
hell's scent

typical reincarnation story of a young man into jujutsu kaisen world with Chainsaw man powers, Makima’s, will he survive through the twisted plots made by gege ? I don't own those manga they belong to two mentally unstable authors who find fun in traumatising their fans.(fujimoto and Gege)

Ps_Zaki · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

chapter 7 : Goodwill Event

That boy is a monster.....

Anyway I changed lot of things

Enjoy !



Well let's say, she didn't like being called that

"What did you say ?"said in a clipped, abrupt manner.

"Oh-um..well nothing . I said nothing" practically stuttering from nervousness, I would not risk making a loli con get mad at me

"Good" sarcastically, probably still angry

"Get ur ass off here , and help this idiot " she ordered

"Yes ma'am !" As I picked up the half-conscious Todo and supported him to Shoko's office.

Mei Mei was sure not to be messed with , the girl had a unwavering demeanour with a steady gaze and a sexy body. God what a sight ! But that one scene just keeping getting to my head whenever I see her ,We We and Mei Mei perfect Alabama family figure.

I went to my dorm after dropping Todo off at the cigarette addict office, tomorrow the event will start and so excited to meet that kamo, I forgot his name , but for my new found family to be looked down upon by a mere clan, I think the best revenge is to traumatise that clan's heir, I don't really know if I'll do it since I got no idea about the guy , whether he is a good person or not, My father was an illegitimate child or undirect bloodline, thus he was considered as a disgrace to the family , along with the rest of us. It's not like I care in the first place but I won't tolerate someone talking shit about my beloveds.

I won't interfere with Todo X Yuji fight against Hanami , that would be a great training for them , I'll probably just watch like usual , and I intend to try to summon the cross bow hybrid aka Quinxi , I was able to summon flamethrower successfully, now we shift to something even more powerful, having someone like Quinxi by my side is literally like fighting alongside Toji , I believe both of them are on equal terms when it comes to combat, though I do find toji stronger, but it doesn't mean that Quinxi is bad.

That lesbian chick is the Chainsaw man version of the sorcerer killer , Toji Fushiguru, but will I summon her in her hybrid form or normal one ? I summoned flamethrower in his hybrid form just like I summon the other curses , but what if I summon her by seance technique, the same that granny used to get toji's body , in shibuya arc incident, maybe by summoning both body and soul , I can get the makima squad to be my pets, Reze Katana and more , it'd be hella crazy.

Having my own damn squad , ready to fight for me , with their bodies and souls , ofc after I control them which is the easy part, I'll be unstoppable. Seance technique won't be such a bother since I'm a master at calling out any creature I once took control of, I can get to summon their hybrid form only by some use of and changes in the flow of cursed energy, or use seance technique to summon both body and soul, sounds too powerful.

Event day

Well The big day arrived, I dressed up real quick before dashing off to my team location, there won't be any ^ur dead friend^ suprise, as I reached the place , my eyes fell on the other students, The Goat Miwa was there , along Mai ,Todo, Mechamru and Noritoshi, anyway rules were clear to not kill anyone ,but we all know they want to kill Yuji except for Todo , they can't because of the plot armor that Yuji has.


Spirit Bash Race is won by the team that exorcises the Grade 2 cursed spirit first, or whichever team exorcises the most spirits before sunset. After the short explanation, each team is given a short break to meet with their teammates before the event begins at noon.

Well I could hear very well how the rest of useless sorcerer are planning to murder Yuji , by simply attacking all at once, little to say they all are idiots , thanks to the crows around campus, in our team meeting, Yui was questioned about his abilities, and couldn't stop saying how easy the win is .

"Guys I can take all the idiots by myself! " I kept repeating

I only received a kick from Maki and glares from the rest

"The GLORY IS ALL MINE " they all gave me a synced up ^shut up^

Round one begins

As usual I just kept tormenting Noritoshi, the boy brought even blood supplies all to kill Yuji , based on his thoughts and beliefs, he sees me as nothing but disgrace to the kamo clan.


Aki wanted his way with Noritoshi, after telling Megumi to buzz off , Noritoshi went on using every blood technique possible

[Flowing Red Scale]

The tension in the air was palpable as Aki and Noritoshi faced off in the dimly lit dojo ( au,note : i mean the hall they fought in ). Aki, the seasoned martial artist, exuded an aura of confidence and control, while Noritoshi, the challenger, tried to mask his growing unease.

Without warning, Aki launched into a flurry of strikes, his movements fluid and precise. He opened with a series of lightning-fast jabs, forcing Noritoshi to backpedal and struggle to find his footing. Sensing an opportunity, Aki followed up with a devastating roundhouse kick that caught Noritoshi square in the chest, sending him reeling. Aki couldn't help but keep teasing him

"Aww, that's all u got ?" Sarcastically.."how does it feel being beaten by someone u consider a disgrace? What a shame !" Ending it with a smirk.

Furious, Noritoshi attempted to counter with a series of wild punches, but Aki easily evaded each one, his superior footwork and reflexes on full display. With a swift sidestep, Aki grabbed Noritoshi's outstretched arm and executed a textbook judo throw, slamming his opponent to a nearby tree with a resounding thud.

[Crimson binding] Another failed attempt to catch Aki by using the blood he had, Aki just cut it with slap of his palms

As Noritoshi lay there, gasping for breath, Aki loomed over him, a slight smirk playing on his lips. "Tired already? Man ur so weak !" he taunted, before delivering a series of precise strikes to Noritoshi's midsection, each one eliciting a pained grunt from the Kamo man.

The one-sided battle continued, with Aki toying with Noritoshi, showcasing his mastery of various martial arts disciplines and pointing out how he didn't use any cursed energy in this fight ,leaving his opponent helpless to mount any meaningful resistance.

