
hell's scent

typical reincarnation story of a young man into jujutsu kaisen world with Chainsaw man powers, Makima’s, will he survive through the twisted plots made by gege ? I don't own those manga they belong to two mentally unstable authors who find fun in traumatising their fans.(fujimoto and Gege)

Ps_Zaki · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 12 : Dungeon Arc, pt 3

Gambling is haram guys ! Don't try it , it's like a drug, Gambling can lead to financial ruin, addiction, and personal problems. Avoid it, and instead focus on building a secure financial future.

A passage in capital letters means the character is screaming or shouting

That's all , Enjoy !



Aki was still confused, his eyes scanning the place, cursed spirits with human forms, shouting playing swearing and more importantly, gambling ?

Suddenly, a fancy looking man, in a white suit, red tie, with a huge hat that was covering his face, approached Aki.

In a fancy tone He said "Greetings, esteemed guest! Allow me to extend a most cordial welcome on behalf of our illustrious establishment. " he bowed

"It is with the utmost pleasure that I, your humble host, shall endeavor to attend to your every need and ensure your visit is one of unparalleled splendor. " still bowed, his face can't be seen." He stopped bowing and man, he had a face of a freaking fly.

'it's got these big ol' bulging eyes that can see in, like, a gazillion directions at once. The schnoz is just a straight-up proboscis, ready to stick into anything and suck it up. And the mouth? It's basically just a bunch of tiny lil' teeth and a tongue for slurpin' up that sweet, sweet nectar.' Aki thought to himself, holding in his disgusted face.

"As you grace us with your presence, kindly permit me to be your guide through the refined ambiance of our casino, where Lady Luck herself seems to smile upon the discerning patrons." The flyaman kept saying, but he took the boy's new found sword, and just throw it in a nearby basket. The redhead was mad, but just wanted where this is going...

As the man followed Aki, they wander through the tables and games, air filled with the scent of Cooper, they were using it as coins apparently.

"I remain at your service, dear guest, *clears throat*

Now, pray tell, what manner of thrilling game of chance might pique your interest this fine day? Shall it be the alluring spin of the roulette wheel, the captivating dance of the cards at the blackjack table, or perhaps the tantalizing roll of the dice that shall capture your imagination?

Whatever your preference, I can assure you that our casino offers a veritable cornucopia of opportunities for the sophisticated gambler such as yourself to indulge your passions and test your mettle against Lady Luck herself.

And what, pray tell, might be the object of your wager, good sir? Shall it be the gleaming balde, the shimmering jewels, or perhaps the thrill of the chase that shall be your prize? Rest assured, our establishment is more than prepared to accommodate your every whim and fancy.

I await with bated breath to learn of your chosen game and the stakes you wish to pursue, for-" he was cut off by the boy's groan

"For god sake, can you stop speaking in a such way ! Use some abbreviations and get straight to the point! " sighed the boy in rudeness.

"Esteemed guest, I must humbly apologize for any inadvertent impropriety in my previous discourse. It was not my intention to offend your refined sensibilities. Please accept my sincerest contrition." Apologised the poor fly

"Augh.. here we go again.. " Frowned the boy. As they wandered through the place, the sorcerer was seeking a game he is familiar with, he decided to bet on his new balde, but which game should he choose, the boy never gambled before even in his ex life.

There was one game that caught his attention and the participants seemed pretty dumb, Indian poker !

Each group of 4 plays with a 40 card deck with all the jokers and face cards removed. The dealer will pass out the first card, which players may look at. A second card will then be dealt, which the player may not look at, and has to place on their forehead. The strongest match is a pair, where the numbers match, the next strongest is a suit, which is self-explanatory, and the weakest is a pig, where neither number nor suit match. If multiple players have the same hand then the largest number wins.

Each player is given ten chips, which add up to the total of their wager, so unlike normal poker, it isn't the amount of chips that matters but how much the sum of them is. The value of each chip is 1/10 of their owner's full wagers value. The game takes place over 10 turns, and each player needs to play at least one chip in each round to participate.. Players may only bet up to 5 chips at once.

