
Hell Of A Time

A new demon has arrived!

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Rogue Angels

"What do you assholes want?" Damian asked calmly as he looked at the three hooded figures that had been watching the hotel, "I don't recommend lying to me."

"To put it simply, we're here to kill an abomination!" One of them yelled as he charged Damian with an angelic blade. Damian blocked it with a dark red handgun and had the barrel pointed at the angel's face. Damian shot the angel and he collapsed to ground, surprising the other two.

"You bastard!" One yelled in anger as they rushed towards him. Time seemed to slow for the angels as Damian sidestepped them and axe-kicked one of them in the spine hard enough to cause a hole in the ground. He shot the angel in the head without hesitation and the last angel began to fly away in fear. Damian picked up the angelic weapon the angel he just killed was holding and threw it through the fleeing angel's wing. He slammed into the side of a building before crashing to the ground and looked up to see Damian standing over him.

"Who sent you?" Damian asked him coldly as he kneeled down and glared into the angel's eyes, "I know it wasn't my father, so don't try that lie."

"I'm telling you anything you abomina-AAAAHH!" The angel screamed in pain as Damian grabbed his wounded wing and squeezed it tightly, "W-War sent us!"

"Who is War?" Damian asked as he crushed the wing and a sickening crunch could be heard, "Why do they want me dead?"

"S-She didn't tell us why and we don't know who she is!" The angel screamed before Damian slammed his face into the ground and killed him instantly. He stood up and decided to ask the one person he wanted nothing to do with but in order to do that he would need to return to the living world.

~Hours Later~

"Here goes nothing." Damian sighed as he walked into the empty church. He saw that Michael was already there and looking at the large cross behind the altar.

"I never expected that you would be the one trying to reach me Damian." Michael told him with a sad tone in his words, "If I had known that Amelia was..."

"I'm here to ask about a woman who goes by War not talk about my mother's death." Damian told him with a calm but serious voice, "She sent angels after me."

"What?!" Michael asked in complete shock, "Why would Camael doing something like that?"

"Camael?" Damian asked in confusion, "Who is that?"

"She's my younger sister. She left heaven a very long time ago and began to call herself War." Michael explained and motioned for Damian to come closer, "After Lucifer's fall she began to grow angry and eventually killed one of us."

"So she's dangerous and she wants me dead for an unknown reason." Damian said while walking to Michael as a white light formed in Michael's hand and turned into a sword that seemed less than angelic. It was a black Eastern style sword with a strange white design.

"I had this made when I found out you were in hell but never got the chance to give it to you. It has the power to kill even the highest ranks of royalty in hell." Michael explained as he handed the sword to Damian, "I know you won't come to heaven with me but please be careful. Camael is powerful and you need to try to avoid a direct fight with her."

"I'll try not to but I can't avoid it if she comes for me herself." Damian said and his eyes widened as the sword changed into a chain bracelet, "Well that's new. I'm going back to hell now."

"Goodbye Damian." Michael said before disappearing and leaving Damian alone in the silent church. He gripped the bracelet before putting it on and returning to hell.