
Hell ‘s princess

Rudy is a princess in hell . She then meets a old enemy of her fathers what happens next will change her life for good or for worse ?

Eli_fire56 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 2

You want me to tell you said max . Okay I am here because you need to find your soulmate before

the end of year . Or what ? You will die . Oh no , if hell had no princess it would end the world .

Guards ! called ruby . Yes . Take this women out of my kingdom , now ! Yes . And with that the

women was gone . What are you going to do ? Said Sam . Sam was her best friend and her right

hand women in battles . I will wait . No ruby Morningstar . When sam used her full name it was and is

serious. Fine I will go up to earth and look . But . No buts I will not let you go up said ruby . Fine , Go

and get killed like your mother . Ruby grabbed a sword and pointed at Sam . Never tell me what to

do Sam , Know your place ! And with that ruby was gone . Leaving the guards and generals in

shock . Ruby was in a ballroom dancing . It helped her with her emotions . She was a demon . How

could any one love her ? Yes she did dream of find the person she was willing to do anything

for .She had gone though a lot of relationships . All of them ended with her heart broken . So if she

did find the person who was her soulmate . She would scare the person or at least be cold to him or

her .