Cheating by using cursed techniques is prohibited.

In order to get to the next level, Aki has to win attest two matches. And he better find a teammate...

He turned to the man that was following him, for a while, gave him up-and-down looks, then proceeds to say

"Mmm...is there a rule that says you can't be my partner?" He asked

"I beg your finest pardon!?? .... no there isn't....." the man was kind of surprised to hear the boy's question.

"Then BE MINE ! "


A cursed candle that had been lit, having the effect of Jacob's Ladder, as known as technique extinguishment, to stop any cheating.

His opponents were Jun and Nanami, both curses that took animal forms, wolves, though gender unknown.

It was a tense atmosphere as the four players, Jun, Aki, Nanami, and Fly, gathered around the table for their high-stakes card game. The dealer swiftly dealt the first card to each player, which they were allowed to look at. However, the second card was placed on their foreheads, hidden from their own view.

ROUND 1 began with Jun revealing his public card - a 9 of clubs. His expression oozed confidence as he placed his [2 of diamonds] on his forehead. Aki's public card was a 7 of clubs, and he eagerly awaited the reveal of his [4 of hearts]. Nanami's public card was a 3 of spades, and she regarded it with an air of indifference, her [5 of hearts] also a mystery. Fly, the picture of composure, had an 8 of clubs as his public card, his [10 of hearts] concealed.

Jun and Nanami were secretly using a card positioning tactic to try and cheat and help Jun win. They would position their cards slightly to the right for clubs, straight up for spades, left for diamonds, and face down with a slide for hearts, in order to signal the value of their hidden cards to each other.

Jun, his arrogance palpable, bet one chip. Nanami, her features unreadable, called with one chip. Aki, his excitement palpable, also called with one chip. Fly, his demeanor calm, folded. The hands were revealed, and it was Jun who emerged victorious, his pair of [2 of diamonds and 9 of clubs] proving the strongest, thanks to the cheating tactic he and Nanami had employed.

ROUND 2 commenced, and this time, all the players' [private cards] remained hidden. Nanami, her expression haughty, bet one chip. Aki, his enthusiasm undimmed, folded. Fly, his composure unwavering, also folded. Jun, his confidence unshaken, raised the stakes with four chips, causing Nanami to concede defeat. Jun's smug grin widened as he claimed another round, his cheating tactics continuing to pay off.

ROUND 3 began, and this time, all the players were on high alert, aware of Jun and Nanami's previous cheating tactics. The dealer swiftly dealt the cards, and the players placed their second cards on their foreheads.

Jun and Nanami exchanged a subtle glance, and Aki noticed them discreetly moving their hands under the table. 'Uh-oh, these two weirdos are up to something sus again,' he thought, his eyes narrowing.

Jun's public card was a 5 of hearts, and he carefully positioned his [7 of clubs] on his forehead. Nanami's public card was a 2 of diamonds, and she mirrored Jun's positioning, placing her [3 of spades] on her forehead.

Aki, determined to catch the cheaters, revealed his public card - a 9 of clubs. His [Jack of hearts] remained hidden, but he was ready to pounce on any suspicious behavior. 'Alright, let's see what kind of low-key shenanigans these two are trying to pull off now,' he thought, his gaze fixed on their hands.

Fly, his expression unreadable, had a 4 of spades as his public card, his [Ace of diamonds] concealed.

Jun, undeterred by the heightened scrutiny, bet two chips. Nanami, her features calm, called his bet. Aki, his eyes narrowed, also called, while Fly, his composure unwavering, folded.

Aki watched closely as Jun and Nanami subtly moved their fingers under the table, seemingly communicating with each other. 'Deadass, they're using their fingers to swap chip values or something. Nice try, but you're not fooling me, you sneaky little rats!'

The hands were revealed, and to Jun and Nanami's dismay, Aki's [Jack of hearts] proved to be the strongest, beating their [7 of clubs] and [3 of spades] pair. Aki's triumphant grin was a testament to his vigilance and the downfall of the cheaters' tactics.

