
Hell Flame Saga

A story as old as time, a world filled with magic and swords, plagued with demons and dragons. However deep in the heart of a city there lives a boy called Badurad. After the unexplained disappearance of his father he is thrust into the brutal and dangerous life of a knight, forced to fight and kill for his family. But as he grows he finds a power hidden deep inside, a flicker of an arcane hero a flame that is undying and unrelenting, What would you do if you met the Demon inside? And what would you do if the only way to survive is to become one?

Alex_N67 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Graham the lord of lambs

Time seemed to stop. Everything was passing in agonising detail. The dripping of the blood from his clothes. The light rushing across the floor. The millions of arrows forming behind the mage. Then time suddenly started. The world went into overdrive. As one word was spoken. The arrows shot forward at Badurad. only about ten of them. But their speed was incredible. Badurad managed to dodge at the right time ducking his head as the arrows launched past his head. The mage then raised his hand and outstretched two fingers. He then closed his fist. Badurad felt nothing too bad he noticed an itch in his back and instinctivly reached back. That was a mistake. He pulled his hand back wich was covered in fresh blood. That's when he felt it the searing pain in his back as ten gaping holes started dripping blood. He heard the rhythmic dripping as his life slowly drained from him. He felt like he was being pulled down and down. His eyes felt heavy. His body crashed to the floor. He was barely hanging onto consciousness.

"Well well well the mighty knight fled after just ten of my arrows. How pathetic I thought you would be better than this. Well I geuss it is true that the weak are weak and the strong are strong. Not much you can do about it now since you're going to die and all. Now it's time to die." The desperation he felt fueled his movements; he was half asleep and could hardly stand. Badurad drew his hand into a fist pushing himself up onto his feret. His eyes seemed distant and empty. Despite this, Badurad picked up his sword and raised it to a proper stance. Graham only smirked and brought his hand down all of the arrows that had been lighting up the entire room fired at badurad with the speed of a falcon diving to its prey. Badurad opened his hand and let out a fire ball hoping to stop the arrows in their tracks. But it was in vain. The arrows pierced through his entire body and he was hit by at least fifty arrows. Badurad didn't feel the pain; he was too far gone at this point; he could barely notice the cultist walking towards the alter again with the same dagger raised over the child's heart. Badurad was delirious from the blood loss. He just wanted to feel the familiar feeling that wasd passing out on the cold stone floor. His eyes only focused on the boy. The terror in his face. Thren Badurad saw something that shook him. It terrified him. But after the fear came rage, pure unbridled rage. He had seen his sister's face on the boy's.

Badurad stood up flames flowing from his injuries and couteriesing them. The flames rolled over his body forming a suit of armour that covered his entire body. His eyes were the most changed part of him. The outside of his eyes had gone dark red like the burning fire covering his body. Then his irises had turned as black as the night. He then walked towards the mage,sword in hand, making no sound just slowly walking over the pile of bodies. He stepped over heads and arms. Over legs and torsoes keeping his eyes fixed on the Cultist. He walked towards Graham who was still standing over the boy. Graham brought his knife down to the boy who was still squirming. The knife shattered against the stone altar instead of piercing the boy. There had been a flash of red and the boy was gone. A look of rage flashed across the cultist's face as he realised what had happened. "You should have just died instead of interfering with my ritual!" Badurad set the boy down on the other side of the room and then faced the cultists and readied his sword with a cold expression on his face Badurad was in control this time and wouldn't let Graham win.

The cultist summoned the same arrows of before and launched all of them at Badurad with a roughcast scream Badurad snapped his fingers and the arrows were consumed by his flames dropping to the ground and disappearing. Frustrated the cultist roared and piled his hands in front of him and clasped them together. From his hands a tremendous flame erupted spilling from him into a giant pillar of bright red fire. It hit Badurad. However Badurad kept walking towards the mage. The cultist then switched to a torrent of water that hit Badurad like a ton of bricks but then it all evaporated burning the cultists hands. Then frantically Graham started hurling spells at Badurad he fired off thunderbolts and launched rocks but nothing halted Badurad's advance until he arrived at the mage who was sweating and terrified. "What what are you. Your a monster. How did you get this strong. This isn't fair. THIS ISN'T FAIR. I should have been protected by the saviour how did this happen your just some pathetic little child." Badurad was now towering over Graham looking down on him as he tried to process his defeat. He stared into his mis coloured eyes terrer crept across his face. "It is you IT IS YOOUUU!" Then the cultist hurled himself at Badurad and was skewered by the sharp blade. His body fell to the flaw I front of Badurad like so many before. Graham was now another corpse. And with that the flames around Badurad disappeared and he too fell to the floor covered in cuts and blood he was so tired he couldn't wait to sleep and so he shut his eyes