
Hell Restoration Project

[Congratulations! You have been selected as the project manager for the Hell Restoration Project! The skills and morals you displayed during your mortal life on Earth have made you the perfect candidate to restore balance to Hell!] *** A successful businessman, philanthropist, volunteer, and human rights champion. And he boasted about being a good, thougtful, and caring man, so when he finally died of old age, he naturally thought that he would go to Paradise. Imagine his surprise when he was instead sent to Hell. Not only that, his punishment seemed to be to continue working. Since there was nothing other to do than serve his sentence, Micah got to work. Accompanied by a floating eyeball, he began restoring balance to Hell. His way. [First Task: Help Pride, one of the Seven Deadly Sins, get back on his feet!]

Kiwidraken · Fantasy
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210 Chs


Art and Tineya, who unintentionally got their hopes up at Rego's hesitation since they thought he would be asking if they could get some as well, sighed in defeat and left the balcony and the café. 

Although they didn't have much to do on paper other than put the people Micah named in their positions, they still had to do that, tell Kairon to go to the café, and make sure all that, and everything that follows, goes smoothly.

Okay, it still wasn't that much. But it felt unbearable when compared to the taste of ecstasy they got from the coffee and the apple slices.

No matter how they tried to resist it, the smell of coffee seeped out of their noses, and the taste of the apple faded away from their tongues. The only thing trying to retain the sensations did was to make them want another cup and another slice even more.

Only the thought of the steep price kept Art and Tineya on task, and they tried to distract themselves by focusing on their job.