'Aw, what's the matter, you two? Looks like your little finger dance didn't work out so well, huh?' Aki said, his tone dripping with amusement.


As the cards were dealt, Aki carefully observed the dealer's shuffling and card distribution techniques. His eyes narrowed, meticulously tracking every movement.

"Aha, I see what you're doing there," Aki muttered under his breath, a sly grin spreading across his face. He turned to Fly, his trusted teammate, and whispered something inaudible to the others.

Fly's eyes widened momentarily, but then he nodded in understanding, a subtle smile forming on his lips.

Jun bet four chips, and Nanami, without hesitation, called his bet. Aki, his brow furrowed in deep concentration, paused for a moment before decisively pushing all of his chips into the center of the table.

"I'm going all-in," he declared, his voice steady and confident.

Jun and Nanami exchanged a puzzled look, unsure of Aki's sudden and risky move. Fly, on the other hand, calmly matched Aki's bet, his faith in his teammate unwavering.

"Alright, let's see what you've got," Aki said, his gaze fixed on Jun and Nanami.

Reluctantly, Jun and Nanami revealed their cards - a [8 of hearts] for Jun and a [5 of spades] for Nanami.

Aki's lips curled into a triumphant grin. "As I suspected. Fly, show them your cards."

Fly, without hesitation, revealed his [Queen of clubs], eliciting gasps from Jun and Nanami.

"You see, I noticed the dealer's subtle tells when shuffling the deck. I calculated the odds, and I knew that Fly's [Queen of clubs] would be the strongest hand," Aki explained, his voice brimming with confidence.

Fucking math, Who thought P(a) and all that was useful!

He then dramatically revealed his own [King of diamonds], sealing his team's victory.

"Better luck next time, LOSERS ! Looks like your little tricks weren't enough to outsmart the great Aki!" he exclaimed, his laughter echoing through the room.

Jun and Nanami could only stare in disbelief, their jaws dropped, as Aki and Fly collected the massive pot, their teamwork and Aki's keen analytical skills proving to be the decisive factors in this round.

The boy started dancing in celebration, shaking his mate, singing

"WE WON WHOHOO! *dances*..., CALI-FOR-NIA GILZ WERE UNFORGETTABLE, DAISY-" he was cut by the fly's "shut up"

"Boy we were unstoppable! I shall give you the honor of this win, Man!" Aki was practically flying with joy, like he just won the lottery.

"Thanks G" replied the fly

"What ? -"

"You were a real one fr Aki" cut him off

"what ?" The boy was confused why he was talking this way

"What ?" Repeatedthe spirit

"Wha-what was that ?"

"What, what was what ?"

"That just now, what you said ?" Confused

"Oh, my lingo?" He could tell the fly was smirking

"??????" Blinked the redhead

"I'm just trying to be hip" confident look

"OK, then"



after a moment of awkward stares, the cursed thing broke the silence


"what ?"












"you are talking with abbreviations now, want to bring me another bad review"


"sir, could you please get back to your senses"

"I offer my most humble apologies."

They laughed after this wierd discussion, totally unbothered by the others presence.

In a desperate attempt to win, their opponents clarified that thay made a third side bet, its like a bet on a bet, the bet was that they would win in the first round, which was accomplished.

So now, another third side was made, both parties bet on themselves, whoever wins a fight, win the bet, thus making the boy level up.

Of course he accepted the match.... though fly was kinda of a problem.


bruh, this guy was so stubborn, I kept pleading and begging but it was no use, he said he can't since it was against the rules, but I managed to convince him eventually, just to attend the fight like decoration so I can accept the bet, and level up quickly, no way I he'll I'd gamble again.

I had to 2v1 them, still, I don't mind it, it'll be more fun then.

The fights started, we were displaced to a big arena, the two gains me while Fly just stood watching.

The two spirits smirked

[Cursed techniques: Cursed Bank] (au,note :To explain how it works you got to understand how a bank makes money. A bank makes money by giving some money and putting an interest rate. )

[Cursed technique: Cursed Reality]

I just watched as Jun and Nanami were unleashing their cursed techniques, glowing white, I did so too, after all I was not a fraud.

