
hell's scent

typical reincarnation story of a young man into jujutsu kaisen world with Chainsaw man powers, Makima’s, will he survive through the twisted plots made by gege ? I don't own those manga they belong to two mentally unstable authors who find fun in traumatising their fans.(fujimoto and Gege)

Ps_Zaki · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

chapter 4: Adatchi exorcise pt1




Today's chapter features a character that I made up ,


Chapter kind short , will do better next time.



As I looked at the sunrise through the window, my eyes all red from the crying of last night, I decided to move on and get to the acceptance stage of this grief. I tried to convince myself by saying this is cringe and watched some cat videos, then had my breakfast before heading towards the training ground. Satoru was supposed to teach me RCT today.

The idiot was an hour late, yet I didn't point that out. I was too tired for this shit. He noticed my bad mood and asked about it.

"Why the ugly face? Did you not get enough sleep?" he asked.

"Shut the fuck up and just explain this thing already," I replied.

He looked a bit surprised but unbothered by my behavior. He started explaining, "Reverse cursed technique processes negative energy into positive energy by taking two sources of cursed energy and multiplying them by one other. As a result, the energy that destroys becomes energy that creates, and negative energy becomes positive. Despite sounding simple enough, producing positive energy is extremely complex and difficult to perform for most jujutsu users."

"Okay," I replied with a nod.

As I tried doing what Satoru instructed, I kept failing miserably. It was so hard for me to combine energy and focus it on a wound. Satoru seemed patient as he confessed that he couldn't perform it until he was at the verge of death. It's not like I didn't know that. 'What if I have to live a near-death experience to break my limits?' That thought kept ringing inside my head all the time.

After two hours of trying RCT, Satoru could tell that something was off and I wasn't in the mood for any of this shit, so he dismissed me.

I went to the training ground to meet with the trio. Today we were supposed to receive a mission, and I would probably be paired up with Inumaki, the autistic blond.

Honestly, I don't like him that much since he was useless and didn't have much screen time in the manga. Still, cursed speech is something definitely overpowered. Can't he just tell the curse to die? He probably can. It's only him and Yuta who copied his technique that were shown using this technique. Yet, jujutsu sorcerers can protect themselves from a cursed speech by manipulating the flow of cursed energy to their brain's section that controls ear function. This allows them to prevent words and commands from the cursed speech, or at least the curse energy which reinforces those commands, from being registered and executed.

Also the bigger the command or the word ,the severe side effects, but can't he just tell himself to heal ? I really don't know anymore, he better grab some cough syrup or medicine, I will also take some blood for reinforcement and we should be okay,as long we don't encounter some crazy sorcerer.

As I arrived , the instructor went on telling about the mission , the summary: some odd stuff happening in adatchi high school, we have to go and interrogate.



We both said , well apart from the fact that inumaki is basically mute in a way , still I kinda understand him to a certain level , maybe ?

We arrived at the school at 7 pm , it was typical anime Japanese high school, it was dark in there.

"I'll deal with the second floor , you with the first, alr?"


That was supposed to be a yes , still don't care if it weren't, this wierdo looked like loli pop while walking , big head with small body.

As I looked through the empty classrooms seeking for something suspicious, it was so calm and pure silence wore the place, the second floor ended with the toilets, so I went in to wash my face. As I stared at my reflection in the mirror, a vision came.

I saw myself in a place blurred, Inumaki unconscious in my hands, while a figure from across a lake, of a man in black clothes, seemed to be mocking me. I couldn't figure out what was that place because it was clearly not this damned high school.

I wanted to summon the future devil (curse) and ask him but he wouldn't answer and it'll take some energy to do it. I just kept recalling the scene in my head, while the sound of water dripping since I didn't close the sink well.

I started to get nervous, Inumaki was unconscious or dead, I really couldn't tell. Additionally, what the hell was that place and that man? My mind was in chaos, but the loud sound of a crash on the first floor brought me back to reality.

I immediately went down using the stairs.

[Flowing red scal]

[Crimson binding](transferring the blood I brought into a dager and a widespread net that can catch things when throw it)

When I went down , there I saw it , a mix of cock roach and spider , with ten eyes and mouthes , plus baby spider curses underneath it, so ugly I felt like throwing up, why the Heck was I even here in the first place, inumaki was there standing before the creature like some mc shit pose , he lowered his collar the said

[Cursed speech :get crushed]

The mini spiders got crushed unlike the main curse who faced it like nothing, I quickly threw that blood widespread net at it before it launch at us some green liquid that was definitely poisonous.

The creature freed himself easily then marched at us in full speed , and it was damn scary.

"Don't move" said the blond, the creature stopped and I knew it was my sign.

[Blood edge: one tera of blood]

With multiple thousands of sharp blood weapons was launched at the curse , from different directions, killing it on the spot.

"Well this was easy"

We looked at each other in silence then we felt a strange presence , I walked up to the window only to see a man in a black uniform staring at us , like some kind of movie psychopath.

Me and toge quickly jumped from the window, landing before the sorcerer,we looked at him before he pointed at us saying.

"You should not have interfered with my plans"

"Shut up , wierdo" I yelled

The guy pulled some antagonist laughter before summoning some bigass fly , this also was ugly af.

The fly shot some liquid that we couldn't avoid, it didn't not affect me but it was not the case for toge , his face got pale .


