
Hell Flame Saga

A story as old as time, a world filled with magic and swords, plagued with demons and dragons. However deep in the heart of a city there lives a boy called Badurad. After the unexplained disappearance of his father he is thrust into the brutal and dangerous life of a knight, forced to fight and kill for his family. But as he grows he finds a power hidden deep inside, a flicker of an arcane hero a flame that is undying and unrelenting, What would you do if you met the Demon inside? And what would you do if the only way to survive is to become one?

Alex_N67 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Angel Versus Demon

John had retreated about five meters away from Badurad. "Magic huh! You must have been quite desperate to resort to that in front of such a crowd. Well I'm not done just yet. I wanna keep playing for just a little bit more." As soon as John had uttered those words he reached round to his back and pulled around a belt that crossed over his chest revealing a line of small daggers. He then grabbed ten one in each finger. Then reaching both hands to his shoulders he flung them at Badurad. He fell to the floor in attempt to avoid the

blades as they whistled above his head he saw John readying another volet in an instant. Badurad grabbed his sword and scrambled in the dirt to find a foothold. When he did he shot himself forward but it was too late. John let the second round of knives fly forward and Badurad had to jump upwards and over John who was clutching one of the blades in his hand. Badurad settled himself on the ground and readied his sword. The two stepped forward and unleashed a series of attacks and parries. Both knights' speeds were evenly matched. After a minute of continuous back and forth the two leaped back from each other. "You're no fun butcherer will you stop holding back on me? And in turn I will do the same." John's eyes darkened as he looked to the ceiling. "Our eternal light, our lord in eternal rest please grant me your power to help me to dispel all evil and eliminate all threats to you and your land please grant me your miracle!" The air around John started glowing with a brilliant gold aura. He was surrounded with a light that warmed all who saw it. His body shone with the light and elegance of the cathedral of Dedenford. The aura then tightened around John's creating a warm glow that surrounded him. The aura then extended behind him to the swords laying on the ground which immediately flew back to John's hand. The chain of the weapon straightened and became rigid creating a staff with two golden blades at each end. Badurad sees this transformation and feels the immense power emanating from John's body. He then cried out "Zel! Let's do this." His entire body was cubaines by dark flames that crawled up his legs to his neck forming a suit of armour that enclosed his entire body except his head. His eyes turned the same black and red that they had all those years ago fighting Graham. But it was different this time. He was more in control. The power flowed from his hand into his sword engulfing it in dark flames. Both knights readied their weapons getting ready to strike.

Badurad rushed forward with his flaming sword at his side and his left hand in front of his mouth. He then thrust his hand in a giant arc creating a ring of fire. The circle was launched towards John who simply smiled at the attack. His aura made his knives all fly out of his belt and they formed a great shield that hovered in front of John dispelling the flame. It then split in two and John jumped out at badurad staff raised above his head. John swung his staff down to where badurads head was supposed to be but Badurad sidestepped the blow and swung his sword horizontally at John's back. However as he landed John thrust the blade at the bottom of the staff up at Badurad's chest forcing him to become defensive. He used his sword to push the staff away from him. Then with his sword still in contact with the blade he ran down the weapon, sparks flying and metal scraping. He then swung his sword at John who's shield again blocked the blow. Bafdurad started hacking and cleaving at the assembled knives, knives flying off with every hit. His eyes widened and his mouth foamed like a wild animal. He was losing control, he needed to win, he wanted to win. The flames encapsulating his sword started growing and became savage. He encapsulated the entire field in a fireball swallowing the stadium and licking at the high walls creating an upstream that pushed away all the onlookers. John was barely hanging on, he was now surrounded by his blades that were barely protecting him. His blades are made of tungsten but they were still having a hard time surviving the constant heat and the relentless thrashing of the blade. The inside of the defensive shell was becoming like an oven. However, John was not finished yet. In an instant he collected his blades in two sheets and pushed them apart at a great speed making a huge gust that extinguished the flames and pushed badurad backwards into the wall knocking the wind out of him. Badurad fell to the floor on his hands and knees growling at the holy knight that was hovering above the ground with wings of blades, his aura shining brightly like a star in a pitch black sky. Badurad scrambled in the dirt and launched himself at the angelic knight. He burst forward like an arrow, flames trailing behind him. He approached his target, his eyes widened and terrifying like a wolf pouncing on its prey. His teeth were grinding together. As soon as he was in range a huge wing created another gust of wind blowing him into another wall. The stone cracked to create a platform that Badurad was lodged in. The impact shattered Badurad's bones but he didn't feel it through the clouded rage. All he could see was red; it was a mixture of blood and rage. He started to growl. His flames reached up to the ceiling licking the stone. The area around him started to drip and the air around him was boiling. Badurad was crouched down on all fours like a feral beast snarling and growling at the holy knight above him. Then with all the might he could muster he crouched down his sword in his right hand tensing all of his muscles and preparing to pounce. Badurad launched forward like a comet shooting through the sky, his crimson flames trailing behind him burning everything around him. The walls cracked from the very act of him jumping. His legs broke from the pressure the immense power put on them he bolted through the air and sliced through the wings before they had a chance to blow him away he then tackled the knight to the ground pinning him to the floor. His sword touched John's neck and Badurad looked down with a cold look. A look that horror books can only attempt to describe the kind of look that you feel throughout your entire body. The look that encapsulates the belief that you, you are going to die. In that moment with badurad semi continuous and barely a passenger in his own body he looked down at the boy with pure contempt. "I give up." The words came out of the holy knight's mouth with a shaken voice but with a hint of excitement. And with that a sense of relief filled Badurad's body he stepped backwards falling to the floor completely exhausted. The crowd had all pressed against the far wall in the stands shocked to silence. A commoner had beaten a holy knight? This was impossible in their mind. Only one voice broke through the stunned silence and it was Hiro's cheerful smile and laughter. The two of them had been fighting together for many years and he was all too accustomed to seeing Badurad go berserk. Hiro lifted Badurad onto his shoulder and shouted compliments like "You were amazing!" and "Wow, that was some heat you created huh?" The two of them traveled back down to Badurad's house. Hiro had found a wooden cart that he could push Badurads broken body down the hills with. They left the arena behind and just went home like they had done as kids.