[Use: 30 years]

This time I summoned a huge crossbow that shots arrows, that quadruple with energy, took a fighting stance then


A bunch of arrows were shot, Nanami break through them with punches while Jun called out a wall that blocked them.

I lunged at them, bad decision to make with a crossbow in hand, I only received a series of punches that got stronger after getting exactly 15.

Another reinforcement technique...

I returned the favored, by a simple smile and shot 100 arrows that had reversal energy.

They were cursed spirits after all. But to my dismay, Jun called out a sticky bomb that was stuck to bow after dropping it while fighting Jun, can't lift it up now or I'll explode.

Jun, known for reality technique, allows him to call out things by using cursed nergy,steps forward first, summoning a glowing katana from thin air. He swings the blade with precision, forcing Aki to dodge and weave.

Aki ducks under a horizontal slash from the katana, then launches himself into the air, spinning his body and unleashing a devastating axe kick that forces Jun to block with the flat of his blade. As Jun staggers back, Aki follows up with a series of rapid-fire strikes, his fists a blur as he pounds away at Jun's defenses.

Nanami, hanging back, observes the exchange with a calculating gaze. Suddenly, her eyes flash with determination, and with each strike she lands on Aki, her strength seems to grow exponentially, like an interest rate compounding over time. At first, the increase is subtle, but soon Nanami's blows become more powerful, forcing Aki to work harder to defend against the onslaught.

Seeing an opportunity, Aki creates some distance and reaches above his head, his halo, pulling out a sleek, high-tech bow. He nocks an arrow and lets it fly, the projectile streaking towards Jun with blinding speed. Jun barely manages to deflect the arrow with his katana, but Aki is already firing off a volley of shuriken, (the razor-sharp ninja stars) whirling through the air towards both his opponents, reinforced by enormous amount of cursed energy.

Nanami and Jun are forced to dodge and weave, their focus diverted from their relentless assault on Aki. Seizing the moment, Aki charges forward, unleashing a flurry of strikes and kicks, his movements a blur as he overwhelms his foes.

Jun, not to be outdone, begins to summon a variety of fantastical weapons – a spiked mace, a whirling shuriken, and even a towering war hammer. Aki struggles to keep up with the barrage of attacks, his movements becoming more desperate as he tries to find an opening. Aki just uses his most casual technique

[Blood edge: one tera of blood]

As it poured blood-sharp-tools, it was merely a distraction since the blood was a pretty weak attack against such creatures.

Just when it seems Aki is about to be overwhelmed, he taps into a deep well of inner focus, his strikes becoming more precise and his footwork more agile. He manages to land a series of devastating strikes, his fists pounding against Jun's unreal weapons, shattering them one by one.

In a final, climactic exchange, Aki deftly disarms Jun, sending his unreal weapons clattering to the floor. Nanami, her strength now at its peak, lunges forward, unleashing a flurry of powerful strikes. Aki ducks and weaves, then counters with a powerful roundhouse kick that sends Nanami reeling.

"Nice technique, so basically, the more you hit the more you get exponentially stronger. Just like how bank rate interest works !" Faking an impressed tone.

[Cursed technique: Binding Loan]

(Nanami's technique allows him to take a loan of cursed energy, up to 80%, then use it as a massive blast in a supersonic speed)

As there was nothing to be seen because of the blinding lights that the blast made, Nanami was confident that she successfully finished me, so thought Jun, But I just dodged it.

That caught them by suprise, I just pulled my last card

[Use: 100 years]

A bloody looking spear that was summoned, I aimed it at them, they were exhausted from draining of their energy, easy win.


As the spear followed them, piercing through their flesh, winning the bet...


Sorry for late update, my house was burnt down ( ´-`)

Next chapter teaser : "Nah,I'd take backshot +Nah, I'd adapt " vs "Nah, I'm the one who lifted all behind"

See ya !

I love Eid's gateaux...

Ps_Zakicreators' thoughts