gamabunta unsheathed his katana, rushed Shukaku, and cut his left arm off. Shichibi slammed his sseven tails on the ground, and tons of earth fired at Gamabunta hitting him in the chest. This of course gave Renji a clean shot at him, so he fired Steel Feathers at him. Striking him in the eye blinding him with his own blood.

Both Shukaku and Rokumbi were pissed off, after getting hurt they combined their attacks. Rokubi summoned a bunch of stone hands, and trapped both Gamabunta and Renji. Shukaku fired ten Air Bullets, hitting both Renji and Gamabunta making them both disappear.

Both Naruto and Sanosuke were falling fast, both were trying to think what to do.

"Hey Sanosuke!" Naruto yelled.

"What is it Naruto?"

"Why don't we use the rest of our chakra, and summon our demon's?"

"We got nothing to lose." Sanosuke replied.

"Summoning Jutsu!" they both yelled.

In flash of light Gobi the five tailed dog appeared, his white fur shined from the sun, his red eyes glaring at his enemies. And Kyuubi his nine tails swishing in the air, his teeth grinning and aching for blood.

"Hey Kyuubi let's blow these guys away, like we did five-thousand years ago." Gobi said.

"Great idea Gobi, let's do it." Kyuubi agreed.

Kyuubi and Gobi gathered chakra in his mouth, launching them at Shukaku and Rokubi.

As the white and red orbs combined together they yelled out, "Nova Blast!" as it blew up, taking out Shukaku and Rokubi. But with the amount of energy, both Gobi and Kyuubi disappeared, leaving Naruto, Sanosuke, Gaara, and Sora to fall into the trees and onto the ground.

Both Sanosuke and Sora were unconscious, Naruto forced himself to his feet while clutching his now broken right arm. With the energy he put out in the battle, he limped over the stunned sand user. While he was walking over to the red-head, he started to remember all the pain, the torture, the insults he went through as a child, while Gaara was doing the same.

As the blond got closer, Garra for once in his line of work, started to get scared.

"D-Don't come near me." he screamed.

Once Naruto was standing over the red head, he looked down on him with sad eyes, "The pain of being of alone is completely out of this world, isn't it? It really hurts, doesn't it? I don't know why...but I understand your feelings so much, it hurts. But I...I have people important to me now."

He then hardened his look, "And I won't let you hurt any of my friends and those who I consider precious. If you do...I'll stop you, even if I have to kill you."

"Why?" that's the question that has been plaguing the sand users mind. "Why do you do this for strangers?!"

"My loneliness...that hell, they saved me from it and they acknowledged my existence. They're important to me, thats why." the Naruto said, finishing up on his story.

"Hey, Naruto you can stop," the tired ninja turned his head to see his rival/family member standing a few feet from him.

"Sakura is safe, she's free from that sand."

"Hehehe, that's good."

Right at that moment, the last two sand team members jump in. Kankuro stands ready to fend off the two, but Temari stops him. He then gave a questioned look, to which she gave her own, a 'I'll tell you later' kind of look. He nods in understanding and goes to tend to his little brother.

"Thank you." Temari said, and they jumped away.

Sasuke was about to give pursuit, but Naruto's hand got in the way.

"No Sasuke, I know their enemies for now, but let them go." Naruto then locked his eyes on his rival, and family member. "Please."

Not understanding what was going on, he just complied him.

"Lets get goi-" Naruto then fainted, leaving the avenger to look back and see what happened. As a certain Nara would say, this just troublesome, and so the Uchiha picked up Naruto and went off to get Sakura.

As Sasuke took Naruto and Sakura back to Konoha, Kazuma and Hikari got Sanosuke and took him to the hospital.

And the Stone-nins found Sora and took him back to The Village Hidden in the Stones.