
Hell's Twins

Omava006 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 6

-Next day

Today is Sunday and I'm having football practice by 2pm. After church, we went home and I still had a few more hours to rest before leaving, it was just 12:19pm. After changing into my house shorts and baggy t-shirt, I went to the living room to watch some TV and luckily Maoris wasn't there. I got a drink and some biscuits from the kitchen and went back to the living room, I watched SpongeBob till my alarm went off. I had set an alarm for 1:15pm to get ready for practice.

Maoris POV

I hadn't gone down to watch TV yet because I know that Martha would be going for football practice. So I played chess on my phone and then went for a stroll, by the time I got back, Martha had already left and my mom was at work for afternoon shift, I was finally home alone.

I made some popcorn, watched some movies, played music and danced to it. I also painted my nails and did some cleaning. It was fun being home alone.

Martha's POV

It was 1:15pm so l quickly took a shower and change into my jersey shorts and top. I made my hair into a ponytail, by the time I was done it was 1:49pm, so I had enough time to get to the field. When I got there I saw Coach Miller from afar sitting down and waiting for everyone to arrive. It was 1:55pm, there were about seven of us that had arrived, waiting for the remainder of our team . When I got to the field Coach Miller directed us to run a few laps before our team mates arrive.

We jogged round the field three times and then Coach blew her whistle signifying that that we should take our positions on the field. I'm a defender and so is Yvonne. Coach shared us into two groups to play against each other, 5 each in a group and last person remaining among us eleven, a girl named Rosalie, was our umpire.

We started our game and the first five minutes was spent in our half of the pitch trying to defend our post, then a long shot sends the ball flying over to the opponent's half. Within two minutes, a shot was fired and cheers filled the air, a senior girl, Carly had taken the shot. After what seemed like an hour of playing under the scorching sun that made my jersey to be soaked in my sweat. The game ended with 1-0 and Coach was impressed with our defense skills. When we got to the changing room, I took off my jersey leaving on my pink and black sports bra and headed into the shower. I had taken along a tank top and jean shorts to change into so that I don't have to go home all sweaty and gross.

After changing, Yvonne, Carly and I went to grab a bite. "Would you like to place an order?" the lean waiter asked as we sat around the table. "I will have grilled chicken and salad" I said handing him my menu. "I will take a chicken hamburger, fries and a milkshake" Yvonne said. "I will go with chicken nuggets" Carly responded. "You girls really love chicken, huh?" the waiter said taking down the last order and turning around to leave.

Yvonne kept babbling about the game and how Carly took a badass shot while we ate. After we finished eating Carly dropped us off at my house (Carly is a senior and she's 18 years old. She has dirty brown hair that reaches her mid back. Carly has a sister, Sophie. Carly is really nice and smart too).

"So tomorrow is our big game" Yvonne squealed. "I can't believe it...It's all happening so fast" I said pacing all around my room. Yvonne and Maoris are sitting on my bed. "Calm down, you've done this a lot of times, so what's the big deal?" Maoris questioned, when she saw me getting really uneasy. When I get nervous, I start walking or cleaning. "You know what, let's go downstairs and watch a movie Yvonne suggested. "No" I said, still pacing. "It's the only thing I can think of that has actually worked" Yvonne said sharing intently at me. "Fine, fine" I said picking at my lips. "I'll go get some popcorn" Maoris said and headed for the kitchen. When she came back, Yvonne and I were already cuddled up together under my Frozen blanket. " You started the movie without me!" Maoris said while dropping the bowl of popcorn and three canned drinks on the center table. "Ow!" I shouted as Maoris jumped and plopped down in-between Yvonne and I, and sitting on my hand in the process. "Serves you right" she said, scrunched her nose in the air and folded her arms like a child. I glared at her. " What?" she asks with an innocent smile on her face. " I'm going to...." I said before I was cut off by Yvonne. " Will you two just stop arguing and concentrate in the movie?" she asks with a raised eyebrow looking from me to Maoris.

After some hours of watching different movies on Netflix Yvonne said she needed to start heading home to prepare for tomorrow's game. " Bye" she said as she got into the passenger seat of my mom's car. "Bye see you tomorrow" Maoris said from beside me and waved at her.