
Hell Flame Saga

A story as old as time, a world filled with magic and swords, plagued with demons and dragons. However deep in the heart of a city there lives a boy called Badurad. After the unexplained disappearance of his father he is thrust into the brutal and dangerous life of a knight, forced to fight and kill for his family. But as he grows he finds a power hidden deep inside, a flicker of an arcane hero a flame that is undying and unrelenting, What would you do if you met the Demon inside? And what would you do if the only way to survive is to become one?

Alex_N67 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

The origins of The Hell Flame PT.7

The next time I woke up it was through the eyes of my son. I had no control over his movements. I had no control as he cried out for his parents. I watched him grow up as a noble. I watched his whole life and I watched as He became part of a royal family. And I watched as he died stabbed by bandits and criminals. I watched my own son die. Then I passed out again waking up as my grandson. Again I watched his whole life with him. I felt like we were one and the same. I became attached to him and again I watched him die before me. This cycle repeated itself so many times so many times that it killed me. I was almost broken down crying out that my great great great great grandson wouldn't die from an invading knight until fire blazed up from him. I realised that given a strong will I can contact my family and defend them with my flames. From then on I pushed my family to be knights, defenders, guards whatever the time called them and to use my power to defend anyone and everyone. That's how the first human stronghold was made, Dedenford. Some of the greatest knights in history have been of my bloodline, our bloodline. Until fifty years ago give or take. The four noble houses and royal family all grew envious of the immense popularity that we had with the lesser families and lower classes, as well as the power we wield. Enticed by the church they slaughtered them all. Leaving me to watch all of the ones I held dearly die, again. I thought that was the end of my cycle of love and death until I awoke through the eyes of a baby. He was the strongest I had ever seen and became a knight despite his low class. I watched him win so many fights without my help slaying beast after beast. He raised pupils who became holy knights and in his thirties married the woman he loved. I remember the day he first contacted me, it was the first time anyone had initiated contact. He was standing in front of Dedenford holding his sword and staring down a dragon. It was the Fire dragon Magnaris. It was the same one I had killed on Drakonia a century ago. He shouted out. "Hey you, yeah the guy who's been inside my head you have any power that'll help me kill this thing." We talked in the Nakoro and I told him how to use my power and in an instant he mastered it. When he returned to his physical body his eyes glowed red and flames erupted from him consuming him. But then the flames stopped, they formed around him and then concentrated around his blade. The Fire dragon spat flames everywhere burning the ground. They fought for a week cutting each other, burning each other until finally the Dragon figured out His weakness. He shot a meteor at Dedenford. The knight jumped in front of it, wounding himself. He then did something that only I had done before. His heart began to burn brightly with the same burning passion mine did and then a ring of fire spawned behind "Come forth all of my hatred come forth all of my rage. Feed on my desires and wield my sins as your blade. I call upon the power of Hell the most feared of the four plains. I open The Gate Of Hell!" The hellfire burst out of the gate swallowing him and the dragon burning even the dragon's flames as it writhed in pain and burned it's bones and everything. The man only stood silently standing in front of the ash that used to be the dragon. However it was the end, his heart burst under the pressure the gate required. Only the heart of a royal dragon can withstand the toll a triple S rated spell takes. That man was the greatest knight I have ever seen. He gave everything he had, even his life to save the thing he held most dear. That was your father. The next thing I knew I woke up as a kid, probably not even old enough to have memories of that time. The reason you are so dear to me Badurad is not only because I have watched you grow up and spent fourteen years by your side but also because of your fathers last words. The last words of the man I respected more than any other. "My family is my world and I am more than happy to give everything for them. Please Zel protect my world." when I promised him that he died with a smile on his face. He was relieved.

Badurad dropped to the ground, tears forming in his eyes. His mind filled with sadness and amazement. He looked at his father in a new light. Not just as his dad that he wished he knew but as the knight who he wanted to be, to surpass, to make proud. He thanked Zel for telling him that and stayed in the Nakoro. Since time moved slower there he had Zel teach him everything he knew about magic and The Hell Flame. He learnt how to make swords of fire and how to control the Demonic armour. He learnt how to enhance his physical abilities with flames and how to even summon a familiar. He learnt the most powerful spells from each and everyone of his ancestors and he learnt to master the fire that had given him so much. When he woke up it felt like years had passed but it had only been a day. He woke up a new person. By the time he woke up Koro was also awake so they packed up their camp and set off into the blizzards and snow with badurads flames shielding them from the weather. Their mission was nowhere near done.