
Hell Flame Saga

A story as old as time, a world filled with magic and swords, plagued with demons and dragons. However deep in the heart of a city there lives a boy called Badurad. After the unexplained disappearance of his father he is thrust into the brutal and dangerous life of a knight, forced to fight and kill for his family. But as he grows he finds a power hidden deep inside, a flicker of an arcane hero a flame that is undying and unrelenting, What would you do if you met the Demon inside? And what would you do if the only way to survive is to become one?

Alex_N67 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


He woke up on a log. He had slept roughly but was still invigorated and ready to set off. He was still surrounded by a swamp that seemed to never end but by his estimate he was nearly at the lair. He continued to trudge through the mud and roots. The swamp was now infested with bugs so Badurad Had to wear a hood and cover most of his skin which made him incredibly hot and made walking a lot harder. He had been walking for hours now and was insanely bored. The heat made his head drowsy and his movements sluggish and at that point his head started to wander. He thought about all that he had gone through to move from a peasant to a knight. He thought about the friends he had made and those he had lost. He thought about the things he had done. The countless people and monsters he had slaughtered. He thought as he often did about the dream he had had. He thought of the boy who had stood before him. He thought about it a lot. He thought about his future. He knew he could never become a holy knight when he wasn't a noble. Was his only option to just keep accepting these dangerous quests and hope he didn't die?

Before he knew it he had reached a fence that loomed over him. The wall was made of logs tied together. He walked around the wall trying to find an opening or some way to get inside. He needed to know if this was the cults' lair and if not he needed to find some food as he was starving. Eventually he came across some gates. They were just as thick as the wall. He could see a sign that said " Temple of the true saviour." He guessed that this meant he had arrived at his destination. He stood back to see the full scale of the gates. there was no way to get through with his current equipment. The only way he could see of opening it with force would be to try to cut it with his sword but then he would be defenceless against the cultists. (Not to mention Oakly's wrath.)

He strode towards the gate and raised his hand above his head. tensing all of his muscles. He swung it down with all of his strength and knocked. After a few minutes he knocked again with the same force. Making sure to use the plating on his knuckles to create the maximum sound. After about his fourth knock a hooded man peaked his head above the fence. He was wearing red robes and had a shaved head. "Who are you a'n why are you knocking at the gates? The secret meeting's not for a week." Shouted, the cultist Badurad cleared his throat. "I am a knight of Dedenford. I have come here to kill you all destroy your cult and take the head of Graham the lord of lambs!" After this the cultist disappeared and he heard some muffled shouts. After yet another few minutes the gates swung open to reveal a group of about twenty or thirty similarly robed men and women. They were armed with a variety of different weapons ranging from a pair of daggers to a book.

Badurad unsheathed his new blade for the second and lowered it to his side. He slid his left foot along the ground marking a curve in the ground until it was directly behind him. He tensed his left calves and thigh preparing to push off them. He raised his right hand directly in front of his mouth. In doing so he removed his cloak and let it fall to the ground revealing his gleaming silver armour and his face. In response a cultist stepped forward and started to hover in the air. He opened a book in one of his hands and watched the pages flick over. The air around him began to change. A warmth radiated off of the man creating a harsh field that hit Badurad like a wall.

The man began to chant and the air around him shone red and then compressed into a small sphere in front of him. The Man then uttered a single word 'Haren' and a small beam of red energy flew towards Badurad. Badurad instinctively dodged to the side but it was too late and the beam shot through his left shoulder with a piercing stab. His shoulder then burned with a sensation that spread through his entire body, it made his insides burn. Badurad howled with pain. It felt like his shoulder was on fire. His blood literally boiled causing his arm to drop. Badurad lost all sensation in his left arm. Badurad had no more time to think as the cultist shouted once more and five more beams shot towards him. This time Badurad had time to move and knew what to expect and he dodged them all. With no further hesitation he sprung towards the man. But before he could get there the air changed again and this time was a bright green. The energy then collected in a sphere around the man and disappeared. Badurad continued charging forward Until he was only a few feet from the man at that time the air around him shone brightly and a gust of wind pushed Badurad back flying hurtling through the air. He stopped moving when he hit a tree. the pain erupted from his back knocking the wind out of him. As he slumped to the ground.

The cultist stopped levitating and dropped to the ground. He started to stride towards a limp Badurad. He started to chuckle " Hahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha see what power I wield when I am backed by the true saviour. You had no hope of defeating me. What an idiot did you really think you could defeat a group of mages with that pathetic sword. You couldn't even beat me and you hoped to kill lord Graham. Don't make me laugh you pathetic worm." The man then raised his foot and kicked badura. Badurad still had no breath and had no energy; he had nothing to use; the only thing he had was his own desire. He needed to win. He needed to win. HE NEEDS TO WIN. Badurad let out a scream that made his throat raw. He grabbed the man's foot and flipped him onto the ground and started to punch him in the face repeatedly smashing in his skull. The man's face was flattened. Badurad stood up covered in the man's blood and stared at the rest of the cultists.