The curse died , and the man looked at bit amused , I swear this anime evil thing is so twisted.the man lunged at me in full speed , we traded blows and boy he was an expert, I couldn't block most of that attacks, he just kicked my ass , even sent toge flying when the other tried to interfere


The man has a thing for cock roaches that's for sure , cause he just summoned


I knew this cursed spirit , it is a special grade cursed spirit born from humanity's fear for cockroaches. It was summoned by Kenjaku to participate in the Culling Game as a player.It could produce and control swarms of real cockroaches reinforced by its cursed energy that could strip all the flesh off a group of humans in seconds, and it wielded the Festering Life Sword cursed tool. It was exorcised twice by Yuta, having survived its first exorcism by reviving itself through its offspring produced through parthenogenesis.

Boy no this was too much and where tf is toge at .

I need also back up

[Summon: Guillotine]

[Summon: mantis] ( A cursed spirit that can slash nd cut from long range , its main cursed technique is to strike targets with poisonous slashes that can affect the flow of cursed energy in the brain , causing the target to not be able to use certain techniques)

Summoning mantis made me a bit weak since its a special grade , it caused me some nosebleed , it was no biggie.

I was so relieved when I spotted toge , returning to the scene , he used some cough medicine, we needed that.

Before Kurourushi lunged at me with his cursed sword , I managed to Summon a heavenly sword with ten years of lifespan.

*3rd person POV*

Aki blocked the attack , but he was shot in the shoulder by its projectiles, causing insect curses to burst out of the wound. Aki figured the weapon could fire projectiles, but he wasn't expecting to be cursed with insects that further injured him.

Still he was healing but rather slowly, they kept wielding swings at each other, Guillotine was able to land multiple hits at the sursed spirit , but it was useless, it summoned thousands of cockroaches that attacked Guillotine, while he kept fighting with aki. Toge and mantis were dealing with the sorcerer, once toge used his technique to stop the enemies from moving , mantis landed a his at the curse user , though he managed to break free from the cursed speech by changing the flow in his brain yet it still got damaged.

Due to toge's help, aki was able to cut the curse's arm since he also wasn't that much affected with the blonde's technique.

The cockroaches were able to occupy Guillotine completely, as Kurourushi managed to cut aki's arm , upon seeing his arm dispatched , aki knew he had to end this quickly, his arm regenerated quickly.

[Blood edge : one tera of blood]

The spirit was moving quickly to dodge the sharp blood rain , Guillotine pushed him towards aki with a swing of his wings.

[Cursed technique: piercing blood]

Kurourushi was cut and destroyed to pieces since aki used all the blood he had , as he turned to the other fight , he saw mantis trying to stabb the sorcerer while he dodged his attacks with amusement playing on his face , the useless partner was unconscious, aki went up to him , lifted him on his back and tried running away from the scene, while mantis dealt with the sorcerer.

Mantis was able to stop the sorcerer from summoning more spirits , and then used his technique

[Simple domain:swamp of poison] (Swamps consist of shallow bodies of discolored poisonous Water filled with Lily Pads, discolored grass, and oak trees covered in Vines)

The sorcerer immediately used his anti-domain technique.

[Falling blossom emotion]

His body become immune to the poison effect thus he wanted to end this boring fight.He used RCT on his brain then kept dodging mantis attacks so he could heal then.

[Maximum : uzumaki] ( A technique that combines any number of cursed spirits in the user's possession into one and hits the target with a blast of supercondensed cursed energy.)

He strikes the mantis with it , ending the fight. As he looked around searching for the two students , it was pure chaos with any trace of them , but he started to follow their remaining cursed energy,


'WTH was that ' As ran for my life , trying to use RTC on the unconscious boy on my back ,' I wish I took my training seriously, that man was no ordinary, and I'm so exhausted '

I stooped in fear to see the man standing right before me , 'did he teleporte,did he follow us ? But why ? Why the hell he is after us!'

" eh~ well hello there " I said in a shaky tone

"Going anywhere" he replied with a smirk

"Yes please , leave us alone"

"So u can go and inform jj tech about what you encountered , I don't think so"

With that he made a wierd sign with his hands , and I knew I was fucked up

[Domain expansion: desert of emotions]

I was there trapped in his domain , a huge desert with a big oasis in the middle, light burning sun , you can see nothing.

Then the dunes started moving and a big scorpion appeared rising from the sand, it was a terrifying view , yet it looked familiar.

[Cursd technique: choke]

[Cursed technique:Lifespan absorption]

I fixed the scorpion with ghost devil hands nd tried to kill it by absorbing its lifespan, a chain connects between us , the sorcerer seemed intrigued by my technique and kept staring, exactly what I wanted but to my displeased ass , the chain broke and I only adsorbed 100 years of its life , it weakened it a bit , plus the ghost devil hands aren't working anymore.

This was my end as I looked at its metastoma (scorpion tail) landing at me , exactly like my vision without the scorpion part. The sorcerer smirking, why was he so into this villain role, so cringe af.

Never thought I'd encounter such moments and toge shouldn't get killed , this wasn't in the original, I'll probably survive the strike but can he ?

But then it came to my mind .....


End of chapter

Holy shit Quanxi is backckkk

ASA found out the truuuuth

What a chapppptee