But suddenly their game was interrupted by Mahito 's group , with a curtain forming, Hanami lunged at the two kamo boys with a piercing roots that took them by suprise, as they rose from the ground.

Noritoshi was caught off guard unlike the yawning Aki who knew all along this would happen.

Aki just dodged the attacks and watched the sorcerers trying their best to kill Hanami,he looked bored before saying in a tone that everyone heard

"Everyone stop fighting, that's an order "

To everyone shock but Hanami , they stopped fighting unwilling, like their body didn't respond to them , of course Aki sees himself superior to them thus he controlled them easily, they all looked surprised upon realising that Aki was behind this wierd phenomenon.

He looked at their hardened expressions before saying

"I just got bored watching yall suffering, hey Hanami !" The curse seemed surprised that this boy knows his name

"You better gimme a good fight !" Said Aki

[Blood edge: one tera of blood]

A rain of sharp blood dagger launching at him from all directions, he managed to avoid most of them but got hit in the process, that didn't seem to bother the curse since he regenerated real quick

"Wow I love the spirit !" Said Aki while holding blood spear , throwing it at the curse whom just dodged it and lunged at Aki , they both traded blows before the ugly paint pulled a technique

[Disaster plant]

A technique allows them to manifest the illusions of cursed plants into reality. While they appear to be manipulating its cursed energy, they are actually creating the cursed plants they control with cursed energy. Any plant or wood attack can be erased from reality just as quickly as it's manifested.In other words, that was nothing Aki couldn't handle, the red-haired guy pulled a 10 years sword from a halo that appeared above his head.

Quickly destroying the illusion with ease then with a supersonic speed , thanks to his immense [Flowing red scal] , he cuts off the curse's hand and left limb, as he stood behind the injured plant , roots emerged from the ground swiftly piercing his left side in addition to his left getting ripped off.

The students tried their best to break free from the control and help the boy , but they couldn't, just stood there watching their friend bleeding immensely, yet with a grin on his face that confused them.

Both the curse and the boy regenerated quickly, but of course Aki was faster , he immediately pointed at the plant'roots that was launching towards him and


The roots exploded entirely, and the curse got injured in the stomach since he was standing behind the roots where Aki pointed.

[Cursed bud]

Hanami launched buds that feed on the cursed energy of whoever it attaches to. The more techniques the person uses, the deeper its roots will extend into their bodies. Hanami also created a giant flower that spawns a barrage of cursed buds.

Aki took one look at the bud attached to his shoulder, grined then sliced off the part infected, healing after the act , he sighed then went on a hand to hand combat with the curse.

Aki, grinning from ear to ear, faced off Hanami in a fierce hand-to-hand combat. Despite Hanami's overwhelming physical strength and experience as special grade curse, Aki's quick reflexes, nimble movements, and strategic thinking gave him the upper hand. Aki expertly dodged Hanami's powerful strikes, countering with a series of lightning-fast jabs and kicks that caught the wacko plant off guard. Hanami's attempts to overpower Aki were futile, as the boy seamlessly evaded and retaliated, ultimately delivering a decisive blow that left Hanami stunned and deeply injured since the blow pierced through him, the huge difference in their skills on full display, amazing and reassuring the watching team mates , they were able to talk,move but can do nothing related to fighting, they tried multiple times especially Yuji who wanted to help desperately.

Throughout the entire fight ,Aki kept teasing Hanami and showing off to his friends

"Haha the guy is so weak guys , sorry I had all the fun " the others replies were only cuss words

"So mother nature fan , wanna take this to a new level? " With an evil smile

Hanami was so stressed since he wasn't doing any real attack that affected the boy , in frustration he used his domain

[Domain expansion:Ceremonial Sea of Light]

Aki humed as he looked at his friends who got caught in the domain, during the fight whenever Hanami tried attacking them , there were this invisible force that blocked it , probably the ghost devil was summoned all along.

The sorcerer just put his hands behind his back and started staring at the domain, while Hanami made some cringe evil laugh.

"guaranteed-hit ability of the domain is the beam that is charged with Hanami's left arm " explaining to his friends, who don't know how to feel about this anymore

'Hanami attempted to expand their domain during their fight against Aoi and Yuji after they charged the flower on their shoulder with cursed energy. However, this was interrupted when the curtain keeping out Gojo was dispelled' Aki thought to himself before making his move , with a finger snap position he declared

[Domain expansion: Hell's scent]

His domain easily overpowered Hanami's which cause him to feel immense pain, Hanami could only see up side down in Aki's domain

"Your domain lack many things Hanami , *looked at his friends* yall free "

With that they could feel power over their bodies again, and they weren't happy about Aki controlling them

"Sorry , but I really wanted to fight him ~" said with a silly smile as Maki gave him some quick beating before her attention being shifted to his domain, they were on the grassy part while Hanami was on the featureless one.

He seemed scared , weak , starts bleeding, panting , really miserable...

" My domain allows me to have full control on my target, wether mentally or physically, just being here damages their brain so they can't use any technique, fill them with fear, stress unease and more strong emotions." As he explained

"What about those doors" asked Maki while the others wandered through the fields like idiots , grinning and laughing

"I can summon curses to do the work but No need " as he shrugged and went up to the near death curse

" I grew a mold in his heart and intestines, even if he regenerated , it won't stop the bleeding.." cold face that sent shiver up to their spines.

With that, he summoned a huge blade that fell from one of the doors , and with one wield , the curse was dead , torn into pieces...

The domain disappeared as Aki disactivated it , meeting Satoru , Utahime and the old man who were waiting.

Aki smiled and said "Now back to Yuji's assassins " said with a smirk....


End of the chapter

Till next one !

Miwa can solo them all

Ps_Zakicreators' thoughts