
Hell Fire of a female beast

It has been a year since the Leppard clan attacked Iris and family. In a last ditch effort to save her daughter, Iris sent her with the three fox males. Now an out cast Meadow has to navigate and avoid being captured by the Leppard clan. Will history repeat itself or, Will everything she has come to know go up in flames?

Mama_Wolfblood · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


trigger warning this Chapter contains elements of rape and attempted murder. Reader please be advised and proceed with caution.

Meadow pov

I woke in a comfortable bed. I sat up to look around only to see Perker at the table watching me. "Cub I am sorry please forgive me." He sounded like the man I knew. The papa that would run at top speed with me on his back. Me laughing as the wind rushed past us. The papa that would sit by me while I was sick. However I know this monster is not my papa not anymore. "Parker what happened to you? Mama loved you would have done anything in her power to help you. How did it get this far papa." I said crying holding the blanket to my face. "Cub what is wrong with me can't be fixed. I am dying eachday it is hard just to do something simple as breathing. People like me should be killed but its risky due to how contagious it is. I don't doubt you may have it now because of me. I am so sorry Cub I never wanted to do that to you." He said crying I see the knife on the table walking over to him while quietly picking it up. "it's ok Papa I don't blame you" I said hugging him. He closed his eyes resting his head on my shoulder. "I love you Iris." He whisperes hearing this broke my heart. I drop the blade. He pushed me away "You tried to kill me!" He growled "perhaps another lesson needs to be learned." grabbing me by the hair and pinning me down. I scream out of pain as he took me. "My males will make you pay." I said before blacking out.

Parker pov

No I don't think they xan make me pay nearly enough. Its your fault for looking so much like her. "Father a Scorpion is heading this way." It was Ron my elder son from of of the whores. He doesn't have a mate yet. "a gift for you boy be happy I found you a mate." I said standing up. He looked at her before looking at me. "like any female will go for you. I am doing you a kindness. " I growl and he nods before marking her. I leave him to it while I get ready for this unwelcomed guest.